scott forst is not a good coach

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Easy to understand why Nebbie fans posting here are optimistic. You have every right to be optimistic and Nebbie will likely take some big steps forward under Frost, possibly starting this Fall.

How could they not?

The question is: How big will those steps really be? Fans in Lincoln have incredibly high expectations that will never be met by any coach who plays by the rules. Look at the expectations by Michigan fans and how terribly difficult it has been to meet those expectations despite boatloads of money thrown at the program and at a series of supposedly great coaches. This at a prestigious university in a great college town (far superior to Lincoln) with tremendous football history AND immediate access to great recruits and all the advantages of built-in national media exposure.

Times have changed and Nebraska no longer has all the unique programmatic advantages it enjoyed during its heyday. What remains is the passionate fan base and the historical record.

Having said that, I suspect Nebraska will improve, maybe even quickly, but will also remain vulnerable to an unexpected defeat or two because they will be facing tough, proven competition in a league with few gimmes.

Let's say Nebbie finally wins the division. Then you've still got to get past the likes of Ohio State or Penn State or maybe Michigan or Michigan State. Nebraska's advantages--and they have a couple--pale in comparison with programs in high-population states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Michigan. Nebraska, in that sense, is more like Wisconsin or Iowa in terms of needing to develop talent because recruiting enough superior talent to win on talent alone is nigh impossible. In fact, they've had some talent (supposedly) but how far has it gotten them compared to fan expectations.

If even once in the next five years Frost finds a way to zoom past Wisconsin and others in the BIG West, it will be impressive. Add to that a victory in the BIG championship game and he will be a miracle worker. Win the national championship and he will be the the coaching miracle worker of all miracle workers. The whole will truly have exceeded the sum of its parts. Incredible. To achieve that while playing within the rules, Frost will have to have been better than Devany or Osborne.

Time will tell. I'm guessing Nebbie fans will end up sort of happy but disappointed, yet again, not because Frost didn't improve the program but rather by this biting reality: Things will never be as good as they were during the program's heyday.
I'm not sure you should be beating your chest for Iowa for putting up 56 on Nebraska. The defense gave up 40+ five times, surrendering 50+ in four of those games. The Huskers gave up 54, 56, and 56 in the last three games to Minnesota, Penn State, and Iowa. We clearly demonstrated we couldn't stop any team with a pulse. I'm honestly surprised it took you so long. Iowa and Nebraska were tied at 14 at halftime. Minnesota had Nebraska whipped by that time. They ran for almost 100 more yards on Nebraska than Iowa did. Pretty ho-hum.
You realize Iowa called off the dogs early in the 3rd. Ferentz could’ve hung 80 on Neb easy. Prob could’ve put 100 on the board if he was feeling mean that day!
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Easy to understand why Nebbie fans posting here are optimistic. You have every right to be optimistic and Nebbie will likely take some big steps forward under Frost, possibly starting this Fall.

How could they not?

The question is: How big will those steps really be? Fans in Lincoln have incredibly high expectations that will never be met by any coach who plays by the rules. Look at the expectations by Michigan fans and how terribly difficult it has been to meet those expectations despite boatloads of money thrown at the program and at a series of supposedly great coaches. This at a prestigious university in a great college town (far superior to Lincoln) with tremendous football history AND immediate access to great recruits and all the advantages of built-in national media exposure.

Times have changed and Nebraska no longer has all the unique programmatic advantages it enjoyed during its heyday. What remains is the passionate fan base and the historical record.

Having said that, I suspect Nebraska will improve, maybe even quickly, but will also remain vulnerable to an unexpected defeat or two because they will be facing tough, proven competition in a league with few gimmes.

Let's say Nebbie finally wins the division. Then you've still got to get past the likes of Ohio State or Penn State or maybe Michigan or Michigan State. Nebraska's advantages--and they have a couple--pale in comparison with programs in high-population states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Michigan. Nebraska, in that sense, is more like Wisconsin or Iowa in terms of needing to develop talent because recruiting enough superior talent to win on talent alone is nigh impossible. In fact, they've had some talent (supposedly) but how far has it gotten them compared to fan expectations.

If even once in the next five years Frost finds a way to zoom past Wisconsin and others in the BIG West, it will be impressive. Add to that a victory in the BIG championship game and he will be a miracle worker. Win the national championship and he will be the the coaching miracle worker of all miracle workers. The whole will truly have exceeded the sum of its parts. Incredible. To achieve that while playing within the rules, Frost will have to have been better than Devany or Osborne.

Time will tell. I'm guessing Nebbie fans will end up sort of happy but disappointed, yet again, not because Frost didn't improve the program but rather by this biting reality: Things will never be as good as they were during the program's heyday.

Good post. I don't disagree with most of what you said. I guess my one thought to add as discussion would be about your comment at the end. If you were a Husker fan, having lived through the experience of winning multiple national championships and many dominant seasons, would you think its a better move to surrender any hope of getting back to the point of being relevant nationally and simply bask in the "old glory days", or would you want to do whatever possible to try, even if it looks like a pipe dream to most, to get back to where the program once was and experience even one more national championship game or title? As an Iowa fan, what is more respectable response to see from the Nebraska fan base?
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Allot of Iowa fans who are saying we will fail again with Frost seem to feel our teams will be soft like they have the last three years.

I don’t agree with that.

I can guarantee one thing, Scott Frost’s teams will play tough, , both mentally and from a physical standpoint. How that translates into wins or losses has yet to be determined.

I don’t expect much next year with our road schedule, but I a am thinking we will start to see meaningful progress each year, and by year 3 or 4 we will be a threat to win the Division.
Honestly HJack, most Hawk fans would agree that Frost will move Nebraska back in the right direction to where Pelini had the huskers or better, who knows. We all knew that Riley was a terrible hire, and he would not be successful in the BIG. My personal issue is with the people who come here and think that Nebraska will simply step on and over Iowa on their way to the top, and we'll be powerless to stop them. We're all aware of what Nebraska did under Osborne in the big 8/12. To this point they've show little evidence that they can be a annual player in the west, let alone the BIG title. Maybe that day is coming, but don't think Frost won't have a fight on his hands from Wisky, Iowa, NWestern, hell maybe even Purdue and Minnesota, if their new coaches raise their teams to new heights.
Seems to be a lot of frightened Hawkeyes here hoping NU stays in the dumpster fire but deep down knowing it will get turned around...
Incorrect. We're not frightened. We're just tired of all the blathering from the same people who have been on here ever since Nebraska joined the BIG, telling us how you would dominate the division and league. They don't hand out that conference trophy because you can talk a good game. This isn't a forum for the debate team! Don't boar us to death with your hopeful chatter. Man up Nebraska, show us what you've got on the field!
Honestly HJack, most Hawk fans would agree that Frost will move Nebraska back in the right direction to where Pelini had the huskers or better, who knows. We all knew that Riley was a terrible hire, and he would not be successful in the BIG. My personal issue is with the people who come here and think that Nebraska will simply step on and over Iowa on their way to the top, and we'll be powerless to stop them. We're all aware of what Nebraska did under Osborne in the big 8/12. To this point they've show little evidence that they can be a annual player in the west, let alone the BIG title. Maybe that day is coming, but don't think Frost won't have a fight on his hands from Wisky, Iowa, NWestern, hell maybe even Purdue and Minnesota, if their new coaches raise their teams to new heights.

There are (unreasonable) people who think Nebraska somehow returns to national relevance in short time. Honestly, even if they do, its the staying power that I'm more concerned with. Where will Nebraska consistently perform.

Quick sidebar on Pelini - obviously his attitude brought a lot of attention on him, but the thing on the football field that really hurt him was that he refused to adjust on defense, and his recruiting was not nearly strong enough to continue to win 9-10+ games per year. Teams in the BIG had figured out how to expose his 2-high shell defense, which worked REALLY well in the Big 12 given the offenses in that league, but he refused to adjust to the schemes in the BIG that exposed his defense. The funny thing is that his defense relied on teams in the Big 12 being too impatient to take what the defense was giving them - 4-5 yards per carry - in favor of throwing the ball...and it worked. Once they got impatient, the defense was very effective. But nobody in the BIG wanted to throw the ball that much. As much as people want to talk about the obvious with Pelini, he had a really hard time adjusting to teams that committed to the run and wanted to pull a lot of linemen and move gap because his defenses were already normally disadvantaged in the box. Then moving gaps with pulling linemen further exascerbated that disadvantage if he didn't have dlinemen who could own the LOS.

Iowa, Northwestern, and Wisconsin are all solid programs who benefit from the continuity they have built. That's hard to replicate. It takes patience, and those programs will reap the benefits of that continuity for the foreseeable future of all else remains the same. I look forward to seeing Nebraska compete with all of them again on an annual basis. Not sure that will happen next year or the following, but I'm hopeful Frost will make these matchups much more competitive.

I think reasonable fans believe this will be a process. It's going to be one year at a time for a little while, hopefully with progress back toward being considered one of the West favorites every year. Maybe not winning it every year, but being one of the favorites.
There are (unreasonable) people who think Nebraska somehow returns to national relevance in short time. Honestly, even if they do, its the staying power that I'm more concerned with. Where will Nebraska consistently perform.

Quick sidebar on Pelini - obviously his attitude brought a lot of attention on him, but the thing on the football field that really hurt him was that he refused to adjust on defense, and his recruiting was not nearly strong enough to continue to win 9-10+ games per year. Teams in the BIG had figured out how to expose his 2-high shell defense, which worked REALLY well in the Big 12 given the offenses in that league, but he refused to adjust to the schemes in the BIG that exposed his defense. The funny thing is that his defense relied on teams in the Big 12 being too impatient to take what the defense was giving them - 4-5 yards per carry - in favor of throwing the ball...and it worked. Once they got impatient, the defense was very effective. But nobody in the BIG wanted to throw the ball that much. As much as people want to talk about the obvious with Pelini, he had a really hard time adjusting to teams that committed to the run and wanted to pull a lot of linemen and move gap because his defenses were already normally disadvantaged in the box. Then moving gaps with pulling linemen further exascerbated that disadvantage if he didn't have dlinemen who could own the LOS.

Iowa, Northwestern, and Wisconsin are all solid programs who benefit from the continuity they have built. That's hard to replicate. It takes patience, and those programs will reap the benefits of that continuity for the foreseeable future of all else remains the same. I look forward to seeing Nebraska compete with all of them again on an annual basis. Not sure that will happen next year or the following, but I'm hopeful Frost will make these matchups much more competitive.

I think reasonable fans believe this will be a process. It's going to be one year at a time for a little while, hopefully with progress back toward being considered one of the West favorites every year. Maybe not winning it every year, but being one of the favorites.
Thanks for your reasoned post. No problem having other fans come here if they make well thought out statements and show they have an idea what their talking about, and not just making up crap, or wishful thinking. :)
Thanks for your reasoned post. No problem having other fans come here if they make well thought out statements and show they have an idea what their talking about, and not just making up crap, or wishful thinking. :)
Thanks. There are good people here. I enjoy many of the solid Iowa posters, which, honestly, is why I come around. More good interactions than bad.
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No, Nebraska doesn't have everything that other "blue-blood" programs have...they are located in a poor recruiting area and in a generally cold weather climate. Other programs within the country and certainly the B10 have nice facilities too. Tradition only takes you so far as current recruits no little, to nothing, of their past. I'm not buying that Nebby will leap frog Wisconsin & Iowa, or perhaps not even Northwestern.

True but they overcame those obstacles in the 1990's didn't they? Living in a cold weather environment and a "Not-too-hot" recruiting footprint does not automatically mean you are not going to do well... As far as recruiting, you can look that up for yourself. In terms of rankings they do consistently recruit better then Iowa and Wisconsin... Too bad they don't know how to develop... I'm not getting on a Nebraska "Love fest" - trust me (I hate the Bugeaters) I'm just saying I think with the right Coach they can certainly be on the same level as Wisconsin or Michigan State based on the money they spend on their football program.
Luckily for us and other teams in the B1G, testing for steroids is much more prevalent today than it was then.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the steroid allegations from the late 1970s and 1980s?

If steroid testing wasn't prevalent back then, were Nebraska players the only players likely to be taking them?

What was the prevalence of steroid use in the program? Some folks want to talk like a few guys who use steroids means most of the team took them, which is silly to assume.

One thing that is widely known is that Nebraska was on the cutting edge of nutritional science and weight training programs that nobody else in at the college level was doing. As other programs implemented their own similar programs, this advantage slowly disappeared.
You're annoyed I'm not giving you as big of a pat on the back as you feel is deserved for Iowa hanging 50+ on that Husker defense last year. Iowa was simply the last team to do it. It was demonstrated pretty regularly that Nebraska were poorly coached and lacked toughness and athleticism to stop teams with any consistency.
Ironically though, this wasn't the dialog we heard from NU fans prior to the game. NU was going to put Iowa in it's place, and the year before was just an anomaly. THIS is why we enjoy reminding you of the score.
Ironically though, this wasn't the dialog we heard from NU fans prior to the game. NU was going to put Iowa in it's place, and the year before was just an anomaly. THIS is why we enjoy reminding you of the score.

Local poll on Omaha radio show........which would Husker fans rather have, and you can't have both - just one of them, between Iowa and Wiscy, next year which one would you rather win next year: 1) win at Wiscy, or ...2) win at Iowa.

65% of fans chose they'd rather win at Wiscy rather than win at Iowa.

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I think every Husker fan wants to win big and be dominant again. Once you experience how that feels, you never really lose the desire to return to it, even if other fan bases try to shame you for it. But the first step is to actually be competitive. Why is it silly to want to compete for the division again first?
I'm hearing that some husker players are suffering from rhabdo (overuse of muscles in training, etc), that's going to hurt the program:)
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Local poll on Omaha radio show........which would Husker fans rather have, and you can't have both - just one of them, between Iowa and Wiscy, next year which one would you rather win next year: 1) win at Wiscy, or ...2) win at Iowa.

65% of fans chose they'd rather win at Wiscy rather than win at Iowa.


It should be closer to 90 percent want to win at Wiscy.

The fact 35 percent want to win at Iowa to me says 2 things.

1. They think Iowa will be top of the B1G next year OR

2. Lil bro syndrome.
Do remember that the success Frost has had that your speaking of was not in the BIG, with a schedule full of 9 BIG games, not the JV schedule he was playing against in his past job. This sounds very similar to all the blather from you shuckers when you joined the BIG, and how you were going to kick ass and take names. Please show us the skins on you trophy wall from all of your glorious BIG seasons. How about you wait until your guy wins something in the BIG, before you come here with your smug, (we're just better then you attitude), OK? You just can't can you?
All Scott Frost did was to coach a team, in his 2nd year, to an undefeated season, something that has NEVER happened in the history of Iowa football. gbr
All Scott Frost did was to coach a team, in his 2nd year, to an undefeated season, something that has NEVER happened in the history of Iowa football. gbr
You quoted my post, so hows about you actual read it? Did he do that in the BIG, against a full 9 game schedule of BIG teams, and then play for the conference championship and win that, and then the bowl game. Ah, NO! Again talk, talk, talk. Maybe he comes to the BIG and never loses a game, but I wouldn't bet on it. How about you guys wait until he actually does something in the BIG, before you run around puffing your chest out. Have your ever heard of the boat rower and Minnesota? Fleck took Western Michigan from 1-11 and in a couple of years was 13-0 before losing a solid Cotton bowl to Wisconsin. How did things go at Minnesota last year for Fleck? You know Minnesota right? The team that rolled your shuckers almost as bad as Iowa did. I would say that Flecks resume is as good as Frosts, and as of now Nebraska is not a better team then Minnesota, so he'll have some work to do. Just sayin.......
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You quoted my post, so hows about you actual read it? Did he do that in the BIG, against a full 9 game schedule of BIG teams, and then play for the conference championship and win that, and then the bowl game. Ah, NO! Again talk, talk, talk. Maybe he comes to the BIG and never loses a game, but I wouldn't bet on it. How about you guys wait until he actually does something in the BIG, before you run around puffing your chest out. Have your ever heard of the boat rower and Minnesota? Fleck took Western Michigan from 1-11 and in a couple of years was 13-0 before losing a solid Cotton bowl to Wisconsin. How did things go at Minnesota last year for Fleck? You know Minnesota right? The team that rolled your shuckers almost as bad as Iowa did. I would say that Flecks resume is as good as Frosts, and as of now Nebraska is not a better team then Minnesota, so he'll have some work to do. Just sayin.......
Blah, blah, blah, it didn’t take me 3000 words to get my point across. Just watch. gbr
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Blah, blah, blah, it didn’t take me 3000 words to get my point across. Just watch. gbr
Unl isn’t in the little 8 or little 12 anymore, this is big boy football, we do two things, run the ball and play defense, those are two things unl does not do, so suck it.
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Blah, blah, blah, it didn’t take me 3000 words to get my point across. Just watch. gbr
It shouldn't take many words, because your point had nothing to do with my post, since your D2 league coach has never worked in the BIG. I understand your not wanting to make the comparison to Fleck, because they basically have the same resume, and it hasn't helped Fleck much in year one. Don't worry though, I will be watching, and you'll be covering your eyes. :eek:
It shouldn't take many words, because your point had nothing to do with my post, since your D2 league coach has never worked in the BIG. I understand your not wanting to make the comparison to Fleck, because they basically have the same resume, and it hasn't helped Fleck much in year one. Don't worry though, I will be watching, and you'll be covering your eyes. :eek:
What don’t those neb fans understand? This is the BT. SF is out of his league, anyone know if frost has a catch phrase like that goofball up in minny?
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After Bill Callahan, Bo Pelini and Mike Riley, can you name another program that could have withstood that? Good luck to you Iowa. We are excited though. We have had some really odd coaches in the last 15 years.
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