Here's the deal. You can say what you want, but I've competed at this level. It's a war. Anyone who really expected this to be competitive was smoking their breakfast. Right now, there is no comparison between these two teams. You would think with the money that was put into NIL, Iowa would be able to compete a little better. Penn State is just on a whole other level. Look at their short offense, control of the handfight, etc.
Other than Ayala against an undersized backup, there were 2 takedowns from Iowa, unless I'm mistaken.
Ayala is a solid kid. Ferrari has a future if he keeps his head on straight and stays away from his toxic family. Gabe Arnold is incredibly overrated. He couldn't win Powerade as a high school senior and yet he calls out Starocci two years in a row. He can't beat Ryder, who is waiting in the wings for Penn State. The one year rentals should all get on the podium this year, but the goal should be to recruit well and to develop kids for continual success. That won't happen if they keep throwing random money at rentals for one year. That just isn't sustainable in building a program. I know it hurts feelings based on being a dominant program for so many years. The reality is, no one is going to live in Iowa with nothing to do in 2025 unless someone throws mega money at them. And once again, that goes back to the idea that it isn't sustainable to throw money at one year rentals. The last time Iowa was in the dominant phase, these kids were in diapers or unborn.
Kasak was a one-time PA state champion. That's the type of kid who develops and beats the rental Teemer.
The Brands have good intentions and work hard. They just aren't going to cut it in 2025 and beyond. I would like to say there are positives to move forward, but that was rough, as expected. Some of the humor comes from the Iowa fans rooting for DT to get some recruits who would normally go to Penn State. Even with 60% transfers this year in their lineup, DT won't sniff Penn State. Additionally, I can tell you that most top-tier kids who went to the club DT started think he is a sellout and a goof honestly. Who is moving to Oklahoma in any manner. That place is literally a dead spot on the map.
Even if they pay the top recruits who are right now deciding on a college choice, they won't overtake Penn State. I think we're a while away from the tide shifting anywhere else in wrestling.
The stupid defense mechanisms that Iowa fans come up with to justify their lack of prominence just creates a bad look.