WOW!!!!! What a game….I'm working on disconnecting. So I put my phone up & didn’t follow the game thread last night, but …..WOW!
Stream of consciousness….
This team continues to amaze me, even during their slump they were gritty, and determined. I don’t want to hear anybody have concerns about a “physical game“ again.😊 we ARE PHYSICAL!!!
When was the last time either of the men’s or women’s teams had multiple different people step up game after game after game. The whole team is full of gamers….
I know many people probably had issue with the officiating, I did, but the biggest problem there was inconsistency. Later on in the game. I thought we got several favorable calls.
With that said if we had made a normal amount of our 3ptrs, This game wouldn’t have been close at all.
As a result of that, a couple girls, Sydney in particular, passed up a few open shots down the stretch and by open, I mean no one within three steps. But you know who didn’t?! Taylor McCabe and for all intents & purposes she struggled a bit, but she kept gunning and kept playing hard on defense, and she ended up being a hero.
So a quick mention of the elephant in the room. AVA PLAYED AWESOME. Now I’m certain plenty of our fans believe that’s proof positive of, God knows what they think it means?! to me it means this… She’s engaged, she loves her teammates, she’s practicing hard, and when her ticket got pulled, she was ready to rock ‘n’ roll!! no more talk about her leaving the program. I’m convinced some of you almost hope that at times because you think the “coaches” deserve it for not playing who you think they should play!
Kudos Ava !!!!
This team is sooooo resilient and so physically tough, they will grind you out in a battle of attrition.
I personally don’t think we played particularly great, and as has been a theme of mine, we once again routinely have one bad quarter defensively. Now to be fair Michigan State knocked down some shots there in that third quarter and we were still playing hard. But in those other 3/4 we literally beat the shit out of them. They were throwing the ball away right and left because we were constantly in their grill!!! It is criminal Kylie didn’t make All-defense. There is not a better defender in the league.
I do not like Michigan State, AT ALL. And we were the better team last time and we are definitely the better team now we’re more athletic, more physical and have more talent up and down the roster. With that said, I will give them credit. They have a solid team. They have a terrific coach and that Julie Ayrault is a hell of a ball player. I haven’t given her enough credit. She’s the only reason they stayed in that game.
As for Jan Jensen… What a hell of a year she’s had. I’m certain I won’t get unanimous support for this, but in my opinion, she has managed this roster and rotations and substitutions and matchups about as well as any coach could, especially being in her first year. She navigated that Hannah foul situation beautifully. She moved Kylie all over the floor on players trying to stem momentum. I am extremely impressed with her. I came into it thinking she would be a great coach maybe even better than…..,”I want say it” And I know that’s blasphemous to say, but her focus on defensive intensity will take this program along long ways. Go ask Fran McCaffrey if you don’t believe me😂😜
I also think she’s done a marvelous job of improving a few things that they weren’t so great at early in the season, inbound plays, and press break… They handled Michigan States press quite wonderfully last night. Unfortunately, they still made a bunch of dumb ass passes in the half court, but it’s a process, right…🤣
Last thing… On the fouls, after the technical, I did feel like I detected a bit of a change in the officiating and again, I thought we got some pretty favorable calls down the stretch. Some touch foul type stuff that they hadn’t been calling earlier.
However, those two bullshit blocking/charging calls in that one stretch were a very dangerous moment for us, and they were a complete crock of shit. And I swear Hannah Stuelke is the most unfairly officiated player, possibly in the history of women’s basketball. That girl gets more bullshit calls against her, charges where she doesn’t move, charges were a girl slides up under with her head turned (not supposed to be able to do that) and she gets knocked silly down low because she’s usually going against girls bigger to way bigger than she is.
Great game !!!