***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Interesting, Georgia Secretary of State said there were only 25,000 ballots left as of 1.5 hours ago, and Trump's lead is at around 18,600. Seems like some slim margins in GA.
Difference between counted and reported though. The margin of 18k I think is based on 50k expected to be reported still.
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Please Georgia go blue to end this so I may laugh.
How great would it be for Jimmy Carter to witness that?
Interesting, Georgia Secretary of State said there were only 25,000 ballots left as of 1.5 hours ago, and Trump's lead is at around 18,600. Seems like some slim margins in GA.
That was corrected to over 51k left.
Shoot, if you're convinced, Boo, then that's good enough for me. Right now, it does look like Biden has a good chance to eventually take Pennsylvania

I’m responding to Trump’s demand that we stop the count. He wins GA, PA, NC. Biden wins NV and AZ.

Biden wins!
Just saw this on the NY Times..
Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s statewide voting system implementation manager, said that 61,367 outstanding mail-in absentee ballots remained uncounted. The state aims to finish its count by noon.

Give Biden around 70% of those and he should move slightly ahead of trump.
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Wtf is going on with Nevada. Are they ever going to release numbers or is this a 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' kind of thing?
They want to be in the limelight hoping this will increase their tourism when things are open. It’s all about $$$$.
I guess I just dont see why you are all so optimistic.

Well, I agree there's a lot of spiking of the football at the 5-yard line, but to make any sort of declaration that Trump is going to win seems like Eeyore-level pessimism. He certainly might, but it's far from guaranteed.
Well, I agree there's a lot of spiking of the football at the 5-yard line, but to make any sort of declaration that Trump is going to win seems like Eeyore-level pessimism. He certainly might, but it's far from guaranteed.

I have already factored in my disappointment. Either way, Trump got a lot of votes and this country is a lost cause. I have a chance coming up to go overseas on a development mission, but I dont want to represent the USA anywhere. Even if Biden wins. The fact that Trump got those votes is embarrassing and humiliating.
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I don’t know if Nate is sleep deprived (I think he is) but his communication style on Twitter is brutal.

My take is that there are heavily-Biden-leading counties that have ballots left.

IMO he is overrated. I do numbers for a living too. He plays it both ways so when he is wrong, like this election he hedges just before so he wont look bad later. Either way he can say "I knew it"...Its BS
I don’t know if Nate is sleep deprived (I think he is) but his communication style on Twitter is brutal.

My take is that there are heavily-Biden-leading counties that have ballots left.

Democrats requested mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania by an overwhelming 1.9 million compared to Republicans at 762k. With a little under a million mail-in ballots yet to be counted, you can see why Biden has reason to be optimistic, especially with 125k yet to come from Philly.

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