***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

There is no ****ing legitimate reason to support this idiot. You remind me of a 1920s German citizen in the Weimar Republic.

wtf are you talking about you clown? Again, you are a huge embarrassment to your party and your ilk. You are the reason this election is as close as it is. Hope you are proud of yourself.
wtf are you talking about you clown? Again, you are a huge embarrassment to your party and your ilk. You are the reason this election is as close as it is. Hope you are proud of yourself.
Lolololol no idiot turn on the tv and watch this 5 year old project
Scary speech by 45* right now. Undermining the legitimacy of the election and already calling it fraudulent if he loses. This won’t end well for the country, no matter what. He is officially a dictator and will never leave on his own accord.
This clown doesn’t have anyone fooled. He is an embarrassment to his party and should be ashamed of himself.
You listening Idiot. Here is your guy. The President undermined Democracy. **** you the fact you aren't as pissed me shows all you need to know.
Scary speech by 45* right now. Undermining the legitimacy of the election and already calling it fraudulent if he loses. This won’t end well for the country, no matter what. He is officially a dictator and will never leave on his own accord.
There are so many Idiots attacking me and not the undermining of our Democracy by the President for calling out this ****er knowing full well he'd do this. Stupid people..
There are so many Idiots attacking me and not the undermining of our Democracy by the President for calling out this ****er knowing full well he'd do this. Stupid people..
This will be so much more horrific than any American can imagine when Biden squeaks out a victory. 45* just said he won. He won’t leave.
No, I am not proud. I didn’t vote for him. However, I don’t call my fellow Americans all the names you like to call people for having different opinions then I do. That is pretty pathetic and petty.
But they support what is NOT AMERICA NOT DEMOCRACY did you listen to that ****ing desecration? Be pissed if not you are complicit to our demise. This is NOT POLITICS.
You listening Idiot. Here is your guy. The President undermined Democracy. **** you the fact you aren't as pissed me shows all you need to know.

He is not my guy you ****ing clown. Grow up.

Do you really think he has the authority to stop counting ballots? Jesus, chill the **** out.
This will be so much more horrific than any American can imagine when Biden squeaks out a victory. 45* just said he won. He won’t leave.

He doesn’t have a choice but to leave when he loses. Good lord people. Let him continue to dig his grave.

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