***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Ohio and NC races tightening. Ohio was +5.8 for Biden now only +2.9. NC was +3.6 now only +1.9.
Just saw an explanation for NYT needle favoring Trump so much in NC. Apparently FL GA and NC are in the same model, so it's projecting Trump's over performance in FL to the same groups in other states. That might not hold, particularly for Hispanics.

It's possible Biden doing SO bad in FL is swaying the model too much for GA and NC.
Just saw an explanation for NYT needle favoring Trump so much in NC. Apparently FL GA and NC are in the same model, so it's projecting Trump's over performance in FL to the same groups in other states. That might not hold, particularly for Hispanics.

It's possible Biden doing SO bad in FL is swaying the model too much for GA and NC.

Trump is outperforming in GA
I'm not seeing any results in TX that looks like Biden will do well enough there. He's doing well for a D, but I think he needed more than what we're seeing.
Just saw an explanation for NYT needle favoring Trump so much in NC. Apparently FL GA and NC are in the same model, so it's projecting Trump's over performance in FL to the same groups in other states. That might not hold, particularly for Hispanics.

It's possible Biden doing SO bad in FL is swaying the model too much for GA and NC.

It's because of Cubans in Dade County. That's not reflective of the rest of the country.

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