***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Somebody that said what Trump just said shouldn't be president of the United States because it reveals a mind deeply unfit for the position.

Agreed. Let’s hope we see the results we are all hoping for here in the next couple days. It’s time for him to go.
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There you go. Calling everyone names. Again, should trump win this election, you can thank people like yourself. Good job. I know I will blame the clowns like you.

Trumps speech he just gave was a disgrace.
It was well past a disgrace I'm the messenger KNOWING this would happen so focus your ****ing response to this mother ****er and not the messenger of FACT for once
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There you go. Calling everyone names. Again, should trump win this election, you can thank people like yourself. Good job. I know I will blame the clowns like you.

call out name calling by name calling? if it wasn't for double standards the left wouldn't have any.
says the person who wants free healthcare and amnesty for every single illegal, open borders, endless wars, judging people solely based on sex and race, abolishing the police and ICE, and every other idiotic "progressive" thing out there
Lolololol. Nope fear mongering assclown. Were you proud of this wannabe King?
Moving forward, I think we're going to have to adapt to the idea that mail-in/absentee voting along with voting early may be the norm. A lot of these larger urban areas weren't prepared to count all those ballots. I think it's asking way too much of these volunteers (many of whom are elderly) to be doing this under the current system. I'd rather they count the votes, record and seal them until they can report on Election Day. After having spent a few years working in government as an employee and volunteer, the chances of something going wrong are too great for this process to all happen in one day.
Moving forward, I think we're going to have to adapt to the idea that mail-in/absentee voting along with voting early may be the norm. A lot of these larger urban areas weren't prepared to count all those ballots. I think it's asking way too much of these volunteers (many of whom are elderly) to be doing this under the current system. I'd rather they count the votes, record and seal them until they can report on Election Day. After having spent a few years working in government as an employee and volunteer, the chances of something going wrong are too great for this process to all happen in one day.
If they do absentee or mail in they must have them counted before election day, but not publicize the results.
They need to start counting and certifying mail-in/absentee ballots ahead of time. They just don't need to report them until Election Day. I think 5 days should be enough time and if a recount is needed, they'll be set up and organized to do so.

Correct..which is why I stated that they need to be sealed until being reported on Election Day
and joe has a mind fit enough to be president? Have you seen him speak?
Seeing that frail tired old man speak should scare the bejesus out of anyone with a conscience and a patriot's heart.
Idiots hate Bad Orange Man so much they would turn our country over to the Delaware Dementia Dunce...
What have you done to my country?
Seeing that frail tired old man speak should scare the bejesus out of anyone with a conscience and a patriot's heart.
Idiots hate Bad Orange Man so much they would turn our country over to the Delaware Dementia Dunce...
What have you done to my country?
Lolololol you want the wannabe King who just projected now?

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