***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

I have a co-worker that's telling me the Democrats have more votes than registered voters in Wisconsin. Says Trump will win this in court. This is the reason why Biden needs as many states as possible. Trump might flip one in court, but not all of them.

So, you believe the co-worker? Is that what you're saying?
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I have a co-worker that's telling me the Democrats have more votes than registered voters in Wisconsin. Says Trump will win this in court. This is the reason why Biden needs as many states as possible. Trump might flip one in court, but not all of them.
That’s been debunked pretty thoroughly I believe. The number of registered voters floating around the interwebz is pre-election day and does not include same day registrations.
I have a co-worker that's telling me the Democrats have more votes than registered voters in Wisconsin. Says Trump will win this in court. This is the reason why Biden needs as many states as possible. Trump might flip one in court, but not all of them.
it isn't true and has been refuted numerous times already. Bunch of bullshit, they are all lies and projection.
Just talked to my MAGAt neighbor. We had a nice convo, and at the end I said "I guess we still don't know who the president will be.... hopefully by tonight..."

His response: "No, no. This won't be over for weeks. They are finding voter fraud EVERYWHERE!"
I truly can't stand those people. We can't move forward.
I'm still waiting for pics of bruised peen by goose bite..... just saying....

I imagine it looks like this....

Biden up to -1100 odds. The betting markets say its a foregone conclusion.

I have a co-worker that's telling me the Democrats have more votes than registered voters in Wisconsin. Says Trump will win this in court. This is the reason why Biden needs as many states as possible. Trump might flip one in court, but not all of them.
Did you tell him that he's full of crap?
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How pathetic is THIS? LOL. From the latest NY Times update:

Mr. Trump issued a written statement on Thursday afternoon through his campaign in which he made baseless claims that there could be fraud in the late votes, writing that “if you count the illegal and late votes, they can steal the election from us!” The statement, which was written in all capital letters, resembled one of his tweets — but by issuing it through the campaign, the president avoided getting a warning label from Twitter, which has flagged many of his recent tweets as potentially misleading.
How pathetic is THIS? LOL. From the latest NY Times update:

Mr. Trump issued a written statement on Thursday afternoon through his campaign in which he made baseless claims that there could be fraud in the late votes, writing that “if you count the illegal and late votes, they can steal the election from us!” The statement, which was written in all capital letters, resembled one of his tweets — but by issuing it through the campaign, the president avoided getting a warning label from Twitter, which has flagged many of his recent tweets as potentially misleading.
**** this shit
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How pathetic is THIS? LOL. From the latest NY Times update:

Mr. Trump issued a written statement on Thursday afternoon through his campaign in which he made baseless claims that there could be fraud in the late votes, writing that “if you count the illegal and late votes, they can steal the election from us!” The statement, which was written in all capital letters, resembled one of his tweets — but by issuing it through the campaign, the president avoided getting a warning label from Twitter, which has flagged many of his recent tweets as potentially misleading.
I agree that any illegal or late vote should not be counted. But I don't think that's what Ole Donnie is getting at.
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