***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Never **** with a duck. Those sons a bitches are meaner than OP's mom when she goes more than an hour with out sex. Yes. That mean.

daamn. I remember a couple years ago I was in the front of the line while she went on her lunch break. Something happened at the restaurant, and the service was super slow. So instead of her usual 30 minute break, it took about 90.

I can absolutely confirm how many she gets if she goes more than 60 minutes. I was planning to do a lot more with her, but after seeing how grumpy she was I decided I would just get a quick BJ and leave. I was dripping out blood for a couple days afterwards.
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That’s because he legitimately lost, Dems in the process of stealing this election.

Biden would be a total illegitimate presidency.

That’s because he legitimately lost, Dems in the process of stealing this election.

Biden would be a total illegitimate presidency.
I just saw someone on my Facebook feed whom I work with and is intelligent post something similar. I could not believe it. Where do you guys get this crap from? I know you aren’t trolling, it just amazes me.
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Isn't that exactly what he hopes happens in Nevada and Arizona?

There’s no logic (shocking) that a global pandemic was politicized to the point where more left-leaning voters opted to vote by mail.

Also not shocked that the GOP toadies fail to acknowledge either 1) the pandemic’s role in this, and 2) that they literally told their voters to opt for in-person voting.

Friggin’ morans.
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There’s no logic (shocking) that a global pandemic was politicized to the point where more left-leaning voters opted to vote by mail.

Also not shocked that the GOP toadies fail to acknowledge either 1) the pandemic’s role in this, and 2) that they literally told their voters to opt for in-person voting.

Friggin’ morans.

And in some of the states that are still counting, literally prevented the count from starting before election day.
If Biden continues to overperfom in the mail in votes within the Democratic strongholds on the last 43,000 votes, he will win Georgia. And if Biden carries Georgia, it would be a real blow to the MAGAt ideology.
If Biden continues to overperfom in the mail in votes within the Democratic strongholds on the last 43,000 votes, he will win Georgia. And if Biden carries Georgia, it would be a real blow to the MAGAt ideology.
NYT says 47000 still out. But done with Fulton County.
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Just talked to my MAGAt neighbor. We had a nice convo, and at the end I said "I guess we still don't know who the president will be.... hopefully by tonight..."

His response: "No, no. This won't be over for weeks. They are finding voter fraud EVERYWHERE!"

I’m starting to wonder if that’s Trump’s play...drag this out closer and closer to January so he can force the Supreme Court to act which they’d really prefer not to have to do.
I’m starting to wonder if that’s Trump’s play...drag this out closer and closer to January so he can force the Supreme Court to act which they’d really prefer not to have to do.

Not sure if that is effective. It might quite simply be denial.
I have a co-worker that's telling me the Democrats have more votes than registered voters in Wisconsin. Says Trump will win this in court. This is the reason why Biden needs as many states as possible. Trump might flip one in court, but not all of them.
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