***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***


This is one of the best posts I’ve read in weeks.

We need to get America united again as much as possible.
Everyone knew what Trump was in 2016, ten times as much in 2020. They had their chance to reject him in the polls but they didn’t. Don’t give me that crap just because it looks like they have lost. They voted and supported scum, that’s on them and Dems do not have to work with scum. Sure it would be nice to work together but we all know that won’t happen with Mitch controlling the Senate.
Look, I will be honest with you, I voted for Trump, in 2016 and 2020...but as this day goes on and this all plans out, I am relieved he won't' win.

Maybe, just maybe Republicans can move on from this, at some point.
I know there will be the far left that "will never let us forget what we did" but I think most will.

Trump, was a bad experiment.
Just curious, you voted for Trump even though you knew it was a bad experiment?
Just curious, you voted for Trump even though you knew it was a bad experiment?

My guess is that he consumed a lot of media that never really brought up the points that would, erm... illustrate exactly why this was such a bad experiment.

Meanwhile those on the left bathed in it.

Information segregation.

(I think that's how it works for lots of people, even if not OP)
Me watching the start of Trump’s death throes...

My guess is that he consumed a lot of media that never really brought up the points that would, erm... illustrate exactly why this was such a bad experiment.

Meanwhile those on the left bathed in it.

Information segregation.

(I think that's how it works for lots of people, even if not OP)

I've been trying to tell people since he won that adhering to the simple dichotomy that everyone who votes for Trump is simply racist and/or stupid leads to nothing of ruin for Democrats. But the partisan in people just won't let them do it. They won't acknowledge that it's a complicated thing for a LOT of people.
I've been trying to tell people since he won that adhering to the simple dichotomy that everyone who votes for Trump is simply racist and/or stupid leads to nothing of ruin for Democrats. But the partisan in people just won't let them do it. They won't acknowledge that it's a complicated thing for a LOT of people.
The lack of country over party with the easiest choice in history really is sad to see.
Look, I will be honest with you, I voted for Trump, in 2016 and 2020...but as this day goes on and this all plans out, I am relieved he won't' win.

Maybe, just maybe Republicans can move on from this, at some point.
I know there will be the far left that "will never let us forget what we did" but I think most will.

Trump, was a bad experiment.

Props for admitting the mistake.

Now how we gonna get your bull back in the pasture?
I've been trying to tell people since he won that adhering to the simple dichotomy that everyone who votes for Trump is simply racist and/or stupid leads to nothing of ruin for Democrats. But the partisan in people just won't let them do it. They won't acknowledge that it's a complicated thing for a LOT of people.

Dems have a lot to learn, calling everyone that disagrees with them racists, isn't a good strategy.
It doesn't work, it turns people away from the party
He is starting to go batshit crazy. The problem is to what lengths will he go and at what point will the republican party and his allies toss him aside for self preservation.
I’ve always wanted to live long enough to see the 25th amendment deployed. Might get my chance!
I suspect a lot of traditional Republicans have been trying to figure out exactly how to position themselves apart from Trumpism. The fact they can now say that Trump lost in an elections where Republicans won almost everywhere else at every level will be immensely helpful to them.

I can only imagine how much happiness there is behind a lot of Republican doors today if a 270-268 Biden win actually comes to pass.
I'm one of those Omaha Republicans who voted Biden. First time I've ever voted for a Democrat. Really, it was a vote against Trump.
Dems have a lot to learn, calling everyone that disagrees with them racists, isn't a good strategy.
It doesn't work, it turns people away from the party
You are no better than the dems then by categorically saying dems call all repubs racists. You know that is not true. Most of the time they self identify themselves. I mean what is a person suppose to think when a racist video shows up and is not condemned but made a whataboutism? Its complete turning the action back on dems and absolving the repubs from condemning. the original action.
Ya know, I wanted this to be a 1980 Carter or 1932 Hoover type repudiation of Trump, but it is a monumental event to defeat an incumbent President. And another clear popular vote win for the Dems, with a majority this time.

I'll take it.
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Nate Silver so take with a grain of salt:

Where The Race Stands For Now
We’re taking a bit of a pause on the live blog until we get more results from Arizona and Georgia — expected around 9 p.m. ET and potentially — in Arizona, anyway — again at 12:30 a.m. ET.
This initial overview from me got a bit buried earlier after Michigan was projected for Biden, so I wanted to leave you with this in the meantime. Some of the numbers are a little outdated as of now, but only by an hour or so.
Here’s where the presidential race stands from most likely Trump win to least likely Trump win:
North Carolina. Trump leads by 1.4 points or about 77,000 votes, but mail ballots can arrive after Election Day in North Carolina, so perhaps 5 percent of the vote is still outstanding. The mail vote should be pretty blue in North Carolina, but is it enough to flip the state? Probably not, according to The Upshot’s needle, which gave Biden about a 15 percent chance in North Carolina before it was frozen. I’d call this one Likely Trump, although 15 percent chances aren’t zero, obviously!
Georgia. Trump leads by 78,000 votes without around 200,000 votes outstanding (there’s some uncertainty over the exact number). That gap seems like a tall order for Biden to close, but the remaining vote is expected to be very blue: mail votes from blue counties plus some Election Day votes from predominantly Black precincts in blue counties. The Upshot’s needle actually had Biden slightly favored to pull it off as of last night. We’ll know more soon. Let’s say Toss-up, but you could force me into Lean Biden if you told me I had to make a pick.
Pennsylvania. As expected, far more uncounted votes here than elsewhere, mostly mail votes that should be quite Democratic-leaning, though. There are too many outstanding ballots for us to be in the endgame where we can game out exact scenarios, but in counties that have completed reporting, Biden looks to be hitting the targets he needs. Even with the Trump campaign filing a number of lawsuits, the margin is tightening quickly enough that I think this belongs in Lean Biden.
Arizona. We may need to do a longer post on Arizona later. What’s left to count is mostly mail votes that were returned late in the process — on Monday or Tuesday. There’s some ambiguity about how many ballots this actually is; Edison Research seems to think around 450,000. If so, Trump would need to win those votes by 21 points to overtake Biden’s current 93,000-vote lead. They’re distributed fairly evenly throughout the state.
Wait — outstanding mail votes? Shouldn’t those be good for Biden, as they are in other states? Well, not necessarily, because Republicans have a fairly strong mail voting program in Arizona and — this is the key part — the mail ballots that were returned later in the process (the ones yet to be counted) were significantly redder than the ones that came in earlier on, as Democrats sent their votes in early. For instance, the party registration breakdown of the votes that came in Monday and Tuesday was: 23 percent Democratic, 44 percent Republican, and 33 percent independent or other parties. That is to say, a 21-point GOP edge, which would put Trump on track to tie things up.
But … here’s the bad news for Trump. Party registration may be a misleading indicator in Arizona. The state has a lot of ancestral Republicans who have now turned into swing voters. Biden also had a big lead among independents in polls. And earlier batches of mail ballots were considerably stronger for Biden than party registration alone would suggest. So probably these ballots are going to come in more for Trump than for Biden, but not as strongly as he needs.
There’s also the fact that two other news organizations, the Associated Press and Fox News, have called the state for Biden. I’d assume they’ve looked into this more than I have, so that shifts my priors a bit, but you never know and you do get incorrect calls occasionally. Overall, I’d say this is Likely Biden, but I don’t think the state should have been called yet.
Nevada. This one’s a bit more straightforward. Biden leads by only 0.6 percent, or about 7,500 votes. But what’s remaining should be pretty good for him. It’s all mail-in ballots that were either received late in the process or that are still coming in — in Nevada, mail ballots can be received by Nov. 10 provided they’re postmarked by Election Day. The mail ballots were quite blue in Nevada by party registration, much more so than in Arizona, including votes that arrived relatively late in the process. Likely Biden.
Wisconsin. No known votes left to be counted. The Trump campaign says it will seek a recount, but recounts rarely change results, and certainly not with something on the magnitude of Biden’s 20,000-vote lead. Biden is the “apparent winner,” per ABC News.
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You are no better than the dems then by categorically saying dems call all repubs racists. You know that is not true. Most of the time they self identify themselves. I mean what is a person suppose to think when a racist video shows up and is not condemned but made a whataboutism? Its complete turning the action back on dems and absolving the repubs from condemning. the original action.

That's fair.
I am a pessimist. But, I am actually feeling pretty good right now about Biden.
Little Marco!

Tucker Carlson wants heads

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Wants Pollsters 'Fired Immediately' for 'Screwing Up'
Tucker Carlson wants heads

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Wants Pollsters 'Fired Immediately' for 'Screwing Up'

Good thing those Fox News polls were always dead on
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