***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Tucker Carlson killing it on Fox News about the media (mentioning himself numerous times) being bad at their job and needing to correct how they conduct their business. Talking about how dangerous it is that media obviously do not know the people watching.
People never answering the phone anymore is making polling very difficult, if not impossible. I don't know why caller ID doesn't work anymore but if all I see is a phone number then I'm not answering it. However, if the call said Quinippiac or Monmoth or some pollster name I would answer. I wonder if that would help them out.
Yeah maybe it would. But many if Trumps voters wouldn’t answer that call either IMO.
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Win or lose, this election will certainly put to bed the notion that if democrats nominate a moderate there be middle ground voters who choose the rational option.
Or really, that we have a system rigged in favor of conservatives. Biden will win the vote by millions and I doubt Bernie would have.
the problem is the economy is not going to get repaired until there is an actual plan in regards to COVID instead of "we are turning the corner, its going away real soon" turn your head and ignore it strategy that the POTUS has chosen to take.

By this point, getting a handle at COVID is going to be like putting toothpaste back in the tube. I think the best scenario is quick result testing and frequent testing for those that are positive and for those people that were around those that are positive. If it takes paying people to stay the f**k home and quarantining for 2-4 weeks under those two scenarios, so be it. It will be at least two years before we get back to anything that we recognize as normal. As much as some people think the economy bouncing back is as simple as opening everything back up, it's just not going to come back as long as cases and deaths keep rising.
I don’t disagree one iota nor am I out here supporting Trump. My point is that categorizing all people who vote for a candidate as POS’ or racist when they may have extenuating circumstances that influenced their vote is disingenuous. Whoever wins the election needs a plan to handle COVID and that is something we can all agree on. But is shutting down the economy the answer? Many people would say “no,” and when Biden is saying as such in the debate, it probably turns a lot of people off
The thread “what to watch for Tuesday night” by ArtRadley is a good one. Pretty much playing out how he said in terms of when early votes counted. For example Michigan isn’t counting early votes till later. Same with GA.
I don't want either guy to win, but the political science aspects of this are fascinating. Going to be a lot to disect on this.

The polls being unable to compensate correctly is a big deal, meaning the end of the way we've looked at presidential elections for my entire life.

But there's a lot more fascinating things about this that just flies in the face of how to look at politics.
The people who are able to think outside themselves are people to truly admire. I am a big believer in servant leadership and selfishness is a huge hurdle to be being the best servant leader I can be.
Your attitude is more than admirable. But I’m not going to shit on people who want the best for their families either
The CNN pundits seem to be less surprised than 2016. They're trying to make it sound like it's still possible for Biden to win, but Biden is going to lose worse than Hillary Clinton!
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I don't want either guy to win, but the political science aspects of this are fascinating. Going to be a lot to disect on this.

The polls being unable to compensate correctly is a big deal, meaning the end of the way we've looked at presidential elections for my entire life.

But there's a lot more fascinating things about this that just flies in the face of how to look at politics.
As a political junkie the postmortem of this all will be eminently interesting.
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The funny thing about all of this is that Dems and the pollsters thought voter turnout was going to win them the election. Did you guys not think Trump supporters or leaners wouldn’t turnout to vote?
Fox News is currently lying about equity futures. They’re up because the market thinks Biden will win, and there will be an enormous stimulus bill. The S&P was down 50 after Florida reported for Trump.
I don’t disagree one iota nor am I out here supporting Trump. My point is that categorizing all people who vote for a candidate as POS’ or racist when they may have extenuating circumstances that influenced their vote is disingenuous. Whoever wins the election needs a plan to handle COVID and that is something we can all agree on. But is shutting down the economy the answer? Many people would say “no,” and when Biden is saying as such in the debate, it probably turns a lot of people off

if we were going to shut down, we should have done a proper shut down in the beginning (not the shutdown we had where every business tried to justify how they were "essential" so they could stay open).

It's all going to come down to a lot of testing and people taking responsibility and quarantining if they test positive or are around someone that tests positive. That is the only way I see any sort of way to combat it short of a vaccine (that many people won't take because 'I'm not letting the gubmint inject me with microchips'). Until then, bars and restaurants will stay empty, businesses will have less traffic, attractions will remain closed and sports venues and concert spaces will stay empty. They "lets open up" strategy is not going to bring the economy back. I just mention that because that is what I see the repubs focus on with the exit polls with COVID towards the bottom.
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The CNN pundits seem to be less surprised than 2016. They're trying to make it sound like it's still possible for Biden to win, but Biden is going to lose worse than Hillary Clinton!

It's still 50/50.

I think the people who said this will take a long time to sort out are probably right. One thing is for sure: Democrats need to figure out how to be more inclusive. This is an election they should have won in a landslide.
Whether Biden wins or loses, it's time for the Democrats to choose a new strategy that isn't based on anyone disagreeing with their policy agenda being a racist or stupid. It just isn't working. They're either going to have to come closer to the middle or do a hell of a lot better persuading people to their side philosophically.

I actually think Biden could potentially reset that if he wins. I don't know what happens if he loses.
NYT’s forecast is not spitting the right results on NC. Trump is still a coin toss but should be noted as I know many are watching it.