Teasdale now back?

With a member of the PSU roster in the PSU wrestling room. What game are we playing with this?
Ahhh, the current world of RTC's. If you qualify as a member, you can wrestle there. I see what you're getting at.
Fact is, only a handful of people really know why Gavin left for the short period of time that he did, and you and I aren't one of them. Little too early to start condemning people without knowing any facts.
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Ahhh, the current world of RTC's. If you qualify as a member, you can wrestle there. I see what you're getting at.
Fact is, only a handful of people really know why Gavin left for the short period of time that he did, and you and I aren't one of them. Little too early to start condemning people without knowing any facts.

Read above. I was replying to the guy saying "FACT: Teasdale has NOT been practicing."

The one fact I do know is that Teasdale has been practicing.
Here's what is factual: You defined and defended those actions as needing a "hand up". Cael allowed him to join the lineup missing zero time, on the heels of being kicked out of ISU, which in turn allowed a woman to be sexually assaulted. Long had several chances prior to Cael and PSU. Cael gave Long like a 4th or 5th chance, all in the name of winning a title. You can speculate inaccurately all you want about me, I don't care...but at least acknowledge the fact that Cael sold his soul to win, and did absolutely no favors for Andrew Long.
I know absolutely nothing about you. Your knowledge of the relationship between Cael and Long is equal to what I know of you.
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The difference is when helping a kid out Brands for the most part imposes additional restrictions for the kid to prove something before he is rewarded with being able to compete again. From what I see Cael is just fine with the bare minimum of whatever the school guidelines are.

Marion - Was eligible to compete way before being allowed to go on the mat again. Brands held him out for an additional period after reinstatement. Marion is know coaching and giving back.

Pd3- Brands took the kid in to help in without knowing 100% if he would ever be cleared. Say what you want but PD3 hasn't been in trouble since and seems to have grown from it as much as well PD3 could.

Long- Competed the exact minute he was eligible.

Teasdale- If its drugs I don't think anything has been resolved that fast. If its grades then let him get back in good standing and proves himself.

JRent- Kid is sitting out and getting his schoolwork in order during his redshirt. I respect that. But I don't see JRent going to midlands because he needs to get his priorities in a row first then he can be rewarded with mat time. Then why would Cael want to reward Gavin with letting him go to the Scuffle if his priorities arent quite in a row yet either? Drugs or schoolwork, nothing could possibly be proven on Jan 1st in either regards right?

Isn't that a fair question to ask?

Also I asked earlier why Cael seems to have a weakness in his coaching for mental health issues? He seems to not recognize it or give it its due. Is it a mental strength thing he doesnt get? Is it a Mormon thing? Being serious
Tons of Penn State opinions. Even with no knowledge, tons of opinions.
If Dayton Racer weighed 125, he would be starting for Cael in January. Everyone knows it but they look the other way just like the previous PSU scandal. PSU and OSU play by a different set of rules. JRent should go to Carl's doctor and get a waiver for last season.
Bitter little dude with large anger issues, ain't ya?
Drug use is a health issue.

Did Cael also issue a Zero Coke stipulation with Long or was it just alcohol?

Everyone in Ames knew Andrew was drinking, snorting, smoking and fighting. He was out of control. Cael could have easily discovered this had he asked. But that's not what something a smug ego driven Cael would ever do.

It would be nice if reporters ever asked him a hard question instead of fearing the Pyles smug ego treatment answer back. How dare you question me!!!
Just alcohol. He was good to go on coke, crank and bath salts.
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With a member of the PSU roster in the PSU wrestling room. What game are we playing with this?

Does it matter who he's rolling with if it's not an officially sanctioned PSU team practice? Discussion of attending and watching Hawkeyes practice (by way of HWC, I presume) prior to October 10th was commonplace here this summer/early fall.

Or is that an apples-to-oranges comparison because the Hawkeyes were practicing w/ the HWC outside of the NCAA season? Is there a rule barring rostered wrestlers from club/RTC practices in-season (i.e. Oct 10 - Mar 23)? I'm ignorant on that subject.
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Andrew Long was 7 years ago. Meanwhile just in the past year Iowa tried to bring PDIII in, brought in and immediately inserted into the lineup a guy with anger issues that tried to break another wrestlers arm and then had one wrestler shoot another and then had a cover up with police. Again, you had one wrestler SHOOT another and he is still on the team competing for a spot. You would think that in itself would be enough for Iowa fans to realize they do not have the higher ground when discussing coaching holding their athletes accountable. Not to mention the numerous arrests with no suspensions for Burglary, DUIs, public drunkenness, poaching and firearm charges.
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The article linked in the OP states he has been practicing.

Practicing? The article Never used that word. He can NOT be practicing at Penn State in their room. He is not currently enrolled. Practicing in his basement is OK. Rolling around at the Nittany Lion Wrestling OK. Joe Lee and other gray shirts can wrestle at the NLWC as well....but can't practice with the team. He MAY start practicing with the team soon......but he is not practicing with the team currently.
Does it matter who he's rolling with if it's not an officially sanctioned PSU team practice? Discussion of attending and watching Hawkeyes practice (by way of HWC, I presume) prior to October 10th was commonplace here this summer/early fall.

Or is that an apples-to-oranges comparison because the Hawkeyes were practicing w/ the HWC outside of the NCAA season? Is there a rule barring rostered wrestlers from club/RTC practices in-season (i.e. Oct 10 - Mar 23)? I'm ignorant on that subject.

I imagine the distinction between RTC practices and official team practices isn't always black and white and I think that's a good thing for the sport. However, it is definitely unique in that aspect as I don't know of any other sport in the NCAA that operates under that parameter. This goes back to what most perceive as the NCAA turning a blind eye to wrestling RTCs probably in part b/c it's a niche sport and also b/c of how beneficial it is to all involved - the current college athletes, the graduates, the world and Olympic teams.

I'm just pointing out from above, the person claiming Teasdale hasn't been practicing is factually incorrect based on Cael's own words. Him practicing with the RTC vs the wrestling team is pretty irrelevant imo.
Practicing? The article Never used that word. He can NOT be practicing at Penn State in their room. He is not currently enrolled. Practicing in his basement is OK. Rolling around at the Nittany Lion Wrestling OK. Joe Lee and other gray shirts can wrestle at the NLWC as well....but can't practice with the team. He MAY start practicing with the team soon......but he is not practicing with the team currently.

This is a direct quote from the article:

"Teasdale was seen rolling around with Brady Berge during Nittany Lion Wrestling Club practice on Tuesday afternoon in the Lorenzo Wrestling Complex."

So according to that article he was practicing. The word "practice" was used. He was practicing in PSU's room. And he was practicing with a member on the PSU wrestling team.

You're like 0/6 on your "FACTS".
This is a direct quote from the article:

"Teasdale was seen rolling around with Brady Berge during Nittany Lion Wrestling Club practice on Tuesday afternoon in the Lorenzo Wrestling Complex."

So according to that article he was practicing. The word "practice" was used. He was practicing in PSU's room. And he was practicing with a member on the PSU wrestling team.

You're like 0/6 on your "FACTS".
I too ALWAYS believe what I read in the papers or on the internet. Especially when it's in quotes.
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With a member of the PSU roster in the PSU wrestling room. What game are we playing with this?
He cant participate in a team practice unless he is on the roster. Which he isn't.

If you think that's some kind of semantics, you dont understand how the RTC nor the university's team works. Not at PSU nor Iowa. Teasdale is qualified to wrestle at the NLWC. At the Penn RTC, Ohio RTC, any RTC.

I would expect that a wrestler looking to get back on a roster to be rolling around at the facilities available to him. Would not expect him to be at any PSU practices until he is back on the roster.

Cael's statement was that he COULD be back on the roster as soon as Saturday.

I can guarantee you that there are more posters than me that post on here frequently that can tell you the same about the RTC/club practices and team practices. So he's got more than 0/6 facts correct.
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I imagine the distinction between RTC practices and official team practices isn't always black and white and I think that's a good thing for the sport. However, it is definitely unique in that aspect as I don't know of any other sport in the NCAA that operates under that parameter. This goes back to what most perceive as the NCAA turning a blind eye to wrestling RTCs probably in part b/c it's a niche sport and also b/c of how beneficial it is to all involved - the current college athletes, the graduates, the world and Olympic teams.

I'm just pointing out from above, the person claiming Teasdale hasn't been practicing is factually incorrect based on Cael's own words. Him practicing with the RTC vs the wrestling team is pretty irrelevant imo.

The bolded above is incorrect. Everywhere.
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The article linked in the OP states he has been practicing. I said in a previous post....."Unless it is at the NLWC.....I do believe that would be definitely be an NCAA violation." He is not enrolled at PSU so he can't practice with the team and/or be instructed by Cael & other coaches. He can practice at a local high school or the NLWC. I was obviously referring to team activities as a PSU student....which he is not. I will make that clarification. Do I get 1/2 credit?
I am 0-6? Does that mean you or others actually know the specific details of Gavin's situation? Come gotta get me up to at least .185 so I can surpass my lifetime batting average :)
The bolded above is incorrect. Everywhere.

Well he was practicing in the PSU wrestling room with a PSU wrestler so I stand by my original statement that the distinction between RTC and the NCAA team isn't super black and white. I'll grant you that I doubt Cael was standing over top of him giving instruction at the time.
I too ALWAYS believe what I read in the papers or on the internet. Especially when it's in quotes.

huh? Click the link in the original OP. You think I'm making up the direct quote that I typed here?
He cant participate in a team practice unless he is on the roster. Which he isn't.

If you think that's some kind of semantics, you dont understand how the RTC nor the university's team works.

If you think it's that clear cut you're looking the other way intentionally. Hypothetically if a wrestler was suspended from a team for misbehavior would they be allowed inside that wrestling room to practice at a RTC?

Now Teasdale wasn't on the team due to health reasons so I'm not saying this applies to him, but imagine if a football player got suspended from a team for misbehavior but during his suspension was at all of the university's practice and exercise facilities but only working with a "football RTC". And on that football RTC was the starting QB throwing passes to said suspended player. You think that'd fly?
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You have a guy good one no one else has a guy my info comes from a college professor that works directly with sports programs. Im not sure where your ”reading” your info. Im trying to shed some light thats all. And one other thing then Im done completely with this thread and you. We have our own Spooner you can be the Spooner of your board we dont need it here tganks anyway “its what we do”
We all know you are an idiot troll but if you are worse than that if you believe every decision Carl makes isn't based on what's best for him.

Wow. I can't imagine you really believe this. When Mark Hall won his NCAA title....he said afterward that he hoped to someday "Be half the man Coach Cael is" Pretty high praise from a great kid. Caels' comment was that Mark was "referring to size" :)

You will never hear me say anything bad about the Brands as people or question whether they care about their wrestlers. To read that Terry showed up at Dan Dennis's door early on a Sunday.....told him to shower 'cause he is going to church is all I needed to hear. Listening to Alex talk about coach telling him to pull over and then drive to meet him just shows it isn't a one-time thing. I think Tom Ryan says some things that make me cringe but his players love him so that is enough proof for me. What his team says about Cael doesn't seem to be any different. All great guys as far as I can see. Let's stop believing what you would like to believe and start believing what is quite obvious to see......they are all respected and often loved by those they coach. That doesn't happen if "Every decision they make is based on what is best for the coaches" There is plenty of evidence that none of these coaches deserve comments like these. Have a great evening
Andrew Long was 7 years ago. Meanwhile just in the past year Iowa tried to bring PDIII in, brought in and immediately inserted into the lineup a guy with anger issues that tried to break another wrestlers arm and then had one wrestler shoot another and then had a cover up with police. Again, you had one wrestler SHOOT another and he is still on the team competing for a spot. You would think that in itself would be enough for Iowa fans to realize they do not have the higher ground when discussing coaching holding their athletes accountable. Not to mention the numerous arrests with no suspensions for Burglary, DUIs, public drunkenness, poaching and firearm charges.
Ready for him next time.
Well he was practicing in the PSU wrestling room with a PSU wrestler so I stand by my original statement that the distinction between RTC and the NCAA team isn't super black and white. I'll grant you that I doubt Cael was standing over top of him giving instruction at the time.
The distinction is black and white. Would it be any different to you if Teasdale and Berge were working out together at Boalsburg WC? Because there is not much difference.

That's what happens. When a wrestler is not on a roster he's got to arrange to work out with someone at a non-team practice session or take part in a non-team practice somewhere if he wants to roll around. You're not on the team, you're out there on your own. Hundreds of wrestlers are doing/have done this countless times.

You were wrong in your take on this. Leave it.
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If you think it's that clear cut you're looking the other way intentionally. Hypothetically if a wrestler was suspended from a team for misbehavior would they be allowed inside that wrestling room to practice at a RTC?

Now Teasdale wasn't on the team due to health reasons so I'm not saying this applies to him, but imagine if a football player got suspended from a team for misbehavior but during his suspension was at all of the university's practice and exercise facilities but only working with a "football RTC". And on that football RTC was the starting QB throwing passes to said suspended player. You think that'd fly?

I'm not looking the other way intentionally. This is getting old, but my guy has also been in this situation. If you notice, he did not show up on the Binghamton roster until last January. He had to complete 24 credits before he could get admitted. He spent the fall semester doing exactly this, trying to work out on his own at the Bearcat WC. Arranging practice partners, lifting, etc. Was not allowed to participate in any team activities at all, yet was living in NY preparing to compete with the team in December. It's not the easiest thing to do, but that's what wrestlers do. He's not the only one.

An RTC is a wrestling club that has qualification standards to participate. Pure and simple. Yes, the ones located at a university tend to have a lot of the university wrestlers participating in them. But it IS black and white the difference between them and the team.

Your football RTC analogy is ridiculous. There are no football RTCs and we have no idea what rule set they would operate under if there were. There ARE regulations that govern the RTCs and they are followed. Again, everywhere.
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This is all quite humorous.

This thread now has 6 pages of comments. Comments about a rival school’s wrestler. I’ll give some credit wishing Gavin gets his life together, although they hope he doesn’t win a match, fair enough. Some wish him well and only hope he loses to Hawks, once again understandable.

What I don’t understand is all the speculation, the illegalities, the wrong doings that everyone has claimed without one ounce of proof. Yes the article said he was rolling around with berge at a nlwc practice. From my understanding that’s completely legal since it wasn’t a Psu wrestling practice.

None of this has or will effect any lives on this board. Same with suriano and the bwi. Kids make mistakes, adults make mistakes. But for the love of everything let it go.

Brands and co. are absolutely terrific coaches. I know a few people who have met, talked and got to know them personally and they have nothing but good things to say about them.

The same can be said for Cael and co.

I was told once you get BOTH sets of coaches to open up they’re humble and great people to be around.

Cass was the wrestler of the week and there’s only 20 some posts about him. Build that up, make that the top story. Stop looking at everything that MAY be wrong and focus on all the positives around the hawks in this day and age. A great up and coming lineup, some of the best wrestlers in the world in your room. A great recruiting class coming in.

With all that being said, I wish the hawks a great and healthy remainder of the season.

I’ll save some the trouble, go away troll, go back on your own board. You have no facts. You’re wrong. But what about Andrew Long, what about Gavin, what about Ruth. It must be hard for some of you ( posters in general, no just hawk fans ) to be so perfect and have to deal with others, and to have college kids and coaches dictate your happiness, and be so bitter about college wrestling.
I'm not looking the other way intentionally. This is getting old, but my guy has also been in this situation. If you notice, he did not show up on the Binghamton roster until last January. He had to complete 24 credits before he could get admitted. He spent the fall semester doing exactly this, trying to work out on his own at the Bearcat WC. Arranging practice partners, lifting, etc. Was not allowed to participate in any team activities at all, yet was living in NY preparing to compete with the team in December. It's not the easiest thing to do, but that's what wrestlers do. He's not the only one.

An RTC is a wrestling club that has qualification standards to participate. Pure and simple. Yes, the ones located at a university tend to have a lot of the university wrestlers participating in them. But it IS black and white the difference between them and the team.

Anyone that thinks there isn't some gray area with RTCs is delusional. See my football analogy. You think any football or basketball program would be able to do the same thing? The NCAA doesn't care about what goes on at RTCs and that's a good thing for the sport of wrestling.
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Anyone that thinks there isn't some gray area with RTCs is delusional. See my football analogy. You think any football or basketball program would be able to do the same thing? The NCAA doesn't care about what goes on at RTCs and that's a good thing for the sport of wrestling.

How many RTCs have you been involved with in any capacity? You don't know what you are talking about.

Please enlighten me on the "grey area" you speak of. I'll wait.
This is all quite humorous.

This thread now has 6 pages of comments. Comments about a rival school’s wrestler. I’ll give some credit wishing Gavin gets his life together, although they hope he doesn’t win a match, fair enough. Some wish him well and only hope he loses to Hawks, once again understandable.

What I don’t understand is all the speculation, the illegalities, the wrong doings that everyone has claimed without one ounce of proof. Yes the article said he was rolling around with berge at a nlwc practice. From my understanding that’s completely legal since it wasn’t a Psu wrestling practice.

None of this has or will effect any lives on this board. Same with suriano and the bwi. Kids make mistakes, adults make mistakes. But for the love of everything let it go.

Brands and co. are absolutely terrific coaches. I know a few people who have met, talked and got to know them personally and they have nothing but good things to say about them.

The same can be said for Cael and co.

I was told once you get BOTH sets of coaches to open up they’re humble and great people to be around.

Cass was the wrestler of the week and there’s only 20 some posts about him. Build that up, make that the top story. Stop looking at everything that MAY be wrong and focus on all the positives around the hawks in this day and age. A great up and coming lineup, some of the best wrestlers in the world in your room. A great recruiting class coming in.

With all that being said, I wish the hawks a great and healthy remainder of the season.

I’ll save some the trouble, go away troll, go back on your own board. You have no facts. You’re wrong. But what about Andrew Long, what about Gavin, what about Ruth. It must be hard for some of you ( posters in general, no just hawk fans ) to be so perfect and have to deal with others, and to have college kids and coaches dictate your happiness, and be so bitter about college wrestling.

Don't get it twisted. I'm not saying Teadale practicing with the NLWC is an issue. I was responded to the above poster who claimed Teasdale hadn't been practicing at all and then he also commented that Teasdale was not wrestling with any team members. Just pointing out that according to the reported article, that information is factually incorrect. Then we went down the tangent of the distinction between RTCs and NCAA wrestling programs.
How many RTCs have you been involved with in any capacity? You don't know what you are talking about.

Zero. That's not relevant. Like I said 3 times now and you've conveniently ignored - what if a football program had a wide receiving suspended for misbehavior/bad grades/etc, but was practicing with the "RTC football team" and a QB on the NCAA team's roster was throwing passes to him. Do you think that'd fly? Oh, and that was occurring on university property at the exact same location where the team practices.
Zero. That's not relevant. Like I said 3 times now and you've conveniently ignored - what if a football program had a wide receiving suspended for misbehavior/bad grades/etc, but was practicing with the "RTC football team" and a QB on the NCAA team's roster was throwing passes to him. Do you think that'd fly? Oh, and that was occurring on university property at the exact same location where the team practices.

I didn't ignore it. I said I can't understand the analogy because there are NO football RTCs and we have no idea what rule set they would operate under if they existed.

The RTCs DO have a rule set they operate under, as do NCAA teams. I'm pretty familiar with both sets of them. You obviously are not.

To exactly respond to your analogy. IF there was an Iowa Football RTC that operated under the same rules as the wrestling RTCs and an prospective Iowa football player showed up at a practice and was catching footballs from the Iowa QB and they were both qualified to participate in the football RTC, the NCAA would have no issue whether the practice was held in Kinnick or in Timbuktu. The RTC is a private entity using facilities. If he was acceptable to the Iowa Football RTC, then there is no issue.

BTW, Teasdale was not suspended from the university or team.
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Lol. You for get how much longer we’ve known Cael than you.
As I said, you know absolutely nothing about the relationship between Cael and Long.
Have you had a conversation, interacted with him in a social gathering, a non-social situation. Hell no.
You now are coming across as an idiot, stop before you remove any doubt.
Is Brady Berge not on the PSU team?

Practicing with a member of the team does not automatically consitute participation in a team practice. You're getting hung up on the facility. If Berge and Teasdale were practicing in a dorm room and it wasn't an official team practice, there is no violation.

That's why I was asking earlier about folks here talking about "watching practice" prior to the allowable start-date (Oct 10) for official team practices. My presumption was that they were watching guys working out with the HWC. Otherwise, it would have been a violation. The distinction between university team and wrestling club/RTC is quite relevant.
How many RTCs have you been involved with in any capacity? You don't know what you are talking about.

Please enlighten me on the "grey area" you speak of. I'll wait.
Careful there dice. You are back and forthing with a dude who has every D1 compliance officer on speed dial.

Of course every D1 compliance officer has Vodka's number blocked.
I was not commenting about Cael. Apparently you know the circumstances of Teasdale failing and not a "medical condition". Just commenting that any 18 yo who enters college and becomes overwhelmed for whatever reason should get some credit for asking for help.
I heard he's actually 27, not 18.;)
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