*****Iowa vs Penn St Game Thread*****

Gotta love how we're so afraid of the kick out that they refuse to help guys inside on the post when it's clear the other team is trying to force their way in 1 on 1.
CMAC has a jerk hesitation on his FT shot...I think he's missed 3 front ends of 1 and 1s this season but gotten a repeat shot on lane violation...this is 1s time he didn't get the call

Because it’s not an illegal motion. It’s been called every time besides today. The refs F’d up that.

And every time he’s hit the repeat attempt too.
my god

Iowa had a chance to tie or win but Perk turns it over. Iowa has to foul, Penn State hits the 2 FTs and wins 83-79

Iowa is now 0-3 in B1G play
Good fight but can't dig yourself that big of a hole. Need that 2nd half energy in the 1st half.
Have to applaud the effort at the end.

Unfortunate they had such a crappy first half.
Iowa's 2nd-to-last possession should have seen the ball go to Kris there IMMEDIATELY!

What was Tony doing even just faking a drive with 10 ticks left!?