***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Damn. So many states coming down to the wire. Incredible

But its not really to the wire. Do you expect Donald to get a 2:1 ratio in an major city in early voting-which we know leans democratic?

Sure it could happen, but the math is not that likely.
The counties Biden is leading have the most outstanding votes. Biden will win Arizona. There's a reason others have already called it.
I hope you are right but this isn't a guarantee obviously. Still a toss up at this point in the election. Should know a lot more by tomorrow morning hopefully.
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counted not found.

Shhh!!! Don't give away the secret! We want to be able to thank the aliens, while celebrating a Biden win, for visiting long enough to spam the vote for Biden before zooming off in their space ships back to their own galaxy.
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Another 75K vote update from AZ coming after commercial on MSNBC.....

NM. Stupid Rachel. Made it sound like (another) 75K tally was on deck. Just talking about what happened before.
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There will be seven or eight more batches like this. If he loses 10k each time, it’s a tossup at best.
Trump will not go 59-41 in Maricopa, Pima and Yuma.

OK, after a FiveThirtyEight quantitative edit from @NateSilver538, I must amend this: Given the 418,000 ballots remaining, a 59-41 split is *exactly* what Trump needs. But 46,000 of those ballots are from Pima, which is bluer than Maricopa.

There will be seven or eight more batches like this. If he loses 10k each time, it’s a tossup at best.

I don't know about that. The last batch of Maricopa votes were 52% Biden. They must have votes from other counties that cut into the lead. There's also a lot of outstanding votes in the other suburban county Biden is winning by a much larger number.
According to Politico Election Results website tracking, 98% of the expected vote in GA has been tabulated. Trump has a 32,858 lead.

And unless I'm mistaken, the votes left to be counted are of the mail-in/AV variety - and lots in Dem areas - and that (traditionally) heavily favors Biden.
According to Politico Election Results website tracking, 98% of the expected vote in GA has been tabulated. Trump has a 32,858 lead.

And unless I'm mistaken, the votes left to be counted are of the mail-in/AV variety - and lots in Dem areas - and that (traditionally) heavily favors Biden.

everyone has the percentage much lower. 90K ballots to go per AJC

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