FSU to the B1G

I'd be excited to have FSU join. We will play all good teams anyway so why not add another?
Star Trek Ok GIF
Florida St is a national brand. Below are the top 10 TV ratings for 2023

  1. Ohio State — 5.55M
  2. Alabama — 5.08M
  3. Michigan — 4.78M
  4. Colorado — 4.50M
  5. Georgia — 3.95M
  6. Texas — 3.61M
  7. Florida State — 3.58M
  8. Notre Dame — 3.46M
  9. Penn State — 3.31M
  10. LSU — 2.85M
Love, hate or somewhere in between on Coach is downright amazing that Colorado is #4 here
Would be good for FSU to get into the Big 10 for both. FSU would certainly like the TV money and the Big 10 would have another team to add to the huge rating games that will start next season.
FSU will have a spot in the Big 10 or SEC at some point, need to be in one of the P2.

2024 football season will be a new experience with the Big 10 and SEC at another level and 12 team playoffs.
My two cents:

FSU opens up the Florida tv market very well.....not quite as good as UF would, but far better than anyone else in the ACC or in any other conference........not surprising given its in-state status and numerous alumni. Miami has numbers problems, both in attendance and tv ratings. They do have some rich alumni. As for the Atlanta market, I'd put FSU slightly ahead/even with Clemson. Clemson gets the edge in the Carolina tv market over FSU, but both pale in comparison to UNC there.

The only team out of the ACC that's going to bring better football tv ratings is ND, and they're only quasi-ACC. Clemson only draws viewers when they're winning/competing for Championships. I personally think there's a lot more value with UNC and the basketball numbers they bring to the table than Clemson.

The academic talk is ridiculous. We're talking college football here. FSU is a good school......far better academically now, than when I was there 30 years ago (I don't think I would have been able to get in under today's standards). My guess is that FSU would be lower to middle-of-the-pack academically if they went to the Big 10. Not bringing Princeton vibes, but it wouldn't be a blight to the conference.

If academics is the main concern, UNC and UVA are the obvious choices. Does that really improve football overall in the Big 10? No. Does that improve basketball? Yes. Does that improve non-revenue sports? Most definitely.

To me, FSU improves football (eyeballs and depth), is a detriment to basketball and definitely improves the non-revenue sports.

Leaving out academics, I rank the ACC teams (plus ND) in terms of desirability:

1. ND
2. FSU
3. UNC
4. Clemson
5. Miami/UVA
7. Louisville
8. GT/Duke
10. VT/NC St.
12. Pitt/BC/Cuse
15. Wake

I think think the first three names are a can't-miss add.

I've got Clemson #4, but if their play on the football field deteriorates, they could easily slide into a slot with GT/Duke, which is kind of where they were prior to Dabo 2015. If they continue to stay hot in football, they stay very appealing. Miami would shoot up the rankings if they ever got their football-act together, something we've been saying for two decades now. It is a totally dysfunctional organization from the Administration, to the coaching staff, to the Alumni. They do have money, so there is something to be said for that.

If we leave the ACC, I hope we end up in the Big 10. I'd love to go to Mich, OSU, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northwestern (for chicago) and PSU.
I haven’t opened this thread, because I’m still on an ESPN diet, so I don’t know exactly what it says, but Andrea is a good reporter.

FSU is still doing a social media campaign about being snubbed.

I think interesting perspective is that FSU simply realized that they are not as important as they think they are. You have the big dogs (Bama, UGA, OSU etc) and they are merely a step below. Thats the reality.

It reminds me of Oklahomas shock that a coach would actually leave the school for USC indicating that OU may not be the destination job they thought they were. The same applies to Notre Dame. I think right now you have those 3 schools at the top and above 10 schools right below them.
FSU is still doing a social media campaign about being snubbed.

I think interesting perspective is that FSU simply realized that they are not as important as they think they are. You have the big dogs (Bama, UGA, OSU etc) and they are merely a step below. Thats the reality.

It reminds me of Oklahomas shock that a coach would actually leave the school for USC indicating that OU may not be the destination job they thought they were. The same applies to Notre Dame. I think right now you have those 3 schools at the top and above 10 schools right below them.
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I haven’t opened this thread, because I’m still on an ESPN diet, so I don’t know exactly what it says, but Andrea is a good reporter.

Basically nothing we don’t already know. That FSU is looking to move but some bigwigs are being gunshy.

I honestly think it’s more than that, I think originally there were some big boosters holding out for an SEC invite which hadn’t arrived (although I’ve heard conflicting reports as I did hear some people claim that we got a half pay invite to the SEC while others said that wasn’t true). But now that there’s the ESPN snub, I think those boosters will join team Big Ten and we’re finally out of the ACC.
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Basically nothing we don’t already know. That FSU is looking to move but some bigwigs are being gunshy.

I honestly think it’s more than that, I think originally there were some big boosters holding out for an SEC invite which hadn’t arrived (although I’ve heard conflicting reports as I did hear some people claim that we got a half pay invite to the SEC while others said that wasn’t true). But now that there’s the ESPN snub, I think those boosters will join team Big Ten and we’re finally out of the ACC.
Good. Don’t give ESPN anything more than we absolutely have to.
Uh oh. So now the Hawkeyes will become the Powerhouse of the Plains? 😳
Scoff if you’d like, but these objective statistics indicate that Iowa with even a marginal offense could cause people a lot of problems:

Since 2018, the Hawkeyes have the 10th-most wins among Power 5 programs (53) and third most among Big Ten schools. While the Hawkeyes have benefitted from playing in the Big Ten West, they also were the only West team to beat every team in the East during the Big Ten’s 10-year geographic divisional era. Iowa sported the best cross-divisional record (17-10) of West Division squads.
I only bring that shit up when you guys say that FSU would be a middle of the pack in the Big
They might be.

Penn State and Nebraska are good examples of teams that have found it harder sledding once in the grind of the Big 10.

It is not a slight or downgrading what FSU has accomplished as a program to presume they’d fare similarly. It’s just how it goes.
Oh, I'm too lazy to search but there was a LOT of "Iowa would kick your ass" going on about a year and a half ago until the end of last season. Pretty sure Torbee led the charge but my memory is shitty.
A year and a half ago, Iowa would have probably kicked FSU’s ass.

Nice turnaround for the Noles this year.
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Scoff if you’d like, but these objective statistics indicate that Iowa with even a marginal offense could cause people a lot of problems:

Since 2018, the Hawkeyes have the 10th-most wins among Power 5 programs (53) and third most among Big Ten schools. While the Hawkeyes have benefitted from playing in the Big Ten West, they also were the only West team to beat every team in the East during the Big Ten’s 10-year geographic divisional era. Iowa sported the best cross-divisional record (17-10) of West Division squads.
I’m not scoffing at all and I fully appreciate the Iowa defense. The stats you’ve given speak for themselves.
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FSU is still doing a social media campaign about being snubbed.

I think interesting perspective is that FSU simply realized that they are not as important as they think they are. You have the big dogs (Bama, UGA, OSU etc) and they are merely a step below. Thats the reality.

How many schools have won 3 national titles in the last 30 years?

What does that list look like?

Nebraska - last one in ‘97

That’s more than a lot of teams
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FSU is still doing a social media campaign about being snubbed.

I think interesting perspective is that FSU simply realized that they are not as important as they think they are. You have the big dogs (Bama, UGA, OSU etc) and they are merely a step below. Thats the reality.

It reminds me of Oklahomas shock that a coach would actually leave the school for USC indicating that OU may not be the destination job they thought they were. The same applies to Notre Dame. I think right now you have those 3 schools at the top and above 10 schools right below them.
I’m laughing here at the thought that you’re ignoring the fact that FSU isn’t as important as the “big dogs”.
Bama struggled for years after the Bear and Stallings and before Saban showed up. Those people live in a place where some of their residents still use outhouses but they’ve got a $10 million dollar football coach by God. This truly is what you would call putting lipstick on a pig.
Georgia hadn’t won damn diddly squat since 1980 and Herschel Walker. Kirby had to go work for other coaches until he learned about winning at all costs and came home to Athens.
OSU? Oh, you mean that teams who’s never managed to beat FSU?
And in all those years FSU has had three NC’s, and a winning record against “big dogs” in the SEC and the B1G, along with 3 Heisman winners and too many records to list.
Let me know when you realize that FSU is also a “big dog” and has been for a while.
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I’m laughing here at the thought that you’re ignoring the fact that FSU isn’t as important as the “big dogs”.
Bama struggled for years after the Bear and Stallings and before Saban showed up. Those people live in a place where some of their residents still use outhouses but they’ve got a $10 million dollar football coach by God. This truly is what you would call putting lipstick on a pig.
Georgia hadn’t won damn diddly squat since 1980 and Herschel Walker. Kirby had to go work for other coaches until he learned about winning at all costs and came home to Athens.
OSU? Oh, you mean that teams who’s never managed to beat FSU?
And in all those years FSU has had three NC’s, and a winning record against “big dogs” in the SEC and the B1G, along with 3 Heisman winners and too many records to list.
Let me know when you realize that FSU is also a “big dog” and has been for a while.

Fvcking facts...done more since 1990 than Michigan and OSU COMBINED
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Something BIG is going down tomorrow. BOT meeting announced on school AND athletic site. We are taking the first official step to leave which to me indicates we have a dance partner. FWIW one of my lawyer friends said any of the things they were thinking of exploiting to try to break contract and GOR got even better due to snub and all the public pushing by ESPN and lack of help by ACC. And then the official numpty response by CFP to Rick Scott calling the ACC so called P5 was massive mistake and gift. They have a much more compelling case, perhaps the only silver lining of the fiasco.

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I have an idea!!!!

Lets get all the 65 or so teams into one conference and break them into Divisions.

One in the West Coast
One on East Coast
One in Midwest
One in South.

Oh wait....
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Something BIG is going down tomorrow. BOT meeting announced on school AND athletic site. We are taking the first official step to leave which to me indicates we have a dance partner. FWIW one of my lawyer friends said any of the things they were thinking of exploiting to try to break contract and GOR got even better due to snub and all the public pushing by ESPN and lack of help by ACC. And then the official numpty response by CFP to Rick Scott calling the ACC so called P5 was massive mistake and gift. They have a much more compelling case, perhaps the only silver lining of the fiasco.

I may be in the minority here, but I don't want to get into bed with Private Equity money.

What is the PE firm's eventual exit plan?

Their LP's will be asking the same question.
I share your concerns, but I also think it’s either this or die on the vine in the ACC.

Be careful what you wish for. Looking at that Board, there's only 3 or 4 of folks I would trust to make an informed decision. You want to be intimidated, go review a private equity contract. This is what came to bite us in the ass (understanding the potential ramifications of a contract) the last time we had major negotiations (that cluster of an ACC contract).
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Be careful what you wish for. Looking at that Board, there's only 3 or 4 of folks I would trust to make an informed decision. You want to be intimidated, go review a private equity contract. This is what came to bite us in the ass (understanding the potential ramifications of a contract) the last time we had major negotiations (that cluster of an ACC contract).
Again, I hear you. That said, look at what the 12 team playoff would have looked like. 10 of the 12 teams are current or future B1G/SEC teams. FSU is owned now. They are owned by ESPN and it’s not a good relationship.
Again, I hear you. That said, look at what the 12 team playoff would have looked like. 10 of the 12 teams are current or future B1G/SEC teams. FSU is owned now. They are owned by ESPN and it’s not a good relationship.

Owned vs. Owned and Controlled

I was wrong about College Town when they first came out with the plans. I was vehemently against it.....thought it was stupid. Boy was I wrong. But a real estate deal is something the Board is better equipped to handle than bedding with a PE partner. I hope I'm wrong here.

I believe PE is going to permeate through college football over the next decade. These firms are amazing at identifying businesses/organizations that have serious issues and monetizing them. I can't think of many other organizations that are more screwed up than the NCAA. We'll likely be one of the first to go into bed with the PE shops. I just hope we don't sign a shit-contract.

It is going to get wild. There is no "so called" P5 anymore.

There is just the BIG and SEC that are the P2. If the SEC and BIG are happy where they are and not in a rush to expand, I do think you have the potential for the best of the BIG12 and ACC teams to leave and dissolve conferences and form a brand new conference of 18-20 teams. There are 30 teams (18 ACC and 12 Big 12) right now in both so would take the majority of each I think withdrawing so minimum 10 ACC schools and 7 Big 12 so most likely 18 as a minimum.

I mean, I truly have no idea but if coordinated and majority of both conferences teams leave and withdraw, it impacts the TV contracts and GOR enforceability because in essence the entire conferences are left in limbo like Pac 2 teams. The new conference then has a right to negotiate their fair worth with anyone. NBC, CBS, Amazon, Apple, Fox, ESPN...

It is going to get wild. There is no "so called" P5 anymore.

There is just the BIG and SEC that are the P2. If the SEC and BIG are happy where they are and not in a rush to expand, I do think you have the potential for the best of the BIG12 and ACC teams to leave and dissolve conferences and form a brand new conference of 18-20 teams. There are 30 teams (18 ACC and 12 Big 12) right now in both so would take the majority of each I think withdrawing so minimum 10 ACC schools and 7 Big 12 so most likely 18 as a minimum.

I mean, I truly have no idea but if coordinated and majority of both conferences teams leave and withdraw, it impacts the TV contracts and GOR enforceability because in essence the entire conferences are left in limbo like Pac 2 teams. The new conference then has a right to negotiate their fair worth with anyone. NBC, CBS, Amazon, Apple, Fox, ESPN...

Big 12? Welcome to Ames FSU....


Cracking Up Lol GIF
Football is what matters in college sports. Cherry-picking from the Big-12 and ACC does little to nothing to improve the football situation for those ACC schools that would take part in the "combined" conference.

I would rather stay in the ACC than make this happen.
Football is what matters in college sports. Cherry-picking from the Big-12 and ACC does little to nothing to improve the football situation for those ACC schools that would take part in the "combined" conference.

I would rather stay in the ACC than make this happen.
Not if a new conference with much better payout per team arises from the ashes…

For me it is in order:



New TBD Conference

Stay in ACC

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