***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Spot On. They can start by not callling everyone a racist, sexist bigot and moron, etc........ when they don’t agree with them. It is tiresome and I said it 2 months ago it would end up costing them the election, and here we sit. @Chishawk1425, here is looking at you.

With that said, this election isn’t over yet.

It's not over. Wisconsin and Michigan have hardly begun to count early/mail-in votes. Both states were expected to look like a red mirage. Both could go either way.

Again, if Biden flips Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, he wins, if he gets Maine's or Nebraska's other 1 EC vote. He wouldn't even need Pennsylvania.
My confidence is following the betting sites. Trump was all the way up to -800 and now back down to -350. I think we have a long couple of recounts ahead of us. I didn't think Trump could win. An hour ago I thought he would be declaring victory tonight. Now, I don't think we'll have an answer for some time.

How do you read those numbers. The lower it is (-800) the greater the confidence he will win?

It's not over. Wisconsin and Michigan have hardly begun to count early/mail-in votes. Both states were expected to look like a red mirage. Both could go either way.

Again, if Biden flips Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, he wins, if he gets Maine's or Nebraska's other 1 EC vote. He wouldn't even need Pennsylvania.

Yep, and I think this still makes him a very narrow favorite at this point.
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Is there anyone better on election night than John King? I could watch him talk about the minutia all night.
The dude is the goat on election night. Dem, pub, or indy, cnn is a much watch just for King punching his fingers on that board like Chopin and Mozart. The way he breaks down even the smallest counties and does the comparisons by former elections is amazing. Dude gets my props. Runs circles around the fox and msnbc chumps.
It's not over. Wisconsin and Michigan have hardly begun to count early/mail-in votes. Both states were expected to look like a red mirage. Both could go either way.

Again, if Biden flips Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, he wins, if he gets Maine's or Nebraska's other 1 EC vote. He wouldn't even need Pennsylvania.
Rural counties are strong in the upper midwest, Trump will likely win Wisconsin
Anyone know where you can find the % of early votes counted? I know MSNBC is using that number a lot. Be a good one to track.
It's a strange year with Covid and more mail voting.... But when is the last time that the presidential winner wasn't announced the evening of election?
It's not over. Wisconsin and Michigan have hardly begun to count early/mail-in votes. Both states were expected to look like a red mirage. Both could go either way.

Again, if Biden flips Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona, he wins, if he gets Maine's or Nebraska's other 1 EC vote. He wouldn't even need Pennsylvania.

Biden looks like he is going to win Arizona, which is a big win. Also, could Iowa flip for Biden? He has a big lead in Iowa right now.

this election is far from over. I don’t think we will have a winner until the end of the week.
I know. This is fun, right? Right now, Biden is winning Iowa big, but I imagine they probably haven't counted many rural votes.

It actually is fun surprisingly. 2016 wasn't any fun really, being that I didn't support either. It was like UF playing Miami for a national championship.

Somehow I'm more removed this time around, I guess four years to come to terms with it, and I'm finding it easier to get into the political science of it, which is fascinating. We've seen close elections before, but we've never had more detail and analysis than this.
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Biden looks like he is going to win Arizona, which is a big win. Also, could Iowa flip for Biden? He has a big lead in Iowa right now.

this election is far from over. I don’t think we will have a winner until the end of the week.
Agree. I'm still surprised by Arizona. That doesn't even seem like it's going to be close. Trump doesn't feel good about OH nor WI either. PA and NC have to come home for Trump.
Spot On. They can start by not callling everyone a racist, sexist bigot and moron, etc........ when they don’t agree with them. It is tiresome and I said it 2 months ago it would end up costing them the election, and here we sit. @Chishawk1425, here is looking at you.

With that said, this election isn’t over yet.
It is fact Trump is that pathetic and people that blind to it are this countries undoing.
I wonder how much Harris helped or hurt Biden. While her nomination was historic, I have to think some voters were scared off by the combination of Harris and Biden’s age.
Agree. I'm still surprised by Arizona. That doesn't even seem like it's going to be close. Trump doesn't feel good about OH nor WI either. PA and NC have to come home for Trump.

I have been saying it for weeks on here. AZ was trending hard toward Biden.

Once WI, PA, NV, and AZ (I’m predicting they leap FL soon) become rock solid Biden, that’s all she wrote. The path is extremely narrow as is for Trump and with millions who have already voted and more voting every day he has little opportunity to make a last stand.

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