Official Portal Watch

I am surprised that with the talk of Jacobi Teemer potentially coming what it means for Kennedy moving to 157.

No way you bring in Teemer if Kennedy is making the move or do you? Doesn’t make sense to me.

149: Parco
157: Teemer
165: Caliendo
174: Kennedy/Arnold
184: Brands

We may see the Kennedy/Arnold match up after all
I am surprised that with the talk of Jacobi Teemer potentially coming what it means for Kennedy moving to 157.

No way you bring in Teemer if Kennedy is making the move or do you? Doesn’t make sense to me.

149: Parco
157: Teemer
165: Caliendo
174: Kennedy/Arnold
184: Brands

We may see the Kennedy/Arnold match up after all
At this point, Kennedy is closer to being a full 174 than ever making 157.
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I am surprised that with the talk of Jacobi Teemer potentially coming what it means for Kennedy moving to 157.

No way you bring in Teemer if Kennedy is making the move or do you? Doesn’t make sense to me.

149: Parco
157: Teemer
165: Caliendo
174: Kennedy/Arnold
184: Brands

We may see the Kennedy/Arnold match up after all

Here’s what you’re missing: no one is talking about Kennedy cutting to 157.
Sorry for misunderstanding. I meant maybe check there for pre-official announcement scoop announcement, since Boom's posts have been more bust than boom.
You don’t trust Booms’s info but you do Mineo? I would trust the local 90 year old cashier lady at Casey’s gas station to have more reliable wrestling info than Mineo.
So is Nelson definitely going at 184? Last year, I think Gabe said that Nelson was beating him in the room. Brands has done a lot better at 174 than at 184. Any chance he might want to go 174? That would really create a logjam. Just wondering.
Maybe I missed something, but is there anything other than pure speculation (and Parco coming) that Teemer is specifically considering Iowa? I saw he was listed at 165 in the portal.
where did you see that at? I haven’t seen him listed in any portal yet.
Maybe I missed something, but is there anything other than pure speculation (and Parco coming) that Teemer is specifically considering Iowa? I saw he was listed at 165 in the portal.

No, there isn't.

So is Nelson definitely going at 184? Last year, I think Gabe said that Nelson was beating him in the room. Brands has done a lot better at 174 than at 184. Any chance he might want to go 174? That would really create a logjam. Just wondering.

Nelson will be 4 years removed from his last matches at 184 when he takes the mat at the 2025 NCAAs. Safe to say he's a different guy today.
Why in the hell would someone wait most of the summer to make the announcement? Going to be shipping around all summer for a better offer than ours?
That's up to the wrestler and besides the grad transfer portal isn't open yet, so why pre-announce prior to that? We sure aren't going to announce anything prior to the grad transfer portal opening up, because that wrestler can't officially sign on yet.
That's up to the wrestler and besides the grad transfer portal isn't open yet, so why pre-announce prior to that? We sure aren't going to announce anything prior to the grad transfer portal opening up, because that wrestler can't officially sign on yet.
Does grad transfer open up during August (Academic year)? That is the way I understood the new grad transfer rules.
So is Nelson definitely going at 184? Last year, I think Gabe said that Nelson was beating him in the room. Brands has done a lot better at 174 than at 184. Any chance he might want to go 174? That would really create a logjam. Just wondering.
Brands just said on FRL he is planning on going 174.
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Interesting listening to him on FRL he said we’ll see how it works out but if you ask me I’m going 174.

Brands just said on FRL he is planning on going 174.
So we have three guys at 174 and no 184...
Undersized Angelo and Riggins at 84. I don’t think there’s any chance Nelson is not the 184.
On the bright side, Riggins has had time and the frame to fill out to a full 184. Angelo would be better, but why waste a year to have true freshman undersized at a weight class when they have a redshirt to use, like we did with Gabe. Gabe is bigger than PK, has to cut to 174. If one has to go 184, Gabe makes more sense. Start eating and lifting a lot now.
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On the bright side, Riggins has had time and the frame to fill out to a full 184. Angelo would be better, but why waste a year to have true freshman undersized at a weight class when they have a redshirt to use, like we did with Gabe. Gabe is bigger than PK, has to cut to 174. If one has to go 184, Gabe makes more sense. Start eating and lifting a lot now.
Riggins, no. Hell no. Angelo needs to get on big bros program (or the PSU weight gain plan) to be an effective 184 this probably not.

Gabe may be bigger than PK but he's about a half-foot too short for 184...and may not want to be a 184. I know we have a family member on the board but if the coaches came to my top 10 recruit and said, you need to start eating and lifting so my nephew can have an 12th year on the team, I might start looking at portal options.
Looked very lean at 86kg so he could hold the extra lbs no problem
Agree, he may not have been full 189, but looked lean and I bet was at least 184. Also beat Sinclair, best 197 incoming freshman this year. Best lineup probably him 184, and if Caliendo doesn’t drop a weight, Gabe/PK battle for 174.
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Agree, he may not have been full 189, but looked lean and I bet was at least 184. Also beat Sinclair, best 197 incoming freshman this year. Best lineup probably him 184, and if Caliendo doesn’t drop a weight, Gabe/PK battle for 174.
Unfortunately not what they are saying in the other thread, but could be a bit of bait n switch, Nelson has a good sense of humor

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