***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

You've got a point but it is plainly obvious that the Latino vote was very soft for Biden.

Yes, very much and that was because the party and Biden chose to ignore them. The voting split for Latinos in the Rio Grande Valley in favor of Trump should have been easily predicted based on the voting for Abbott and and other state GOP, but the DNC just figured they would be pro-Biden by a wide margin.
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the Post office ****ed us per Trump's orders, 66% processing rates yesterday of the mail in PA sites and 82% in Atlanta. in Ga mail/ballot had to be received yesterday it is so obvious.
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I don't think McConnell and his caucus will overly support any attempt Trump would make to fight the results. Mainly because I don't think Biden scares McConnell one bit. McConnell wields all the Senate power and can fight anything Biden tries to accomplish. The stack of bills will continue to grow on Mitch's desk.
So basically BAU.
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Wisconsin reporting more votes than registered voters now?

Incorrect. Only if you are getting your news from dipshit right-wingers on twitter.

The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

The total number of votes cast in Wisconsin was just shy of 3.3 million.

You are of the belief votes were being counted and they were stock piling them so they could say ok we have 1xxxxx for Biden?

That's not what's happening, anyone with an iota of brain knows that.

If I gave you 15,000 cookies and 400 candy bars, which do you think could finish first? Now of those 15,000 cookies, 13,000 are blue. When you count them it looks like the chart your talking about.

and to add on its Republicans who prevented counting these votes beforehand. So your reap what you sow.
That's not what's happening, anyone with an iota of brain knows that.

If I gave you 15,000 cookies and 400 candy bars, which do you think could finish first? Now of those 15,000 cookies, 13,000 are blue. When you count them it looks like the chart your talking about.
Ok let's go with that. Do you actually think there is anywhere in the Midwest that is 13k of 15k blue? (Which is actually a more believable percentage than what they are showing) He didn't even put up numbers like that In Dade County or Austin TX.
Ok let's go with that. Do you actually think there is anywhere in the Midwest that is 13k of 15k blue?

Yes like every major city in this country breaks 2 to 1 or greater to Biden. He didn't need 85 percent to get there.

You guys made this decision to delay counting these votes. You don't get to now go call them illegitimate.

Maybe you should leave and take a civics course in High School again, this is all very easily understandable.
I would suggest that the idea that the ethnicity of the VP has a minimal affect on the voting pattern of ethnic or racial minorities. And that is the the trap that the DNC keeps falling into. Maybe in the not too distant past, it carried more weight It is patently obvious that policy, messaging and regionality is more important. You just can't say anymore that having Julian Castro--without more substance--would move the dial for Latinos in places outside Texas.

I would suggest that anyone who thinks that adding ultra-liberal Julian Castro and his open borders policy to the ticket would have improved the Democrats performance with Latino voters is disastrously, willfully, almost to a racist extent misunderstanding Latino voters.

But they just keep doing it.

Here's the news flash again...the Democratic party, as defined by its members most visible in the media, and like 9 out of 10 of it's primary candidates, is now to the left of most Latino and African American voters. There are still systemic reasons they trend Democrat, but Democrats have to realize that the moderate voters they risk alienating are black, and to a very large extent Hispanic.

Trump made inroads. Those inroads will continue if the Democratic party doesn't pull more to the center, and if the Republicans can keep from major racist embarrassments for, I don't know, like 3 hours at a time.
Yes like every major city in this country breaks 2 to 1 or greater to Biden. He didn't need 85 percent to get there.

You guys made this decision to delay counting these votes. You don't get to now go call them illegitimate.

Maybe you should leave and take a civics course in High School again, this is all very easily understandable.
You understand a straight vertical line running perfectly perpendicular to a flat line suggest 100% of the votes that came in were for Biden right? That doesn't happen in the real world.

To this point the state of Michigan has already said the reason foe that was a typo in which they accidently added hundreds of thousands of votes but retracted them, that's how you get vertical lines on a graph.
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Ok let's go with that. Do you actually think there is anywhere in the Midwest that is 13k of 15k blue? (Which is actually a more believable percentage than what they are showing) He didn't even put up numbers like that In Dade County or Austin TX.

Dude - Trump spent several months claiming that mail-in ballots were fraudulent and urging his supporters to vote in person. Additionally, we know that Democrats are much more likely to take COVID—19 seriously, and are more likely to vote by mail than in person. Finally, you have these mail-in ballots being counted in urban areas where Biden is likely to garner at least 67+% of the vote already. Do you really think, given the above, that it is surprising that the mail-in ballots are breaking hard for Biden?
You understand a straight vertical line running perfectly perpendicular to a flat line suggest 100% of the votes that came in were for Biden right? That doesn't happen in the real world.

It's not straight you dip.

It looks straight on a graph over a condensed period of time, but that takes an understand on how to read to understand that. If you have an Y axis of this much time, but then get a big batch of votes at once that are heavily towards one person, it looks straight.
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