***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

I believe with Wisconsin and Michigan, Biden wins it, unless Arizona really is back in play. I don't think PA will matter.

270-268? Do I have that right?

That's the count if PA, GA, NC go Trump and AZ, NV, Wisc, and Mich go Biden.
Where did you see that?
“Nevada election officials to announce updated results Wednesday
Nevada state election officials say they will announce updated results Wednesday, earlier than previously stated.

In the wee hours on Tuesday, the Nevada secretary of state’s elections division tweeted that further results would not be announced till 9 a.m. Thursday.

“But we now recognize there is a lot of national and statewide interest in the results, and we are going to release updates as they come in,” secretary of state spokeswoman Jennifer Russell told NBC News. She did not give a specific time for announcing the updated results.

Russell said state election officials originally decided not to release further election results till Thursday because they did not want to disrupt county elections offices while they were still tabulating ballots.”
HS. Biden actually could have 270(+) before I go to bed tonight - or at least trending very heavily towards it.

Trump is done. Even to contest irregularities in multiple states, even scotus won't hear it. It goes against the constitution and the tenth amendment. Remember Bush was only Florida. Donny has multiple states to sue and then take to scotus. Syphilis is done.

He's going to be abandoned in his final days if he won't move past the stolen election rhetoric. It'll be all he has to talk about and everybody knows he has failed -- he'll have nowhere to hide, and be of no use to most republicans.

I like it.
“Nevada election officials to announce updated results Wednesday
Nevada state election officials say they will announce updated results Wednesday, earlier than previously stated.

In the wee hours on Tuesday, the Nevada secretary of state’s elections division tweeted that further results would not be announced till 9 a.m. Thursday.

“But we now recognize there is a lot of national and statewide interest in the results, and we are going to release updates as they come in,” secretary of state spokeswoman Jennifer Russell told NBC News. She did not give a specific time for announcing the updated results.

Russell said state election officials originally decided not to release further election results till Thursday because they did not want to disrupt county elections offices while they were still tabulating ballots.”
He's going to be abandoned in his final days if he won't move past the stolen election rhetoric. It'll be all he has to talk about and everybody knows he has failed -- he'll have nowhere to hide, and be of no use to most republicans.

I like it.

Maybe I'm missing it, but is any Republican of any repute backing any challenge? This doesn't seem anything like Florida 2000 to me, where I think there was a legitimate case and pretty universal Republican support.

I'm keeping my eye out for a real player outside the Trump team or the Trump Grifter Media Circus showing any appetite for for a challenge.
Maybe I'm missing it, but is any Republican of any repute backing any challenge? This doesn't seem anything like Florida 2000 to me, where I think there was a legitimate case and pretty universal Republican support.

I'm keeping my eye out for a real player outside the Trump team or the Trump Grifter Media Circus showing any appetite for for a challenge.

The Blaze and Trumps teams are about the only ones.
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and be of no use to most republicans.

I suspect a lot of traditional Republicans have been trying to figure out exactly how to position themselves apart from Trumpism. The fact they can now say that Trump lost in an elections where Republicans won almost everywhere else at every level will be immensely helpful to them.

I can only imagine how much happiness there is behind a lot of Republican doors today if a 270-268 Biden win actually comes to pass.
Maybe I'm missing it, but is any Republican of any repute backing any challenge? This doesn't seem anything like Florida 2000 to me, where I think there was a legitimate case and pretty universal Republican support.

I'm keeping my eye out for a real player outside the Trump team or the Trump Grifter Media Circus showing any appetite for for a challenge.
There are no dimple or hanging chads. The vote either passes a legal test or it doesn't.
I suspect a lot of traditional Republicans have been trying to figure out exactly how to position themselves apart from Trumpism. The fact they can now say that Trump lost in an elections where Republicans won almost everywhere else at every level will be immensely helpful to them.

I can only imagine how much happiness there is behind a lot of Republican doors today if a 270-268 Biden win actually comes to pass.

Look, I will be honest with you, I voted for Trump, in 2016 and 2020...but as this day goes on and this all plans out, I am relieved he won't' win.

Maybe, just maybe Republicans can move on from this, at some point.
I know there will be the far left that "will never let us forget what we did" but I think most will.

Trump, was a bad experiment.
I suspect a lot of traditional Republicans have been trying to figure out exactly how to position themselves apart from Trumpism. The fact they can now say that Trump lost in an elections where Republicans won almost everywhere else at every level will be immensely helpful to them.

I can only imagine how much happiness there is behind a lot of Republican doors today if a 270-268 Biden win actually comes to pass.

Lots of repubs are party first... and Trump ain't the party. Trump will continue to influence the lunatic fringe of the party, but I'm not sure he does much more. He was useful for a while, but that was it.
I'm reading of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots sent in, only half have been counted in Pennsylvania. If true, that's an encouraging sign for Biden.
Lots of repubs are party first... and Trump ain't the party. Trump will continue to influence the lunatic fringe of the party, but I'm not sure he does much more. He was useful for a while, but that was it.
God I hope so.
God I hope so.

1 term president. I don't think his 'type' will be favored. They danced with the devil and got 3 supreme court picks out of it. I don't think they'll have learned their lesson, necessarily. And the next devil they dance with might not be such an idiot.

So plenty of harm anyway.

Add to that... Trump was a uniquely f*cked individual. Like, personality wise, out of all people, he was a number of deviations from the norm.
Look, I will be honest with you, I voted for Trump, in 2016 and 2020...but as this day goes on and this all plans out, I am relieved he won't' win.

Maybe, just maybe Republicans can move on from this, at some point.
I know there will be the far left that "will never let us forget what we did" but I think most will.

Trump, was a bad experiment.

This is one of the best posts I’ve read in weeks.

We need to get America united again as much as possible.
Look, I will be honest with you, I voted for Trump, in 2016 and 2020...but as this day goes on and this all plans out, I am relieved he won't' win.

Maybe, just maybe Republicans can move on from this, at some point.
I know there will be the far left that "will never let us forget what we did" but I think most will.

Trump, was a bad experiment.

Yes and no. In a national contest... repubs would pick anything over a democrat. Anything. Too partisan. But, in the primaries maybe they'll shy away from maniacs like this well enough that they won't ever make it as the nominee.
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