***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

This thing isn't final yet, but if it goes the way I think it's going, this was a good day for traditional non Trump slurping Republicans/Conservatives.

IF it happens like I'm seeing it, Biden is going to win a thin electoral victory, the Republicans will hold the Senate, and pick up seats in the House. The Republicans did absolutely fantastic in competitive house districts. They won a bunch of Senate contests, many comfortably, that dems thought were vulnerable and poured TONS of money into. The Republicans made great inroads with minority voters, especially Hispanics.

Basically, Republicans everywhere ran ahead of Trump. Trump the person was rejected, as he should have been, but this has been a very telling blow to the "resistance" direction of the Democratic party. They were very smart/fortunate to have nominated the "boring moderate" despite best efforts, or they'd have likely lost clearly to Trump again.

I don't expect any attempts by Trump to legally challenge anything to get any real traction. Despite what people want to claim, while judges might be liberal or conservative they're rarely purely partisan, and I've yet to see a compelling legal challenge to be made. We'll see. Plus, I'm pretty sure that most Republican power brokers look at this income the way I do...very, very encouraging for the future.
This thing isn't final yet, but if it goes the way I think it's going, this was a good day for traditional non Trump slurping Republicans/Conservatives.

IF it happens like I'm seeing it, Biden is going to win a thin electoral victory, the Republicans will hold the Senate, and pick up seats in the House. The Republicans did absolutely fantastic in competitive house districts. They won a bunch of Senate contests, many comfortably, that dems thought were vulnerable and poured TONS of money into. The Republicans made great inroads with minority voters, especially Hispanics.

Basically, Republicans everywhere ran ahead of Trump. Trump the person was rejected, as he should have been, but this has been a very telling blow to the "resistance" direction of the Democratic party. They were very smart/fortunate to have nominated the "boring moderate" despite best efforts, or they'd have likely lost clearly to Trump again.

I don't expect any attempts by Trump to legally challenge anything to get any real traction. Despite what people want to claim, while judges might be liberal or conservative they're rarely purely partisan, and I've yet to see a compelling legal challenge to be made. We'll see. Plus, I'm pretty sure that most Republican power brokers look at this income the way I do...very, very encouraging for the future.
The next senate elections will be big.
So I am a Democrat who hates Trump. Should I be happy? Nervous? Or angry/disappointed?
Its likely you are going to see trump lose. It is also likely not alot changes during the next 4 years with the SC/ senate the way it is and the house going slightly more red. If your main objective is Trump being gone, you are sitting pretty well.
So I am a Democrat who hates Trump. Should I be happy? Nervous? Or angry/disappointed?


I think Trump is gone, but if the leftist swing of Democratic party of the last four years is your cup of tea, voters pretty solidly rejected the party of AOC and Bernie, violent protests, packing the court, etc. If you've been quite happily believing that the browning of America made a progressive Democratic steamroller inevitable, this should be pretty demoralizing as well.

If you're an old style Democrat like James Carville that has been concerned about the loudest Democratic voices belonging to the Squad and Bernie and others who are way out of step with most Americans, then you should be totally elated. You've been proven right about what kind of Democrat wins, and have a chance to pull the party back to the center-left.
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Basically we are looking at 4 more of the Obama years. Some normalcy but very little change for the country.
Yep, I haven't looked to see who's up. I know there were an inordinate number of red seats up this time, surviving this (assuming they do) is huge for the Republicans.
Republicans retiring in NC and PA. Rubio up in Fla. Kelly up again in Az, Colorado (D), Missouri (R). Wiscosin (R) could be in play as well.

Rest are in strong holds
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Nervous nellies, didn't I say Orangutan is going down. And I even slept well and listened to Cheetos press conference in the white house. First thing I'd do is fumigate that joint. It looked like studio 54 but with worse grifters and if you had smellavision I swear that thing smells like cocaine, ass and failure. And kudos to VP Mike Penises for his holding on to and gargling Trump's sack to the end. Kudos.
Is it coming down to Nevada? With over 95% reporting for Wisconsin and Michigan, they look to be Biden.

Since most of the outstanding vote in Nevada is likely Democratic, Biden should be safe there. Trump's best hope is Michigan and Pennsylvania. He may get Pennsylvania, but Michigan is looking doubtful. If Trump doesn't get both, he's toast, I believe.
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Since most of the outstanding vote in Nevada is likely Democratic, Biden should be safe there. Trump's best hope is Michigan and Pennsylvania. He may get Pennsylvania, but Michigan is looking doubtful. If Trump doesn't get both, he's toast, I believe.
That’s kind of what I’m seeing too. I’m not too upset about it. I just hope he goes quietly into the night and stays out of the way in 2024.
Republicans retiring in NC and PA. Rubio up in Fla. Kelly up again in Az, Colorado (D), Missouri (R). Wiscosin (R) could be in play as well.

Rest are in strong holds

Rubio should be a shoo in I would think based on this election. Will be fairly tough to flip a R North Carolina seat or D Colorado seat I'm guessing. I have to think an R in Wisconsin will be definitely in play. Arizona could be interesting without the McCain vendetta in play.

As NC and Georgia continue to become closer, it may be a matter of too many results to contest. At some point, Republican just have to accept they lost.

This better not get to SCOTUS or all hell will break loose.

As NC and Georgia continue to become closer, it may be a matter of too many results to contest. At some point, Republican just have to accept they lost.

This better not get to SCOTUS or all hell will break loose.
I see zero chance of this not going to the SC. Tremendous effort was put into this to expand the rules around allowing questionable votes and ballots in key democratic areas who have proven to be untrustworthy once again. I just see no way the SC isn't forced to rule on which ballots they deem as acceptable.
This thing isn't final yet, but if it goes the way I think it's going, this was a good day for traditional non Trump slurping Republicans/Conservatives.

IF it happens like I'm seeing it, Biden is going to win a thin electoral victory, the Republicans will hold the Senate, and pick up seats in the House. The Republicans did absolutely fantastic in competitive house districts. They won a bunch of Senate contests, many comfortably, that dems thought were vulnerable and poured TONS of money into. The Republicans made great inroads with minority voters, especially Hispanics.

Basically, Republicans everywhere ran ahead of Trump. Trump the person was rejected, as he should have been, but this has been a very telling blow to the "resistance" direction of the Democratic party. They were very smart/fortunate to have nominated the "boring moderate" despite best efforts, or they'd have likely lost clearly to Trump again.

I don't expect any attempts by Trump to legally challenge anything to get any real traction. Despite what people want to claim, while judges might be liberal or conservative they're rarely purely partisan, and I've yet to see a compelling legal challenge to be made. We'll see. Plus, I'm pretty sure that most Republican power brokers look at this income the way I do...very, very encouraging for the future.

FWIW, one of the most cogent reviews of the whole situation that I have seen. ^^ Better even than almost anything I have seen/heard from any national "news" source. Well said IMO.

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