Not surprised you feel flattered. That's what many PSU fans crave after all.
What's my view? Let's see.
My view is that the fraternity death is a tragedy. That the investigation needs to run it's course. But, on first glance, up to 18 "individuals" should be punished when/if convicted. You know, those cowards as Chickenman had the guts to call them. Not "the herd" as you wrote. That's rationalizing. And betting that individually they would each have called 911 if
not for "the herd", that's defending. Like a lawyer preparing a defense.
My view on the Nate Parker incident is that while he was acquitted, another PSU wrestler Jean Celestin was found guilty. Only on retrial 4 years later was the case not pursued because recorded phone calls with Parker admitting the incident were ruled
inadmissible and witnesses could not be located. And PSU paid the woman $17.5K for harassment by Parker and Celestin. And as part of the Sandusky scandal, PSU was investigated for how it handled a subsequent Parker indecent exposure charge. Lastly, I didn't link the suicide to the charges, but it was tragic. Not something most people would write "nothing to see here, move along" as you did.
My view on your response is that you, like other PSU fans, seek to immediately defend, rationalize, minimize or deflect anything that tarnishes the school's reputation. Like a reflex. No matter how horrible the scandal.