***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Here is a fun scenario, it is very doubtful Perdue gets the 50% now so Georgia is very likely going to have two run offs that could determine who holds the senate!!!!!!


I’m a tiny bit. But now Yavapai County is almost 100% in while Maricopa and Pima Counties have a ways to go. Now some Trump counties have more votes out there too, but they’re tiny. I see why the AP, Fox, NPR, etc have called it...

Didn’t Trump gain in the last Maricopa dump? My understanding is these are late drop offs, where Trump has done well.

I’m a tiny bit. But now Yavapai County is almost 100% in while Maricopa and Pima Counties have a ways to go. Now some Trump counties have more votes out there too, but they’re tiny. I see why the AP, Fox, NPR, etc have called it...

My understanding of the last two batches that have been counted and added to the totals is that they were Republican-leaning.

1st batch (by affiliation): D25/R45/O30
2nd batch: D26/R36/O36

So that explains the tilt toward Trump with the most recent ballot dumps.

Trump would need ~59% of the remaining ballots to go his way to overtake Biden. And there is a lot of chatter that the remaining ballots are more D or Independent-leaning.

My understanding of the last two batches that have been counted and added to the totals is that they were Republican-leaning.

1st batch (by affiliation): D25/R45/O30
2nd batch: D26/R36/O36

So that explains the tilt toward Trump with the most recent ballot dumps.

Trump would need ~59% of the remaining ballots to go his way to overtake Biden. And there is a lot of chatter that the remaining ballots are more D or Independent-leaning.

IMO those look terrible for Biden.

Do we have an ETA for the next dump?
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IMO those look terrible for Biden.

Do we have an ETA for the next dump?

Those were the affiliations of the previous batches. Not what is anticipated for future batches.

Next Maricopa release expected tonight.
I doubt that. I figure that they know where the remaining votes are and they don't believe Trump can get those margins in the votes that are left.

The margin is already too close, with the likely breakdown of remaining ballots too unknown, for any responsible media outlet to call the race.
The margin is already too close, with the likely breakdown of remaining ballots too unknown, for any responsible media outlet to call the race.

I agree with this!

However: I do find it funny as f*ck that Fox made the call so early and prompted a Trump meltdown.
On The538 it says Georgia has 25,000 votes left to count, with Biden down 18k. Biden would have to win almost 90% of those to win. That doesn't sound good.

It seems if Georgia is the deciding state it will almost certainly have to do a recount.
On The538 it says Georgia has 25,000 votes left to count, with Biden down 18k. Biden would have to win almost 90% of those to win. That doesn't sound good.

It seems if Georgia is the deciding state it will almost certainly have to do a recount.
Something is off there then. If there are only 25k left then the numbers have not been updated. The 18k number update had almost 100k left to go
On The538 it says Georgia has 25,000 votes left to count, with Biden down 18k. Biden would have to win almost 90% of those to win. That doesn't sound good.

It seems if Georgia is the deciding state it will almost certainly have to do a recount.

That 25,000 number isn't official. Others are saying 50,000 remaining which could get Biden the edge by a razor. Patience
If Trumps wins and of course loses the popular vote by 4 million+, how much rage will there be again over the electoral college?

I'll give you the old @IMCC965 treatment. Would you feel the same if Biden won the EC and Trump won the popular. Would you just sit there quietly?
With mail in ballots becoming the future for voting,, regardless of who wins, both parties need to agree to a national mandate that mail in ballots must be logged in as they come in and not forced to wait until poll closings/election day. It is so ridiculous knowing the amount of ballots coming in this year that we have to have people hand counting millions of ballots after the election vs. instead of keeping up with them as they came in. It is not good for the country and the losing side can't help but feel that something nefarious is going on.

And yes, I know for several states including PA it was GOP state legislatures intentionally not letting this happen to create this perception/try to stop the votes
With mail in ballots becoming the future for voting,, regardless of who wins, both parties need to agree to a national mandate that mail in ballots must be logged in as they come in and not forced to wait until poll closings/election day. It is so ridiculous knowing the amount of ballots coming in this year that we have to have people hand counting millions of ballots after the election vs. instead of keeping up with them as they came in. It is not good for the country and the losing side can't help but feel that something nefarious is going on.

And yes, I know for several states including PA it was GOP state legislatures intentionally not letting this happen to create this perception/try to stop the votes

Idk if the fed can mandate that. However it makes sense that every state count the ballots ahead of time, so that we have results quicker.
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I dont remember anything about this movie except Natalie has a shaved head.
Georgia doesn't do it for Biden; that only guarantees a tie; and Trump wins a tie. Biden needs:


* or *

GA and one other

* or *


I am figuring that he won AZ. Too many sources have called this race and stood by those calls for a while now for me to think it is really up for grabs.
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With mail in ballots becoming the future for voting,, regardless of who wins, both parties need to agree to a national mandate that mail in ballots must be logged in as they come in and not forced to wait until poll closings/election day. It is so ridiculous knowing the amount of ballots coming in this year that we have to have people hand counting millions of ballots after the election vs. instead of keeping up with them as they came in. It is not good for the country and the losing side can't help but feel that something nefarious is going on.

And yes, I know for several states including PA it was GOP state legislatures intentionally not letting this happen to create this perception/try to stop the votes

It is certainly absurd to disallow at least a couple day head-start. The GOP legislatures acted in bad faith, and will continue to find bad faith ways to damage the process in the future. Unfortunately, the federal government has no way to stop it. States are free to make their laws as they please.
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How does Trump win a tie? That would mean the house picks the winner I thought.

House members don’t get an individual vote. The vote is by state by state delegation - 50 total votes. So AK gets 1 vote and CA gets 1 vote, etc.

There are a few evenly split states, but it’s 25-23 GOP or something like that the last time I saw.
House members don’t get an individual vote. The vote is by state by state delegation - 50 total votes. So AK gets 1 vote and CA gets 1 vote, etc.

There are a few evenly split states, but it’s 25-23 GOP or something like that the last time I saw.
Dang! I ****ing think maybe the founders over reached the rural populations being represented enough....
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50,000 left in Georgia
10-11k in ATL

Where are the other 40k? Savanah has some but important to know where others are.

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