***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

I thought AZ has been called for Biden for a while now.

There are is still about 500K early votes not counted--half from Maricopa County. There is confusion as to whether that means election day early votes or pre-election day votes.
So as of right now....1:00 pm...Who has the best chance to win this thing? I am being cautiously optimistic about Biden, but never trust a desperate Republican.
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Are you like 13 or something?

I seriously hope when this is all over that you find some help and some peace.
Susan Collins is a pro at getting by and not serving the country. Are you like clueless or something? She is a hypocrite and a hack enabler of Trump.
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Detroit is heavily blue. Heavy. Same thing in Milwaukee. Then we know democrats are more likely to vote early and vote by mail skewing the percentage even more blue.

Please go read a book, talk to someone and learn what is going on before you go spouting off.
Washtenaw county is extremely blue.
He is mentally ill.
I swear he didn't use to be this crazy. He's on an Alex Jones trajectory.
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He doesn’t need it. Wisconsin and Michigan look like certain Biden wins. If the call of Arizona for Biden is correct, he just needs 6 more electoral votes to hit 270. Hanging on to Nevada would wrap it up.
Yeah, I see now that Biden can win without PA or GA or NC. Wow! Pretty amazing!
So as of right now....1:00 pm...Who has the best chance to win this thing? I am being cautiously optimistic about Biden, but never trust a desperate Republican.

Best chance looks like a Biden win in the EC with only PA really still up in the air. Biden would get 270, just enough to sqeek by to a win without PA. PA would pad his vote total a bit if he did win.

Republicans probably maintain control of the senate.

This is worrisome because the constitution seems to allow the senate with a majority vote to throw out electoral votes.

So I'm not putting it past them to throw out a few of Biden's electoral votes and then send it to the house where the voting by block method would mean a Trump victory.
Biden thinks they will carry WI, MI, PA, NV

If you give Trump Penn, NC, Georgia, Alaska and the 1 from Maine, he gets to 268.
If you give Biden AZ, Wisconsin, and Michigan het gets to 264.

Then it would come down to Nevada, which seems to be a Biden lean but the reported votes are basically dead even right now.

Nevada to be the decider some time tomorrow?
Best chance looks like a Biden win in the EC with only PA really still up in the air. Biden would get 270, just enough to sqeek by to a win without PA. PA would pad his vote total a bit if he did win.

Republicans probably maintain control of the senate.

This is worrisome because the constitution seems to allow the senate with a majority vote to throw out electoral votes.

So I'm not putting it past them to throw out a few of Biden's electoral votes and then send it to the house where the voting by block method would mean a Trump victory.

That would be the end of this country. It would all get burned to the ground.
If you give Trump Penn, NC, Georgia, Alaska and the 1 from Maine, he gets to 268.
If you give Biden AZ, Wisconsin, and Michigan het gets to 264.

Then it would come down to Nevada, which seems to be a Biden lean but the reported votes are basically dead even right now.

Nevada to be the decider some time tomorrow?

Given where the outstanding votes are, it's very unlikely Trump flips Nevada.
I think that is not a very clear picture unless you look at how many Republicans changed their party affiliation to Democrat during that time. I have heard that it is definitely not an insignificant number.
Yeah I'll be curious to follow an examination of their impact on this one.
Best chance looks like a Biden win in the EC with only PA really still up in the air. Biden would get 270, just enough to sqeek by to a win without PA. PA would pad his vote total a bit if he did win.

Republicans probably maintain control of the senate.

This is worrisome because the constitution seems to allow the senate with a majority vote to throw out electoral votes.

So I'm not putting it past them to throw out a few of Biden's electoral votes and then send it to the house where the voting by block method would mean a Trump victory.

There is virtually 0% chance of this happening. It would create all out anarchy.
According to Fox: Trump 214, Biden 238
If Trump wins MI, AK, PA and GA that’s 269-269, however I think it ends up 270-268 Biden.
ABC just removed AZ from Biden column. Now says it is too close to call! This is CRAZY stuff!!
Died’s ITT thread
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Nevada is really close. Biden by 8k with 86% counted. Should he lose that would need PA or GA or NC
I just saw on CNN a couple very thorough paths discussions. Trump needs to reverse Nevada or Arizona - if one assumes he wins GA/PA/NC and loses MI - to have ANY path left. The rest won't matter.

I think it is time to pass in the songbooks on this one...