FSU to the B1G

I don't think we're doing this to go to the B12 or be in a merged ACC-B12. We likely have been communicating through backchannels with either the B1G or the SEC and have an invite. Since the snub will probably be central to the discussion tomorrow, I doubt we are interested in going to the SEC. They'd ultimately take us but only to keep the B1G out of Florida. They would also treat us worse as a member school than the ACC has treated us for the last 30 years. The goal is B1G and Fox.
Not if a new conference with much better payout per team arises from the ashes…

FSU is in the South. You have no rivalries with any of of us. Your rival is Florida, who is in the SEC already. That would make more sense.

College Football is based on rivalries and traditions. This is all very very silly.
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FSU is in the South. You have no rivalries with any of of us. Your rival is Florida, who is in the SEC already. That would make more sense.

College Football is based on rivalries and traditions. This is all very very silly.
Who said we aren’t bringing Clemson or Miami along?
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Football is what matters in college sports. Cherry-picking from the Big-12 and ACC does little to nothing to improve the football situation for those ACC schools that would take part in the "combined" conference.

I would rather stay in the ACC than make this happen.

I can cherry pick a good football conference with strong local markets out of the remnants.

Oklahoma State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
North Carolina
NC State or Duke

That would be my cutoff for a 16 team league
adding the next 4 for a 20 team league
Georgia Tech
Arizona State

Then adding a final 4 teams if necessary to get to a 24 team league
Texas Tech
San Diego State
FSU is in the South. You have no rivalries with any of of us. Your rival is Florida, who is in the SEC already. That would make more sense.

College Football is based on rivalries and traditions. This is all very very silly.

Who are the Big rivalries with USC, UCLA, Oregon, and Washington? FSU brings more eyeballs more than all of them
FSU is in the South. You have no rivalries with any of of us. Your rival is Florida, who is in the SEC already. That would make more sense.

College Football is based on rivalries and traditions. This is all very very silly.
Yes, Florida State will definitely disrupt those USC, UCLA, Oregon and Washington Midwest vibes.
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I can cherry pick a good football conference with strong local markets out of the remnants.

Oklahoma State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
North Carolina
NC State or Duke

That would be my cutoff for a 16 team league
adding the next 4 for a 20 team league
Georgia Tech
Arizona State

Then adding a final 4 teams if necessary to get to a 24 team league
Texas Tech
San Diego State
Swap out Memphis for Notre Dame. ...and what about Baylor?
Who said we aren’t bringing Clemson or Miami along?

It’s looking more and more like it’s going to be FSU and UNC if only two. And If four then some combination of Georgia Tech, Virginia, Miami or Clemson in that order of desireability to the Big 24.

Now if I was the grand high poobah of the Big 24, I wouldn’t have that order because I would have academics only matter by measuring stick of, are they higher ranked than at least Iowa if not then at least Nebraska. And from the ACC that would only disqualify Louisville if you used Nebraska as the fence and only Louisville and Clemson if you used Iowa as the boundary. So I would in my wisdom bring in FSU, UNC, Virginia Tech and Clemson as my first four. And then once I brought in Notre Dame I would add Miami as its partner.
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Swap out Memphis for Notre Dame. ...and what about Baylor?
I left out Notre Dame because I assume they would either only be a partial or go to the Big 24. Baylor has far less eyeballs recently than TCU and Houston and seems to always be in some scandal or another and we would already have Louisville as our “bad boy”.
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I can cherry pick a good football conference with strong local markets out of the remnants.

Oklahoma State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
North Carolina
NC State or Duke

That would be my cutoff for a 16 team league
adding the next 4 for a 20 team league
Georgia Tech
Arizona State

Then adding a final 4 teams if necessary to get to a 24 team league
Texas Tech
San Diego State

Color me not overly-impressed with that list. Football-wise, it looks a lot like the ACC. A couple of good teams and a lot of castoffs.

There are some strong local markets there, unfortunately a bunch of the teams listed (Houston and TCU) are not big ratings-grabbers in those markets compared to A&M, Texas and OU. I lived in Texas for 4 years (Austin and Houston). There's just not a ton of people who give a crap about these teams. I actually think GT has a bigger impact on the Atlanta market than Houston does in Houston or TCU in Dallas (obviously they were a big draw last season). Simply having a presence in a market, doesn't necessarily move the needle. I think the Big-10 probably has this same situation with Rutgers.

I'll give you Arizona, but that state is so full of transplants, I'm not really sure how much of a ratings-driver that is. Phoenix is going to continue to be a huge market in the future, but how many people there are really Zona fans??? I'd actually prefer ASU in this scenario.....more upside, imo. There must be a reason neither of these teams got an invite from the Big 10 or SEC?????? The Phoenix tv market has got to be bigger than Seattle or Portland, I would think.

Anyways, if I'm in the Big 10 or SEC, I wouldn't worry about my conference's perception/stature being affected by this new conference. Maybe name it the SFC (second fiddle conference).

Edit - I am talking from a purely football point of view. Basketball-wise, it would kick ass.
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Color me not overly-impressed with that list. Football-wise, it looks a lot like the ACC. A couple of good teams and a lot of castoffs.

There are some strong local markets there, unfortunately a bunch of the teams listed (Houston and TCU) are not big ratings-grabbers in those markets compared to A&M, Texas and OU. I lived in Texas for 4 years (Austin and Houston). There's just not a ton of people who give a crap about these teams. I actually think GT has a bigger impact on the Atlanta market than Houston does in Houston or TCU in Dallas (obviously they were a big draw last season). Simply having a presence in a market, doesn't necessarily move the needle. I think the Big-10 probably has this same situation with Rutgers.

I'll give you Arizona, but that state is so full of transplants, I'm not really sure how much of a ratings-driver that is. Phoenix is going to continue to be a huge market in the future, but how many people there are really Zona fans??? I'd actually prefer ASU in this scenario.....more upside, imo. There must be a reason neither of these teams got an invite from the Big 10 or SEC?????? The Phoenix tv market has got to be bigger than Seattle or Portland, I would think.

Anyways, if I'm in the Big 10 or SEC, I wouldn't worry about my conference's perception/stature being affected by this new conference. Maybe name it the SFC (second fiddle conference).

Both Arizona schools are “sleepers” that could explode in popularity based on local population in a growing state. The problem is both have been plagued by terrible coaching hire after terrible coaching hire and as a result their tv viewership numbers are way below what they “should be”. Give them a couple of years of good coaching and their numbers will balloon up. I went with only Arizona because due to their current bad numbers it’s hard to justify two. Plus by supporting only one school there’s a chance the other will rot if not in a P2.5 and those resources would shift over. Ultimately basketball won me over for Arizona over ASU as without that strong history I would definitely prefer ASU over Arizona in the initial 16. But I do have ASU in my expanded 20.
Color me not overly-impressed with that list. Football-wise, it looks a lot like the ACC. A couple of good teams and a lot of castoffs.

There are some strong local markets there, unfortunately a bunch of the teams listed (Houston and TCU) are not big ratings-grabbers in those markets compared to A&M, Texas and OU. I lived in Texas for 4 years (Austin and Houston). There's just not a ton of people who give a crap about these teams. I actually think GT has a bigger impact on the Atlanta market than Houston does in Houston or TCU in Dallas (obviously they were a big draw last season). Simply having a presence in a market, doesn't necessarily move the needle. I think the Big-10 probably has this same situation with Rutgers.

I'll give you Arizona, but that state is so full of transplants, I'm not really sure how much of a ratings-driver that is. Phoenix is going to continue to be a huge market in the future, but how many people there are really Zona fans??? I'd actually prefer ASU in this scenario.....more upside, imo. There must be a reason neither of these teams got an invite from the Big 10 or SEC?????? The Phoenix tv market has got to be bigger than Seattle or Portland, I would think.

Anyways, if I'm in the Big 10 or SEC, I wouldn't worry about my conference's perception/stature being affected by this new conference. Maybe name it the SFC (second fiddle conference).
Thank you for posting this. I didn't want an Iowa fan pooping on Houston.
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Both Arizona schools are “sleepers” that could explode in popularity based on local population in a growing state. The problem is both have been plagued by terrible coaching hire after terrible coaching hire and as a result their tv viewership numbers are way below what they “should be”. Give them a couple of years of good coaching and their numbers will balloon up.

That's not making me warm and fuzzy to join this other potential conference. It sounds a little too hopeful/desperate. I honestly think that in Phoenix, they care more about USC and Michigan than they do the local teams. I could be wrong. But if you go to a sports bar out there, you'll know what I mean.
How can FSU sign contracts that we’re NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A COPY OF IN THE STATE!

With Florida’s open records laws how in the hell can that happen? What sort of exemption was claimed to apply?
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I’m enjoying every minute of this. I absolutely hate the ACC and ESPN.
I’m finding it amusing because the lawsuit they spelled out is exactly what I said I would do if I was in charge (I also would have added unjust enrichment and promissory estoppel). A bunch of other so-called ”lawyers” said my plan was “stupid and would subject the school to fees”. Well obviously FSU and their attorneys agreed with me.
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How can FSU sign contracts that we’re NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A COPY OF IN THE STATE!

With Florida’s open records laws how in the hell can that happen? What sort of exemption was claimed to apply?
And from what I read, the school was footing the bill to send their legal team to NC over a dozen times to read/reread through everything this past year (under the ACC’s watch). Simply unbelievable.
Big firm. I've interacted with them before (it was an SEC case....the other SEC.... had nothing to do with college or sports). They seemed quite competent, although the guy they were representing was a grade A sleeze.

Hopefully, he's really good at contract law. If this doesn't pan out for him.........with that pose, he can always work for ReMax.

And from what I read, the school was footing the bill to send their legal team to NC over a dozen times to read/reread through everything this past year (under the ACC’s watch). Simply unbelievable.
The ACC doesn’t have a SCIF!

First time someone said that I’d encourage them to try and enforce it without submitting a copy in court and forget it existed.

I just can’t wrap my head around how this is a thing. How a state entity can have a binding multimillion dollar contract, and we don’t have a copy?


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