***Official GaTech @ FSU Thread***

Nope, not a Democrat at all. I do deny because I've said it multiple times where I stand. Just because I don't care for RDS doesn't make me one. I say you can't admit you are wrong cause of some mental defect or inability to just admit you have a wrong take. Your inability to be honest has nothing to do with my political opinions. Thats a great attempt by you to try to move the discussion. You said it wasn't political. It was, his family marched out and is now being used in his political ads. Thats the topic at hand, stay focused.

Everything else you typed is a misdirection to the topic. Funny how you transition from "admitting you are wrong" is somehow being a lay down. Not even sure what "be a lay down" means. I can guess, but what do you think the implication of "be a lay down" is? This isn't some battle where you are losing, its admitting you had a wrong take on a topic.

And thats great that you didn't talk politics in a F2F. Most of us don't. But you did start discussing / defending it here.

1. You think I have a “mental defect”? You’re either joking or you’re defaulting to that because you don’t accept that I simply see things differently. Amazing.
2. Dems are used to Republicans of old playing by the rules. Think Romney backing down in his debate with Obama AND Candy Crowley in 2012. Those days are over. Gloves off.
1. You think I have a “mental defect”? You’re either joking or you’re defaulting to that because you don’t accept that I simply see things differently. Amazing.
2. Dems are used to Republicans of old playing by the rules. Think Romney backing down in his debate with Obama AND Candy Crowley in 2012. Those days are over. Gloves off.

Mental defect is me being lazy on trying to explain how you can say it's not political, being shown the political ad and then still saying it is not political. Whats amazing is your inability to simply say you are wrong. You can "see it differently", but you see it wrong. OR, you simply don't want to admit when you are clearly incorrect. That is a recurring behavior for you, cognitive dissonance.

The rest of what you typed is completely irrelevant to this topic. Again, another recurring behavior for you. Stay on topic.
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Just because I'm calling out the BS isn't palatable, doesn't mean I'm a troll (nor just trolling this topic). As mentioned last page, the football aspect of the thread is done, how is that not a legitimate response to Trad's Q?

Do you know what a troll is?

Yes, I do. someone who maliciously harasses, attacks, or cyberbullies others.

You know, like suggesting someone has a "mental defect" because you they won't agree with you.

I will admit that the best way to deal with them is the Ignore button. Which I've done to avoid to having
to read any further of your diatribes.
Yes, I do. someone who maliciously harasses, attacks, or cyberbullies others.

You know, like suggesting someone has a "mental defect" because you they won't agree with you.

I will admit that the best way to deal with them is the Ignore button. Which I've done to avoid to having
to read any further of your diatribes.

Oh well, seems a bit snowflakey in this discussion, but sorry? to see you go. No diatribe, just trying to get reality to be acknowledged. There is zero malice - intended to do harm, just reality.
Oh well, seems a bit snowflakey in this discussion, but sorry? to see you go. No diatribe, just trying to get reality to be acknowledged. There is zero malice - intended to do harm, just reality.
And yet you don’t seem to be able to acknowledge that it’s your “reality”, which is just another word for your OPINION.
Why are you intent on quashing OPINIONS different from your own?
Move on.
I know everyone had a big laugh about "alternate facts" a few years ago, but labeling something as a "fact" is not as cut and dried as you people would have everyone believe.

The facts change based on people's perceptions and with the passage of time.

Nope. Not true. Alternative facts are not facts. They're falsehoods. Now details may change, but a fact is backed up by observations and evidence. People perceptions aren't facts and while a perception may change with time, the fact about the item does not.

Fact - a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Ergo "alternative facts" is simply ignoring reality because it doesn't match with one's desired reality.
Nope. Not true. Alternative facts are not facts. They're falsehoods. Now details may change, but a fact is backed up by observations and evidence. People perceptions aren't facts and while a perception may change with time, the fact about the item does not.

Fact - a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Ergo "alternative facts" is simply ignoring reality because it doesn't match with one's desired reality.

Key word is "known"...

There's a whole lotta crap that liberals "know" that isn't a fact.

You hear them say it all the time.
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Yeah, the scientists are never wrong.

Remember when they said the vaccine would keep you from getting infected?

Hahahaha, that certainly wasn't a fact!

Can you find an article or cite the source of someone in an official capacity saying "vaccine will <100%> keep you from getting infected" ?

So at 4:00 it shows the vaccines work and are in the 90% effective. And at 5 Min the effectiveness against the variants, in the 75-89% for the Pfizer.

So as @BelemNole says, no. which min:sec did you hear "vaccinated people are 100% immune from COVID" ?Since clearly we two didn't hear the "evidence" you are submitting as a fact. Otherwise, you are wrong. Not "alternative - wrong" but actually, 100% verifiably full of bullshit wrong.
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So at 4:00 it shows the vaccines work and are in the 90% effective. And at 5 Min the effectiveness against the variants, in the 75-89% for the Pfizer.

So as @BelemNole says, no. which min:sec did you hear "vaccinated people are 100% immune from COVID" ?Since clearly we two didn't hear the "evidence" you are submitting as a fact. Otherwise, you are wrong. Not "alternative - wrong" but actually, 100% verifiably full of bullshit wrong.

She makes dozens of factually-inaccurate statements in that video, but let's start with "how rare" she describes breakthrough infections.
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So you said
Remember when they said the vaccine would keep you from getting infected?
when asked where that was stated you provided "proof".
Now, you cannot even speak to that specifically. You claimed "Remember when they said the vaccine would keep you from getting infected?", at what time stamp did she say that?

Keep on the point at hand @The Tradition . Just like earlier, back up your exact statement or admit you are wrong. It's simple. Any evidence of "prevent infection". Not drastically lower, but keep from getting ?
She makes dozens of factually-inaccurate statements in that video, but let's start with "how rare" she describes breakthrough infections.

And then separately, what else did she say that was "factually-inaccurate" ? And what's the non-Twitter, non-Fox/OAN source to refute? But one thing at a time.
So you said
Remember when they said the vaccine would keep you from getting infected?
when asked where that was stated you provided "proof".
Now, you cannot even speak to that specifically. You claimed "Remember when they said the vaccine would keep you from getting infected?", at what time stamp did she say that?

Keep on the point at hand @The Tradition . Just like earlier, back up your exact statement or admit you are wrong. It's simple. Any evidence of "prevent infection". Not drastically lower, but keep from getting ?

She said that you're not going to spread it so off with the masks! Yay, Biden!

Anyway, here's this:

She said that you're not going to spread it so off with the masks! Yay, Biden!

Anyway, here's this:

Sure, he did say that but we all know Joe is loose with facts, was overstating everything to get elected and isn't an actual doctor! So NOW you want to hang onto everything he says? But I agree, he should't have said it without qualifiers.

And back to your "ace in the hole" of evidence, an actual doctor, she didn't say you wouldn't get it, at 5:30 she gave a series of reasons that risk is reduced before she said "you can start doing things you stopped doing", she didn't say "you're not going to spread it". Again, you are making up words. She also said if you feel symptoms, put your mask back on..... fail again, try again. Where specifically did she say "vaccination will 100% prevent you from contracting COVID"?

Just say it. say it Trad. saaayyy ittttt.
"I was wrong, she didn't say it". It will make you feel better to be on the right side of facts. Give it a shot. might change your whole life to be accurate and factual.
Sure, he did say that but we all know Joe is loose with facts, was overstating everything to get elected and isn't an actual doctor! So NOW you want to hang onto everything he says? But I agree, he should't have said it without qualifiers.

And back to your "ace in the hole" of evidence, an actual doctor, she didn't say you wouldn't get it, at 5:30 she gave a series of reasons that risk is reduced before she said "you can start doing things you stopped doing", she didn't say "you're not going to spread it". Again, you are making up words. She also said if you feel symptoms, put your mask back on..... fail again, try again. Where specifically did she say "vaccination will 100% prevent you from contracting COVID"?

Just say it. say it Trad. saaayyy ittttt.
"I was wrong, she didn't say it". It will make you feel better to be on the right side of facts. Give it a shot. might change your whole life to be accurate and factual.

Why are you saying was my "ace in the hole"?

The ace in the hole was Biden. I held that back for you.
Why are you saying was my "ace in the hole"?

The ace in the hole was Biden. I held that back for you.

You first post was a Dr. You ace in the hole was a loony old man who talks out of his rear and has always been loose with language? THAT is your ace in the hole? A history and political science major who is noted as a "unexceptional student" ? THATS your ace in the hole?

Again, actual legit person who is very careful with word choice (like a Dr or a Scientist) who says 100% prevention.
You first post was a Dr. You ace in the hole was a loony old man who talks out of his rear and has always been loose with language? THAT is your ace in the hole? A history and political science major who is noted as a "unexceptional student" ? THATS your ace in the hole?

Again, actual legit person who is very careful with word choice (like a Dr or a Scientist) who says 100% prevention.

See my post right above this.
Went to the game this weekend.

Came away impressed with the throttling from the defense, holes made by the offensive line, and annoyed by the early drops.

See this thread bubble up five pages long.

Open it.

Went to the game this weekend.

Came away impressed with the throttling from the defense, holes made by the offensive line, and annoyed by the early drops.

See this thread bubble up five pages long.

Open it.

Same. The early drops had me running down to the Oyster City booth for another beer.
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