***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Dems have a lot to learn, calling everyone that disagrees with them racists, isn't a good strategy.
It doesn't work, it turns people away from the party
I agree. But Republicans likewise should learn not to say that every Democrat is a socialist. If both sides stopped painting the other with such a ridiculously broad brush, the country would be much better off.
Tucker Carlson wants heads

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Wants Pollsters 'Fired Immediately' for 'Screwing Up'

Poor Tucker. Gonna have to be kicked off the Trump Train, his meal ticket, in January......
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I agree. But Republicans likewise should learn not to say that every Democrat is a socialist. If both sides stopped painting the other with such a ridiculously broad brush, the country would be much better off.

I agree with this. I regret how often I jumped to "socialist" in my younger, more partisan days. All it gets you is actual socialists on the scene like we have now. If everyone's a socialist, than nobody is.

And it's been proven the exact same with racists. Calling Romney or any mainstream center-right thought racist begets Trump.

Both sides should stop using their favorite curse, all it does is empower those that actually are.
Somebody reassure me about Nevada. It's only a 8k lead with 25% to count. If Nevada flips, it seems GA, PA, n NC will be an uphill battle. Though watching Rudy made me feel better as he was just flailing away.
Somebody reassure me about Nevada. It's only a 8k lead with 25% to count. If Nevada flips, it seems GA, PA, n NC will be an uphill battle. Though watching Rudy made me feel better as he was just flailing away.

The votes are out of Vegas (which is Biden country) and mail in voting (which favors democrats).

The red counties in Nevada with outstandings have populations of like 12 guys. So they will only had hundreds to Trump counts. Not the 5 figures he needs to take the lead (plus whatever Biden runs up in Vegas)

This is one of the best posts I’ve read in weeks.

We need to get America united again as much as possible.
And of course it is the Democrats who are supposed to do that. Then when the Republicans get power they will immediately start doing what they do. It's always the Democrats who have to play nice. As long as Mitch McConnell is in charge of the Senate there will be no uniting the country.
Somebody reassure me about Nevada. It's only a 8k lead with 25% to count. If Nevada flips, it seems GA, PA, n NC will be an uphill battle. Though watching Rudy made me feel better as he was just flailing away.
Nevada. This one’s a bit more straightforward. Biden leads by only 0.6 percent, or about 7,500 votes. But what’s remaining should be pretty good for him. It’s all mail-in ballots that were either received late in the process or that are still coming in — in Nevada, mail ballots can be received by Nov. 10 provided they’re postmarked by Election Day. The mail ballots were quite blue in Nevada by party registration, much more so than in Arizona, including votes that arrived relatively late in the process. Likely Biden.
I am not sure about PA, the amount of votes counted keeps going up but Trump's lead seems to have stabilized to about 250,000 votes. Has been there for a while.

Also Biden doesn't seem to be improving his marks in GA.

Wish Nevada would report its votes.
And of course it is the Democrats who are supposed to do that. Then when the Republicans get power they will immediately start doing what they do. It's always the Democrats who have to play nice. As long as Mitch McConnell is in charge of the Senate there will be no uniting the country.
I dunno, he seems pretty genuine. And I don’t mind if my “side” is the one that takes the high road. I LIKE the high road. 🙂
When you think about it, If this holds, it is going to be even more of a joyous victory / angry loss then if it had been a landside declared at 11PM last night. Most Democrats, myself included, felt it was lost late last night and most MAGAs were on Cloud 9. Not so anymore. The Democrats are nearly entering euphoria about a Biden win looking inevitable having just stared into the eyes of four more years of Trump last night. And meanwhile the MAGA crowd are in the anger/denial phase, already having jerked off 2-3 times last night about how much owning of the libs they were going to do the next 4 years.
I want to feel this way but I don't feel excited at all. I will be glad on Inauguration Day that Trump is finally gone, but I am sad because this vote shouldn't have been close. I am sad because we are probably decades away from moving forward as a nation. We are going to be same old same old with the same people in power being self serving, and the middle class continuing to shoulder the load.

This country is far away from the country I hoped it was becoming. Just my opinion. We'll see if I feel differently in 4 years. 8 years. After today I am more pessimistic about our future than I have ever been. Sorry guys.
I am not sure about PA, the amount of votes counted keeps going up but Trump's lead seems to have stabilized to about 250,000 votes. Has been there for a while.

There are still another 250k absentee ballots to be counted in Philadelphia County alone. Biden will make up at least 150k of those votes in that county alone. Biden is going to win PA and it isn’t going to be particularly close.
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If I am the RNC I would push Trump to concede without all this stupidity. He is doing way more damage to the Republican brand by doing all these stupid lawsuits.

Now looking forward, the republicans need to be happy that they kept the senate and picked up seats in the house. These next two years focus on blocking all the trash from the Dems and focus on taking over the house in 2022 and continue to ride that momentum for presidency in 2024 with a way better candidate.
Trump doesn't care about those Republicans. He only cares about himself. He won't listen to them.
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If I am the RNC I would push Trump to concede without all this stupidity. He is doing way more damage to the Republican brand by doing all these stupid lawsuits.

Now looking forward, the republicans need to be happy that they kept the senate and picked up seats in the house. These next two years focus on blocking all the trash from the Dems and focus on taking over the house in 2022 and continue to ride that momentum for presidency in 2024 with a way better candidate.
Sooooo...not trying to work together then? You'll get your way. McConnell will try to block everything Biden wants accomplished.
I dunno, he seems pretty genuine. And I don’t mind if my “side” is the one that takes the high road. I LIKE the high road. 🙂
We always do...and the Republicans thank us for it. And laugh. Or at least sensible chuckle.
Everyone knew what Trump was in 2016, ten times as much in 2020. They had their chance to reject him in the polls but they didn’t. Don’t give me that crap just because it looks like they have lost. They voted and supported scum, that’s on them and Dems do not have to work with scum. Sure it would be nice to work together but we all know that won’t happen with Mitch controlling the Senate.
I agree completely.
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