***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Eh. Turnout gonna be tough to match from Dems

Exactly, that's why it exists. However, McConnell will have a tough job ahead of him, he might TRY to become a baby-sitter and he and a despondant Trump might get into an epic fight. If you think he's unpredictable now, he could really go off the rails by Friday if current trends continue and we get far beyond where the outcome is disputable.
What’s so interesting to me is that the AP has Biden at 264 EC votes, and has called Arizona for Biden.

Traditionally, the AP has been more conservative than television outlets in calling states. It is intriguing they are sticking with the call - in the past, they have re-called states if they feel it was done prematurely, but one would think they’d have done that by now in Arizona if they had any doubt at all about the outcome.

What’s so interesting to me is that the AP has Biden at 264 EC votes, and has called Arizona for Biden.

Traditionally, the AP has been more conservative than television outlets in calling states. It is intriguing they are sticking with the call - in the past, they have re-called states if they feel it was done prematurely, but one would think they’d have done that by now in Arizona if they had any doubt at all about the outcome.

Yep I have thought the same thing in regards to the AP.
What’s so interesting to me is that the AP has Biden at 264 EC votes, and has called Arizona for Biden.

Traditionally, the AP has been more conservative than television outlets in calling states. It is intriguing they are sticking with the call - in the past, they have re-called states if they feel it was done prematurely, but one would think they’d have done that by now in Arizona if they had any doubt at all about the outcome.

Exactly, that's kind of the thing that makes me think some of the freakout may be unwarranted. I still wouldn't freakout much because PA and and GA might both flip in the next 24 hours ,and Trump isn't going to make up nearly that entire gap in AZ by that time.
Yea, I'm thinking we have a President elect within 24 hours.

By noon tomorrow. This thing is just going through formalities at this point in time. It’s over. If anything, would be nice to get Biden over 280 ev’s just to get a concession out if trump instead of recounts and courts. We need this to be done.
By noon tomorrow. This thing is just going through formalities at this point in time. It’s over. If anything, would be nice to get Biden over 280 ev’s just to get a concession out if trump instead of recounts and courts. We need this to be done.
Look at you getting it.
Lol what? I’d love to hear what you think I am getting. I still think scum like you are the reason this election is anywhere as close as it is. But I have been all for Biden all along.
I'm scum for calling out this desecration President and here we are him trying to be King as predicted.
Keep an eye on Arizona...Trump is narrowing gap..135k votes in and he’s getting 57%. Still looking to count and report another 450k or more tomorrow
Still nervous about this guys. Hoping the batch that is suppose to come in today from Nevada can call it for Biden. Would love to see PA and GA go blue too.

Yes, there are still very plausible paths to victory for Trump. This is very, very tight. I don’t see how Biden holds on to AZ with the way these batches have been going. That makes the path both both guys very narrow.
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Yes, there are still very plausible paths to victory for Trump. This is very, very tight. I don’t see how Biden holds on to AZ with the way these batches have been going. That makes the path both both guys very narrow.
I’m a tiny bit. But now Yavapai County is almost 100% in while Maricopa and Pima Counties have a ways to go. Now some Trump counties have more votes out there too, but they’re tiny. I see why the AP, Fox, NPR, etc have called it...
When is that Nevada vote drop suppose to come? If we get good news from Nevada, the media should hopefully be able to call the election.

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