USA Today: Caitlin will not be selected for Olympic Women's Basketball Team

I'd love to see Caitlin go to the games in Paris, not on the team but sitting courtside cheering on the team. She would probably be interviewed at halftime by every media outlet around the world. That would really steal the bitchy coaches & USA team member's thunder. I know CC would never do it, but that'd really piss off those petty ho's.

Wendy Williams Im Petty GIF
Jennifer Aniston Surprise GIF
One thing is that Clark has a fanbase. I could see her sitting on the bench or not being passed the ball if she was on the team.

I think the WNBA will struggle until the over 25 yo players now are gone along with the dinosaurs in control of it.
The NBA ending subsidies also might help in the long run.
I think back to Christian Laettner when he got selected for the '92 Olympic Team.

I can't help but think that at least a part of his lack of success in the NBA can be attributed to his experience with the Dream Team.

I don't in any way, shape, or form see this as a bad thing for Clark.
This is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in sports. I'm thinking back to 911 when they canceled some games or covid when they canceled stuff... But this is bizarro world
Thanks for being the online gestapo and letting anyone who thinks the rest might be good for her to STFU. Clark will be fine, and she'll make her mark in many olympics as well as the league. The losers here will be the league and the sponsors. It would be great to have her on the team, but if they add her now, (which may very well happen if Grey can't play) what do you think her reception will be from the majority of the players. Does she really need that grief at this point?
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I think back to Christian Laettner when he got selected for the '92 Olympic Team.

I can't help but think that at least a part of his lack of success in the NBA can be attributed to his experience with the Dream Team.

I don't in any way, shape, or form see this as a bad thing for Clark.
his lack of success in the NBA was due to lack of talent. There wasn't a single knowledgeable person that thought Laettner was the best basketball player in the world or a generational talent. Ever. Larry Johnson, Kenny Anderson, Shaq, Webber, Mourning, Jimmy Jackson, were all more highly thought of coming into the league. He wasn't even the best talent on that team ( Grant Hill).

He was great in college. Nobody thought he was a generational talent. think Jimmer, Morrison, Doug McDermott, Zach Edy for a current comparison. His lack of success in NBA surprised no one.

Also, Laettner wasn't entering a subsidized league with piss poor attendance and TV ratings. He was entering at the height of Jordan, Magic, Bird, Barkley, etc. So I don't even see how the two situations are comparable honestly.
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The backtracking has begun. Nothing to talk about Cheryl. But ONLY if CC stays OFF the roster, then you’ll talk yeah right.
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Current wnba is bad enough to watch.
No way I’m watching teams get their doors blown off that have even less talent.
If cc were black she wouldn't be going through this bullshit
I don't agree with this. It isn't about race. It's about a group of people protecting something they never built. There would be no post college US league without the NBA. They had something handed to them so they have no idea what opportunity is or how to capitalize on it.

Christine Brennan is dead on with this.
I don't agree with this. It isn't about race. It's about a group of people protecting something they never built. There would be no post college US league without the NBA. They had something handed to them so they have no idea what opportunity is or how to capitalize on it.

Christine Brennan is dead on with this.

Good insight. I mostly agree that race is not the primary factor, but it is a factor…but so much more is at play.

They have in their mind who they want wnba fans to be. They want fans from certain geographies, that look a certain way and have certain beliefs. Most of the CC fans are from flyover country. Not exactly what WNBA brass had dreamed about.

A quandary. They want more viewership, more revenue (I think?) but they need to find a way to do it on their terms. Cannot have some flyover white girl leapfrog all the veterans that “built” this.

But CC is an avalanche. And an organic one. This isn’t the impossible burger being jammed down our throats. This is real buzz. Real excitement. Real interest. They cannot hold it back easily.
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I don't agree with this. It isn't about race. It's about a group of people protecting something they never built. There would be no post college US league without the NBA. They had something handed to them so they have no idea what opportunity is or how to capitalize on it.

Christine Brennan is dead on with this.
Juju would not be getting the same treatment cc is getting