***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Demo need to stop nominating old people. Pete should have been the nominee.

A young moderate is the key otherwise we keep losing.

Win or lose, this election will certainly put to bed the notion that if democrats nominate a moderate there be middle ground voters who choose the rational option.
This country is full of selfish piles of shit people. Believe a by hour lying conman who could easily be in jail for decades
Bro you need to relax. Put yourself in the shoes of a business owner who is facing having their operation shut down if Biden gets elected and closes down the country because of COVID. Would you still be voting for Biden with your livelihood at risk? Maybe, maybe not. I voted for president based on factors which impact ME in my life (it wasn’t for Trump OR Biden, for the record), and others did the same. Try having some perspective. It’s not a lack of education, it’s not being selfish.
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African Americans would not vote for a homosexual candidate.

Pete was my choice, BTW.

Trump hit Hillary and Biden as career corrupt politicians. Agree or not, it was effective. That attack didn't work on Obama and it wouldn't have worked on Pete.
If Trump wins, the Socialist lean of the Democrat party has been roundly defeated. The party moved from the champion of the working man to the champion of special interests and climate change.
Not agreeing with this take. Biden is not a socialist.
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Trump hit Hillary and Biden as career corrupt politicians. Agree or not, it was effective. That attack didn't work on Obama and it wouldn't have worked on Pete.

Pete had issues with black voters. Two reasons. They aren't fans of gay men, just the facts. Plus the South Bend police issues.
If Trump wins, the Socialist lean of the Democrat party has been roundly defeated. The party moved from the champion of the working man to the champion of special interests and climate change.

From the working man to the coastal elites.
Early landslide was never a thing despite what that shitty pollsters were trying to convince us of.

This and the 2016 election signal the deathknell of pollsters.

People never answering the phone anymore is making polling very difficult, if not impossible. I don't know why caller ID doesn't work anymore but if all I see is a phone number then I'm not answering it. However, if the call said Quinippiac or Monmoth or some pollster name I would answer. I wonder if that would help them out.
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Bro you need to relax. Put yourself in the shoes of a business owner who is facing having their operation shut down if Biden gets re-elected and closes down the country because of COVID. Would you still be voting for Biden with your livelihood at risk? Maybe, maybe not. I voted for president based on factors which impact ME in my life (it wasn’t for Trump OR Biden, for the record), and others did the same. Try having some perspective. It’s not a lack of education, it’s not being selfish.

the problem is the economy is not going to get repaired until there is an actual plan in regards to COVID instead of "we are turning the corner, its going away real soon" turn your head and ignore it strategy that the POTUS has chosen to take.

By this point, getting a handle at COVID is going to be like putting toothpaste back in the tube. I think the best scenario is quick result testing and frequent testing for those that are positive and for those people that were around those that are positive. If it takes paying people to stay the f**k home and quarantining for 2-4 weeks under those two scenarios, so be it. It will be at least two years before we get back to anything that we recognize as normal. As much as some people think the economy bouncing back is as simple as opening everything back up, it's just not going to come back as long as cases and deaths keep rising.