I hear you. I really do. I have wrestled with this same issue in my business career several times. I have come to the conclusion that unless it is completely broken, then you work toward the desired solution until it is the right time for implementation. The wait for change can be painful at this stage. Looking at this from a business perspective, and collegiate wrestling at this level IS a business, I believe Iowa's best outcome is to immerse an assistant into the program until he is ready to take over. It could be 3 years. It could be 5. If I am the AD, i would be hard pressed today to find anyone better to take over the Iowa program than Tom. If I was an Iowa fan, I would want to make a change too, but since I am not, my business mind takes over and I see the reality that it isn't a good decision to replace Tom in the near term. It just isn't. Iowa would take a step back from its current level if you made such a rapid change to an unknown commodity. Again, just my two pennies.You want us to go through 5 more years of this?!? Holy smokes. Eat the contract. Time to move on. This ain’t getting it done. We’ve been patient for 13 years, nearly 14. Don’t you reckon it’s about time Laban gives us our Rachel?
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