Mark Perry

Point taken! I'll make one quick comment and leave you all to your "safe space". I find it interesting that you all feel you shouldn't be subject to the "part of life" that exposes you to negative comments and things you disagree with. As I alluded to in a previous post, the ignore feature seems to be a vital element to this board...and although I never really understood why one one need to use it I certainly do now. I apologize for being so insensitive.

It isn't about being a "safe space." It's about your crusade to sniff out absolutely any perceived slight of PSU, unpack the comment, slaughter it, spread out the entrails, and piss all over them. PSU is great on their own. Why you think it is your job to defend the program at every opportunity on an Iowa message board, I do not know.
Just so you know, to every other person on this planet, when the name Penn State comes up the first thought is PEDOPHILE. I'm sorry... it just is... And that will never change. So, take your I'm greater than thou crap back to Rapey Valley.

I suspect the depraved culture at PSU has infected their wrestling fan base as well to some extent. Tragic.
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OK, I'm sorry I'm responding to this, and I won't again after this.

I don't need a "safe space" from anyone. I'm just tired of PSU jerkoffs coming on our board and trolling and looking for some sort of validation of their greatness. There are several good posters from BWI that come on here and add to the discussions with dignity. You, sir, are not one of them. I was mistaken earlier, I didn't have you on ignore because a couple times you posted something useful and I was giving you a chance, but not anymore. I have never gone on your site and trolled it, and I won't in the future (however distant) when we're back on top, but in the meantime, I won't be seeing the garbage you want to post. I 'm not ignoring you because we disagree, but because you're a ______ (add your own expletive, I won't lower myself).
Using the "ignore" feature has nothing to do with disagreeing with others. I read posts from people with whom I disagree all the time, but they express their point of view in a respectful manner.

Using the "ignore" feature has everything to do with filtering out the noise. It's easy to tell who's interested in a civil discussion and who's here just to thump his/her chest. Life's too short to get all mired in petty arguments with haters.

Like you, TNT, I'm not someone who would ever subscribe to the whole "safe space" notion or any such nonsense. But that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm just talking about a simple way to keep the board free of negative junk, at least to my view, and ever since I've used the "ignore" feature, the board has been infinitely more pleasant to read, and all of my interactions have been positive. Again, not necessarily because I agree with everything I read, but because I know the info and opinions are coming from people who show respect to others.
Not much IIRC. He jumped into coaching pretty quick...but like was stated before, it's a slot to put him in. Will also probably hold the title Vol Asst Coach. IMO, he's there to coach in the room, recruit, and contribute to HWC.

Uh, you think they are firing Berhow?
I like Spooner's take on all of it.

It's little bro syndrome. PSU is great...that cannot be argued. Their greatness is often acknowledged on this board. But even at the smallest slight, a JTS type feels they have to reply and then run back to their board and tell them all about it. If anybody is hypersensitive, it is folks like much so that he has been kicked off the board 2 or 3 times for his constant bickering over here.

Opposing fans are going to say PSU what. They are going to say that Cael is what. Same with Iowa when we were winning titles. But then some PSU fans have never been shy about the "Brands burns guys out" or "Iowa has dirty wrestlers with low character" narratives among others.
I'd love for Mark Perry to join the HWC staff or the Hawkeye staff. All good IMHO. And if he wants to bring some blue-chippers with him, it's that much better. There just can't be enough wrestling talent in Iowa City at any level.
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Isn't like 12 guys in a frat at PSU being charged with the death of another student because of hazing?

18 fraternity members. 12 was the number of hours they waited before calling for medical help. Terrible story.
Perry has no Freestyle/Greco background of note beyond Fargo in high school. Not sure how this would make sense. It only makes sense if Terry is taking that position and Perry is becoming one of the assistants.

You're probably right about Perry not knowing a lot about FRECO. He only comes from the First Family of wrestling.
Perry has no Freestyle/Greco background of note beyond Fargo in high school. Not sure how this would make sense. It only makes sense if Terry is taking that position and Perry is becoming one of the assistants.

I'm sure with the hire of Perry the Brands' wouldn't associate themselves with the HWC anymore.
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If Perry is an Iowa asst, he can go out on the road recruiting. If he is with the HWC, I believe the rules are that he cannot. I could be wrong - but if this is the case, I would prefer Perry as an asst.
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I'm sure with the hire of Perry the Brands' wouldn't associate themselves with the HWC anymore.

The point is it's a waste of Perry's skills, IMO, to put him in that spot. His BEST skill is recruiting, and he can't do that as HWC coach. That's my understanding of the rules. Further, it makes no sense to have a non-Freestyler in charge of the Freestyle program. Even if the Brands are still involved, which of course they would be, their rightful primary focus will be on the Folkstyle team, leaving the guy in charge of the Freestylers a guy who was never a high level Freestyler.
If Perry ends up on the HWC coaching staff exclusively (i.e. no official role on the U of I team), is he allowed to participate in U of I official recruiting efforts? Anyone know?
If Perry ends up on the HWC coaching staff exclusively (i.e. no official role on the U of I team), is he allowed to participate in U of I official recruiting efforts? Anyone know?
I don't believe he can be involved with recruits outside the campus.
Thanks Multi...kinda figured that would be the case. Clearly, his presence on the HWC staff would still have some meaningful carryover benefits to U of I recruiting, IMO.
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If the rumors are true, hell of a long term career move for Perry too. Have to think that if things work out for him in whatever role he would come over to initially, that he'd be putting himself in a great position to take the head coaching spot when TnT decide to hang it up.
First of all, Mark Perry can certainly coach freestyle and do so extremely well. However, I believe we are kind of wasting Terry Brands in his current role. I think he is the foremost freestyle expert in the country and him running HWC full time would be just what we need.

Second, Mark Perry is not just a great recruiter. I would consider him a better coach in the room than a recruiter on the road. He is excellent at developing relationships with certain athletes but I do not believe he has the personality right now to run a program. Just not good enough with the back-ups/2nd tier starters in terms of giving them attention. This is where Tom could use him to run practices/work 1-on-1 with Marinelli, Young, and Kemmerer. I do believe Mejia would ask for a release and come to Iowa. I also believe we would get Chris Perry to join the RTC.

As a result of getting Mark Perry, I think we get IMar, Chris Perry, Mejia, and Delgado. That is an absolute win win and I think makes our lower and middle weights as good F*** U. This is absolutely a step in the right direction to putting Iowa back on top.
The point is it's a waste of Perry's skills, IMO, to put him in that spot. His BEST skill is recruiting, and he can't do that as HWC coach. That's my understanding of the rules. Further, it makes no sense to have a non-Freestyler in charge of the Freestyle program. Even if the Brands are still involved, which of course they would be, their rightful primary focus will be on the Folkstyle team, leaving the guy in charge of the Freestylers a guy who was never a high level Freestyler.

Is it a bigger "waste" than not having him in the program at all? I might be wrong on this but I don't think Tom Ryan was an accomplished freestyle wrestler. And it could be a precursor to a move 1 or more years down the road.

Also, it would take a very hefty salary from the HWC to replace Terry's compensation package from the U of I.

Might all be moot anyway. No credible reports for his role at this time.
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Is it a bigger "waste" than not having him in the program at all? I might be wrong on this but I don't think Tom Ryan was an accomplished freestyle wrestler. And it could be a precursor to a move 1 or more years down the road.

Also, it would take a very hefty salary from the HWC to replace Terry's compensation package from the U of I.

Might all be moot anyway. No credible reports for his role at this time.

Understood And I agree. He's certainly a benefit in the room. Tom Ryan was not a great Freestyler, but he's not in charge of the Ohio RTC, is he? He's the steward of the whole program. I just don't know that Perry in this position would make sense. But you are also correct when you say this is all conjecture, we have no idea what role, if he takes the job, would be offered.
Understood And I agree. He's certainly a benefit in the room. Tom Ryan was not a great Freestyler, but he's not in charge of the Ohio RTC, is he? He's the steward of the whole program. I just don't know that Perry in this position would make sense. But you are also correct when you say this is all conjecture, we have no idea what role, if he takes the job, would be offered.

Perry is by all accounts a far more renowned freestyle coach than Tom Ryan. There's a reason why Novachov and Pami were there training under him in freestyle and it's not just that he was their coach previously. It's because he knows what he's doing. He didn't wrestle much internationally because his body wouldn't hold up, we all know this.
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Is it a bigger "waste" than not having him in the program at all? I might be wrong on this but I don't think Tom Ryan was an accomplished freestyle wrestler. And it could be a precursor to a move 1 or more years down the road.

Also, it would take a very hefty salary from the HWC to replace Terry's compensation package from the U of I.

Might all be moot anyway. No credible reports for his role at this time.

Ryan has to be a terrific FS coach. He took a nobody named Snyder and developed him into a World and Olympic champion. Like Cael developed Hall, Retherford, Nolf, Nickals, etc., Ryan developed Snyder.
Ryan has to be a terrific FS coach. He took a nobody named Snyder and developed him into a World and Olympic champion. Like Cael developed Hall, Retherford, Nolf, Nickals, etc., Ryan developed Snyder.

You forgot Streibler. That is all Ryan too.
18 fraternity members. 12 was the number of hours they waited before calling for medical help. Terrible story.

The more I read, the more twisted this gets. One guy who wanted to call 911 was restrained by other "brothers" who were more concerned about covering it up. Truly sick.
The more I read, the more twisted this gets. One guy who wanted to call 911 was restrained by other "brothers" who were more concerned about covering it up. Truly sick.
Unfortunately, "herd mentality" happens every day across this country, and more so when alcohol is involved. The same mentality applies to riots and such. I'd be willing to bet that with few exceptions and in a one-on-one situation, every one of those charged would have called 911. People just seem to get stupid in groups. I don't get it, but it's often true.
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How is the Iowa room set up regarding coaching? PSU has Cody responsible on a daily basis for the coaching and practice regimen from 125 to 157. Casey has 165 to hwt. They set the tone, what's being worked upon, and corner every one of their guys during matches. From my understanding, Cael participates but does not run the daily shows.

Is Iowa similar or different, and who does what? Sometimes it's hard for me to follow along in the discussion and I think it's because you guys do it differently.
Outside looking in , Terry to HWC and Perry to coach with the college team makes a lot of sense. I know some of you guys didn't like to hear this in the past but having Tom and Terry in similar positions is/was a bit redundant, imo. I think this move would make your entire program stronger. Amazing what an influx of money can do!
Pretty much what everyone said about Gable and Iowa for 20 years.
I was thinking the same thing. I remember many times Gable would say something to the effect of our responsibility is to be as good as we can. It is not for us to be worse but for other teams to get better. Very profound! People used to complain how Iowa being a super power was bad for the sport. Now Wrestling is associated with Iowa.