***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***


This is one of the best posts I’ve read in weeks.

We need to get America united again as much as possible.

I'm so ****ing sick of the divide, it's exhausting.

Unfortunately, people get off on it.
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Yes and no. In a national contest... repubs would pick anything over a democrat. Anything. Too partisan. But, in the primaries maybe they'll shy away from maniacs like this well enough that they won't ever make it as the nominee.
It'd be great if Biden could cool the temperature on politics just enough to allow some up and coming Rs and Ds to shine without constantly having to do jumping jacks for their base. Then we don't get 69 candidates per party again because we get real front runners earlier who have broad appeal.
Lots of repubs are party first... and Trump ain't the party. Trump will continue to influence the lunatic fringe of the party, but I'm not sure he does much more. He was useful for a while, but that was it.

Hope so. Nobody in the Republican establishment really wanted Trump. I hope they've learned good lessons rather than bad ones, and there are good lessons to be learned for Republicans.

- Voters don't reward you for acting conciliatory and collegial to Democrats. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be, but you can't expect to win the support of the media or democratic influencers by appearing soft, that just puts them in for the kill. I think you can still govern like an adult and compromise, but you'd better be damn sure to strike a strong position publicly. I wish it wasn't quite this way, but it is. Do not let yourself be Romney'd again.

- Stop writing off minority voters. Stop trying to convince minority voters to come to your side based on trickle down economic concepts and free enterprise theories. Listen to them and start giving them some of the things they want, like you do for bankers and farmers and billionaires. It's not that hard...what minority voters want is NOT what the coastal left keeps insisting they want (abolished police, open borders, etc)

If the Republicans play their cards right, they're going to come out of this better than they went into it. If they play them stupid, then I don't know. Any Republican who picks up a phone call from Donald Trump Jr. should be exiled from the party.

I'm so ****ing sick of the divide, it's exhausting.

Unfortunately, people get off on it.

Blame the American spirit of capitalizing on... everything. No restraint where competition is concerned.

People have an inherent taste for junk food? Push it as hard as you can.

People have an inherent taste for partisanship/tribalism? Push it as hard as you can.

Whatever you can sell; whatever angle gets you ahead of the competition. Nevermind the greater good.
When you think about it, If this holds, it is going to be even more of a joyous victory / angry loss then if it had been a landside declared at 11PM last night. Most Democrats, myself included, felt it was lost late last night and most MAGAs were on Cloud 9. Not so anymore. The Democrats are nearly entering euphoria about a Biden win looking inevitable having just stared into the eyes of four more years of Trump last night. And meanwhile the MAGA crowd are in the anger/denial phase, already having jerked off 2-3 times last night about how much owning of the libs they were going to do the next 4 years.
It'd be great if Biden could cool the temperature on politics just enough to allow some up and coming Rs and Ds to shine without constantly having to do jumping jacks for their base. Then we don't get 69 candidates per party again because we get real front runners earlier who have broad appeal.

Yep, and I'd want McConnell to do the same. The stupidest thing in the world for all parties would be for them not to come out with a COVID deal the first week of the Biden presidency.
It'd be great if Biden could cool the temperature on politics just enough to allow some up and coming Rs and Ds to shine without constantly having to do jumping jacks for their base. Then we don't get 69 candidates per party again because we get real front runners earlier who have broad appeal.

I think he can do that and would like to do that. Be that guy. Only concern would be loud fringy dems... if he can keep them quiet enough long enough.

I definitely think Trumpless America will calm down a bit, though. So good stuff there.
Hope so. Nobody in the Republican establishment really wanted Trump. I hope they've learned good lessons rather than bad ones, and there are good lessons to be learned for Republicans.

- Voters don't reward you for acting conciliatory and collegial to Democrats. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be, but you can't expect to win the support of the media or democratic influencers by appearing soft, that just puts them in for the kill. I think you can still govern like an adult and compromise, but you'd better be damn sure to strike a strong position publicly. I wish it wasn't quite this way, but it is. Do not let yourself be Romney'd again.

- Stop writing off minority voters. Stop trying to convince minority voters to come to your side based on trickle down economic concepts and free enterprise theories. Listen to them and start giving them some of the things they want, like you do for bankers and farmers and billionaires. It's not that hard...what minority voters want is NOT what the coastal left keeps insisting they want (abolished police, open borders, etc)

If the Republicans play their cards right, they're going to come out of this better than they went into it. If they play them stupid, then I don't know. Any Republican who picks up a phone call from Donald Trump Jr. should be exiled from the party.
If I am the RNC I would push Trump to concede without all this stupidity. He is doing way more damage to the Republican brand by doing all these stupid lawsuits.

Now looking forward, the republicans need to be happy that they kept the senate and picked up seats in the house. These next two years focus on blocking all the trash from the Dems and focus on taking over the house in 2022 and continue to ride that momentum for presidency in 2024 with a way better candidate.
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I'm scared for what he's going to do the country these next couple months.

It'll be a distinct minority of supporters that could be moved to do something crazy, but they're out there. I think key will be the republican media machine. If Fox news is pushing these conspiracies you could have a real problem.
The best part is the Trumpist grifters and the resistance grifters marginalized on the same day.

You can talk a lot of crap about the American electorate, but they are going to thread the needle to the best possible out outcome of a five-year shitshow.
If I am the RNC I would push Trump to concede without all this stupidity. He is doing way more damage to the Republican brand by doing all these stupid lawsuits.

Now looking forward, the republicans need to be happy that they kept the senate and picked up seats in the house. These next two years focus on blocking all the trash from the Dems and focus on taking over the house in 2022 and continue to ride that momentum for presidency in 2024 with a way better candidate.
Easier said than done. Taking down a sitting president is no easy task. And as Biden's 71 million votes prove, he is able to win record amounts of support.
Just called my Fox News watching, Trump loving 70 year old father and he sounds down. We don't discuss politics.
LOL. This guy was our POTUS for four years. Listen to him!!!! That guy was our POTUS!! Lordy, not sure how we survived it.

Thankfully we're the oldest active representative democracy and the momentum that comes with that thwarted his authoritarian tendencies.

Weaker countries wouldn't have been so lucky.
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