***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Honestly, the way in which this is going to go down is a beautiful thing. Instead of instant death on election night for Trump, he's essentially been gut-shot and has to die out slowly over a period of days and agonize over it.

Death by duck bite. Simply beautiful.
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Serious question about all the angry Trump people showing up at the vote counting places, shouldn’t the national guard be called out for security? Not that I’d expect violence but it’s kind of an important thing going on.

Futile lawsuit is futile :)
Serious question about all the angry Trump people showing up at the vote counting places, shouldn’t the national guard be called out for security? Not that I’d expect violence but it’s kind of an important thing going on.
If they were black you can bet there would be tear gas and rubber bullets being fired.
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Serious question about all the angry Trump people showing up at the vote counting places, shouldn’t the national guard be called out for security? Not that I’d expect violence but it’s kind of an important thing going on.

Then it sure looks like a law and order president should be sending in some federal troops, no?
Just so I'm keeping this all straight.

The people that love to say "All Lives Matter" don't want all votes to matter.
The people that think vote counts should stop also think they should keep going.
The people that preach law and order are breaking into buildings.
The people that want the National Guard to come in want the National Guard to stay out of their business.
Just so I'm keeping this all straight.

The people that love to say "All Lives Matter" don't want all votes to matter.
The people that think vote counts should stop also think they should keep going.
The people that preach law and order are breaking into buildings.
The people that want the National Guard to come in want the National Guard to stay out of their business.
Goal posts aren’t the same for everyone.
Then it sure looks like a law and order president should be sending in some federal troops, no?
I guess my logic was that the Guard is under state control (until federalized). These governors I’m sure don’t like the unrest. Just throwing it out there if it’s a possibility.
Serious question about all the angry Trump people showing up at the vote counting places, shouldn’t the national guard be called out for security? Not that I’d expect violence but it’s kind of an important thing going on.

im thinking we need tear gas and rubber bullets.
True story .... I was running by a lake one time and had a goose end up chasing me for a good 30 feet or so. He got pretty close and I was wondering how the hell i would beat up a goose. I think he would have won. Luckily he ended his pursuit. Maybe it was a she
Friend of mine got his dick bitten by a goose. We almost died laughing at him. He wasn’t amused. Said it hurt for a few days- and bruised his peen! Apparently they have powerful jaws.
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True story .... I was running by a lake one time and had a goose end up chasing me for a good 30 feet or so. He got pretty close and I was wondering how the hell i would beat up a goose. I think he would have won. Luckily he ended his pursuit. Maybe it was a she

Geese are assholes, no doubt about it. Just grab it by the neck and give it a good pull. That'll take the sass out of it pretty quickly.
Just so I'm keeping this all straight.

The people that love to say "All Lives Matter" don't want all votes to matter.
The people that think vote counts should stop also think they should keep going.
The people that preach law and order are breaking into buildings.
The people that want the National Guard to come in want the National Guard to stay out of their business.
True story .... I was running by a lake one time and had a goose end up chasing me for a good 30 feet or so. He got pretty close and I was wondering how the hell i would beat up a goose. I think he would have won. Luckily he ended his pursuit. Maybe it was a she
Never **** with a duck. Those sons a bitches are meaner than OP's mom when she goes more than an hour with out sex. Yes. That mean.
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Friend of mine got his dick not be a goose. We almost died laughing at him. He wasn’t amused. Said it hurt for a few days- and bruised his peen! Apparently they have powerful jaws.
I watched a guy fall in a golf course lake after being ambushed by a Goose while looking for his ball. I almost peed myself laughing.
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