Official Portal Watch

Yeah, but not an ex

Yep, a couple 7th or 8th place finishes, give or take. What is that? 3 or 4 points per NCAA tournament? Don't think that's going to stir up a lot of excitement in this environment. And also don't think that's "so many more" points. To get "so many more" points we're going to need really high AA guys, not 7th or 8th placers. But I appreciatae your enthusiasm. :)
Cannon beat Schriever by a point the year he AA'd....just saying. And he was older. I'd like to Schriever gained a few points in the last 2 years of training.
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He didn't make 197 to do that. His talent is not the question, it's whether he has anything left at 197. One of the last times he was at 195 in highschool was the club duals a couple years ago where he got pinned by Kueter and then passed out in a match later in the day. He then went to 220 and killed Kueter at Fargo.
Good info…didn’t know that. He definitely looks too big for it now.
I don't like this game. It's gotta be Carroll. The exact same day he entered the portal, Ferrari posted that he's looking for a team. Just a coincidence?
According to the Flo transfer portal tracker, the remaining ASU wrestlers in are Corey Camden (Sophomore 141), Aidan Hernandez (Freshman 157), and Tristan Mascarenas (Graduate 125)
That is correct. I was thinking it is 60 days, but it is 30.

There has been no announcement about Carroll to ISU, for the record.

A guy who hasn’t wrestled in years, and not at all in college, who quit due to burnout and concussions = awesome.

A two time AA = meh


It may and probably should be a while. Parco signed on more than a month before he announced. This one could go longer.
Why in the hell would someone wait most of the summer to make the announcement? Going to be shipping around all summer for a better offer than ours?

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