UPDATED: Active shooter in Texas school. Multiple people shot.

Didn’t know you had to be poor to be a thug.

Ah, sorry. I realize that all black youths are 'thugs' to some of you regardless of whether or not they're in a 'street gang' as the previous poster suggested.
Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
most of the arrests I see in the news state that the person is in illegal control of a weapon. Pretty sure they are getting weapons without going through the proper steps people.

can’t wait for the day we see all sorts of people coming out stating they wanted to shoot up a place but it was so hard for them to own a gun so they decided not to.
Right?!! We should get rid of all laws as they only stop good people from doing things and not the bad people!!
And "enough gun laws"? That laughable - there are pretty much none in Texas at this point. Any idiot can just walk in and buy what they want no questions asked.
That sounds like something somebody who has never legally bought a firearm would say.
100 years ago, that was surely the case. My uncle had a bathroom in his finished basement that was wallpapered with turn of the century Sears catalog prints. You could mail order a shotgun for $12. THAT was ‘no questions asked’, but nowadays?

Do you think this gun nut obtained his firearm via a legal sale? Would you be willing to bet on it?
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Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
most of the arrests I see in the news state that the person is in illegal control of a weapon. Pretty sure they are getting weapons without going through the proper steps people.

can’t wait for the day we see all sorts of people coming out stating they wanted to shoot up a place but it was so hard for them to own a gun so they decided not to.
Our country is doing it wrong.
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Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
There's often only a matter of hours to days between a citizen becoming a criminal, so why not make it a little harder for non-criminals to acquire a gun and maybe they won't be able to cross that line into becoming a criminal.

Texas gun owner

We just placed my FIL in an assisted living home due to dementia. I now "own" his Sig .357, two .22s and a pretty neat Colt .25 from WW2. There's ZERO documentation of that transaction.
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There's often only a matter of hours to days between a citizen becoming a criminal, so why not make it a little harder for non-criminals to acquire a gun and maybe they won't be able to cross that line into becoming a criminal.

Texas gun owner

We just placed my FIL in an assisted living home due to dementia. I now "own" his Sig .357, two .22s and a pretty neat Cold .25 from WW2. There's ZERO documentation of that transaction.
Interested in selling them?
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Have schools gone to soft lighting? I hated the fluorescents, but that warm glow would put me right to sleep. Until a fight followed by a shooting broke out, of course.
To me it looked like a classroom that was supposed to be unoccupied. I think the lights were off. My guess is that a few students gathered there unsupervised to settle some sort of dispute and the result was mayhem.
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Interested in selling them?
Already sold the others for $1200 (no documentation there either). As for the ones mentioned? Heck no. Looking forward to popp'n a few off from that .25. It was a vest gun that officers often carried.

I agree with some of this but I still want waiting periods and stricter gun laws. They may not have prevented this one but it could with others. I do however agree that any crimes committed with a gun should be met with the strictest possible consequences. You pull a gun on someone in a robbery...death penalty. You're toddler gets access to your gun and shoots someone...death penalty. I'm so tired of weak ass consequences for behaviors. It happens in our schools, government, everywhere. Our laws and rule enforcement is soft and I DO put a lot of blame on liberal thinking.
Never would have pegged you for a death penalty guy.
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Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
most of the arrests I see in the news state that the person is in illegal control of a weapon. Pretty sure they are getting weapons without going through the proper steps people.
That makes zero sense.

If there were fewer guns, there would be less guns to be stolen or illegally purchased.
To me it looked like a classroom that was supposed to be unoccupied. I think the lights were off. My guess is that a few students gathered there unsupervised to settle some sort of dispute and the result was mayhem.
This one has similar lighting. Maybe it's a pilot program!

Aside from the “but Teh seConD AmenDMent” and T&P shaming, has anyone come up with an original thought in this thread?
Yep. I’m saying it doesn’t matter if you make it harder to legally own a gun or not. Criminals still get guns.

If it is more difficult to legally own a gun, there will be fewer guns made/sold. Which means there will be fewer guns available. Which means there will be fewer illegal guns. And eventually criminals will struggle to get guns.
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I never once mentioned anything about quantity of guns in existence. But yeah if less guns existed we would probably have less people and criminals with possession of guns. I’m saying it doesn’t matter if you make it harder to legally own a gun or not. Criminals still get guns.
It's amazing that so many other countries can manage firearms so well but people think that it won't work here for some mysterious reason.
Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
most of the arrests I see in the news state that the person is in illegal control of a weapon. Pretty sure they are getting weapons without going through the proper steps people.

can’t wait for the day we see all sorts of people coming out stating they wanted to shoot up a place but it was so hard for them to own a gun so they decided not to.
This is dumb. Because criminals will find ways to get guns legal or otherwise we shouldn’t try anything? Not to mention that most of the school shootings in recent years involved guns legally purchased if I recall correctly.

I have never and will never, argue for outright gun confiscation. If nothing else, it would never survive court challenges. I just wish we could at least admit that we have a problem with our gun culture to begin with.

almost no other country in the world struggles with this like we do and all because too many have apparently decided there’s nothing to be done anyways.
Yup. Amazing how many countries can manage their borders as well. But an effort to strengthen border security here will get you harassed and followed into bathrooms by idiots with cameras.
Hey look - a quick distraction so as to not address the problem at hand. You'd make a fine GOP candidate!
  • Like
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Does anyone else find it funny when people always complain about guns and that we need to make it harder to own one. Like that stops criminals from having a gun?
most of the arrests I see in the news state that the person is in illegal control of a weapon. Pretty sure they are getting weapons without going through the proper steps people.

can’t wait for the day we see all sorts of people coming out stating they wanted to shoot up a place but it was so hard for them to own a gun so they decided not to.
I think the harder it is to get one the less guns there are.
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Honestly I kind of like that approach….and the GOP folks should endorse it….they always are for harsh punishment.
Just make the punishment so insane no one dare do it.
I'm not saying I would be completely against this. I just don't think it would pass constitutional muster. I would guess it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment by the courts. But I 100% agree that there needs to be harsh consequences for gun violence.
It's amazing that so many other countries can manage firearms so well but people think that it won't work here for some mysterious reason.
One we have more people in one country, two and as you mentioned- we already have a yuge amount of guns in circulation. To me, gun buying laws are silly in this argument. They're out there already. Maybe harsher gun penalties, but the front end laws aren't really gonna have an impact imo.

The other issue, is that genie isn't going back in the bottle. We can't round up the guns.

No idea, but I do find the general repetitive arguments around this type of situation annoying. (not referring to you)
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Interest of this will die down quickly. Suspect is not bitter angry white kid. Media will not care about about a beef and shooting by black kid for long.
So they took the weekend streets of Chicago to the schools of Texas.
One we have more people in one country, two and as you mentioned- we already have a yuge amount of guns in circulation. To me, gun buying laws are silly in this argument. They're out there already. Maybe harsher gun penalties, but the front end laws aren't really gonna have an impact imo.

The other issue, is that genie isn't going back in the bottle. We can't round up the guns.

No idea, but I do find the general repetitive arguments around this type of situation annoying. (not referring to you)
Ah, the old give up, it's too late argument. I guess that's ok if you don't currently have kids in school.

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