***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Something smells fishy. Why did ALL these states stop counting ballots? They do this once every four years. Plan for it. If you gotta count all night, don't stop. Every vote must count that's come in postmarked by November 3rd.
Neither side should like this.
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Something smells fishy. Why did ALL these states stop counting ballots? They do this once every four years. Plan for it. If you gotta count all night, don't stop. Every vote must count that's come in postmarked by November 3rd.
Neither side should like this.

because most of them worked literally all day and most of them are quite old.

Their state laws give them days afterwards to certify. Their job is to do the most accurate count possible, not satisfy the wishes of cable news.
Something smells fishy. Why did ALL these states stop counting ballots? They do this once every four years. Plan for it. If you gotta count all night, don't stop. Every vote must count that's come in postmarked by November 3rd.
Neither side should like this.
Philadelphia and the Philly suburbs are counting until they're done.

The main problem here is that the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania legislatures would not allow mail-in ballots to be counted as they came in like in other states, specifically so they could set up the scenario we're now in.

Trump and his campaign have specifically targeted Pennsylvania, but thankfully if Biden pulls out Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan (which at this point he's favored to do), Pennsylvania will be irrelevant.

But we'll see, this is just insane. About anything wouldn't be surprising.
Philadelphia and the Philly suburbs are counting until they're done.

The main problem here is that the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania legislatures would not allow mail-in ballots to be counted as they came in like in other states, specifically so they could set up the scenario we're now in.

Trump and his campaign have specifically targeted Pennsylvania, but thankfully if Biden pulls out Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan (which at this point he's favored to do), Pennsylvania will be irrelevant.

But we'll see, this is just insane. About anything wouldn't be surprising.
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No pandemic and massive mail ins? The country is ****ing stupid at this point, regardless.

I will say it has been a stunning night. I know you're upset and I understand why. I'm just trying to leave personal emotion out of it at this point.

At the moment considering I leave for work at 6am - I have about 80 students that are going to have a bunch of questions about tonight, and I won't have a lot of time with them. I'm trying to work up what I'll say to them. Trying to look at this from a historical perspective at this point.

From an Iowa perspective, Hinson and Ernst...I didn't think either of them were going to win. Those two to me are just as stunning.
I will say it has been a stunning night. I know you're upset and I understand why. I'm just trying to leave personal emotion out of it at this point.

At the moment considering I leave for work at 6am - I have about 80 students that are going to have a bunch of questions about tonight, and I won't have a lot of time with them. I'm trying to work up what I'll say to them. Trying to look at this from a historical perspective at this point.

From an Iowa perspective, Hinson and Ernst...I didn't think either of them were going to win. Those two to me are just as stunning.
This country is ****ed. It is sad and tragic.
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Something smells fishy. Why did ALL these states stop counting ballots? They do this once every four years. Plan for it. If you gotta count all night, don't stop. Every vote must count that's come in postmarked by November 3rd.
Neither side should like this.
Um, because Republican legislatures wouldn’t let them count the millions of early/mail-in ballots until the polls closed. I’m glad you’re upset with the Republican Party.
I will say it has been a stunning night. I know you're upset and I understand why. I'm just trying to leave personal emotion out of it at this point.

At the moment considering I leave for work at 6am - I have about 80 students that are going to have a bunch of questions about tonight, and I won't have a lot of time with them. I'm trying to work up what I'll say to them. Trying to look at this from a historical perspective at this point.

From an Iowa perspective, Hinson and Ernst...I didn't think either of them were going to win. Those two to me are just as stunning.

You can tell them this is one of the biggest voter turnouts in our Country's history. Remind them how important it is to vote when they're eligible. If they're younger tell them they're still counting all of the votes. Ask them if they think they could count to 167 million (estimated amount of voters/67%) and just watch their face. 😂

My kids had a mock vote yesterday at school. Twins voted for Trump and youngest voted Biden. I know whose getting the most presents this Christmas 🎁🎁🤣
There is no excuse for how he got any votes and then him spewing this shit undermining the Constitution and no one cares.
Because most likely it won’t happen. You don’t believe anything Trump says, but this you believe. It was Trump spouting off. That’s it. Relax until it happens
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Because most likely it won’t happen. You don’t believe anything Trump says, but this you believe. It was Trump spouting off. That’s it. Relax until it happens
BS. You think his MAGA supporters will just sit back? At the very least he’s undermining the entire process.
There is no excuse for how he got any votes and then him spewing this shit undermining the Constitution and no one cares.

Whoa. Slow down, ace. I can't stand Trump and it bothers me greatly that he's trying to undermine democracy. I'm also perplexed, regardless of Democratic shortcomings, how millions of people could vote for a petulant child and complete imbecile. But no, I'm not going to get particularly worked up over Trump's behavior. He's a piece of shit who only cares about himself and he's doing exactly what we expected him to.
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Coming down to the wire in NV, WI, MI. Assuming AZ is good.

PA still in play, but not really needed. Same with Georgia.

These state polls were complete shit, but it looks like Biden is still the favorite with razor thin wins. No matter what happens, a lot of people are going to be pissed off.

One conclusion: Identity politics / wokeness suffered greatly tonight
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Good because it made no sense
After what Trump said, if Biden ultimately wins do you think Trump’s biggest supporters will accept the result? Do you think Trump will gracefully concede?

No and no. And that’s very bad for an already divided country. It’s not that they can do anything, it’s just gas on the fire. Do you not see our country is tearing itself apart?

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