Official Portal Watch

it's pretty easy to keep it legal. just have someone not on staff or the roster reach out with an offer or to gauge interest. it's really that simple.
Not remotely accurate. The "just have someone not on staff or the roster reach out" is just as illegal. Now, it allows for the coaches to "deny" involvement, but it is no less illegal. The simple truth is NO ONE on the staff or the team can reach out with any offer and ANYONE that does should have zero contact in ANY shape or form with the team in regards to any/all offers.

Now, with that said, I am sure it is happening all the time. NIL and the transfer portal has made NCAA Sports the Wild West. But, that in no way makes nearly ANY of it "legal"....
The "just have someone not on staff or the roster reach out" is just as illegal.
where is this rule published?

if that's the case (it's not)

a lot of people are in trouble, including people associated with Iowa.

if i text Stephen Buchanan right now and asked if he was interested in Iowa, who is getting in trouble? me? iowa?
where is this rule published?

if that's the case (it's not)

a lot of people are in trouble, including people associated with Iowa.

if i text Stephen Buchanan right now and asked if he was interested in Iowa, who is getting in trouble? me? iowa?
Terrible example, of course you can. You haven't been directed by the Iowa coaching staff to do so.

First off, NIL isn't supposed to be offered to ANYONE prior to them being on the team. Now, there is a court case that is supposed to be directly challenging this and I am not sure of where that case stands currently, but the original rules say NIL cannot even be discussed prior.

See here:

NIL allows athletes to make endorsement deals, cash in on social media, and get paid for such things as making personal appearances, signing autographs, and even endorsing political candidates. However, NIL doesn't allow pay-for-play, and the NCAA continues to forbid improper inducements intended to attract students to a particular school.

What Is NIL in College Sports? The NCAA Rules Explained.

Edited to add: The above doesn't even account for the transfer rules and any illegal tampering,

See here:
It's important to consider the following:
  • Athletes must receive notice that they successfully made it into the Transfer Portal before initiating transfer discussions with other schools.
  • Entering the Transfer Portal does not guarantee transfer eligibility. ...
  • Entering the Transfer Portal may impact your current scholarship as early as the next term, even if you do not end up transferring out.
  • ‍ Scholarships do not always transfer across schools. ...

Complete Guide to NCAA Transfer Portal: Rules ... - SportsRecruits
Not remotely accurate. The "just have someone not on staff or the roster reach out" is just as illegal. Now, it allows for the coaches to "deny" involvement, but it is no less illegal. The simple truth is NO ONE on the staff or the team can reach out with any offer and ANYONE that does should have zero contact in ANY shape or form with the team in regards to any/all offers.

Now, with that said, I am sure it is happening all the time. NIL and the transfer portal has made NCAA Sports the Wild West. But, that in no way makes nearly ANY of it "legal"....

Add in one more layer, an intermediary on both sides, and there’s plausible denial across the board.

Stop overthinking this stuff, guys. This is happening everywhere in NCAA sports, more than ever these days.
Add in one more layer, an intermediary on both sides, and there’s plausible denial across the board.

Stop overthinking this stuff, guys. This is happening everywhere in NCAA sports, more than ever these days.
I am not arguing that it doesn't happen. In fact, I clearly say so in the second paragraph in the post you responded to.

I was simply pointing out that smalls is 100% incorrect in stating that "having" an intermediary do such things makes it "legal". But, it does make it hard to prove and easy to deny...
it's pretty easy to keep it legal. just have someone not on staff or the roster reach out with an offer or to gauge interest. it's really that simple.
Spencer talked to Desanto about joining Hawks but maybe that was after the transfer was in play.
Add in one more layer, an intermediary on both sides, and there’s plausible denial across the board.

Stop overthinking this stuff, guys. This is happening everywhere in NCAA sports, more than ever these days.
Plausible deniability is what is important. If you are aware of the specifics, you are guilty.
  • Athletes must receive notice that they successfully made it into the Transfer Portal before initiating transfer discussions with other SCHOOLS
an intermediary isn't part of the school.

that's the entire point. you didn't provide any literature that says a third party can't contact. if you do, i'll stand corrected.

also, if you do, a lot of people are in deep sh!t lol.

how do you think the entire process with Parco went down? everyone knows this.
So what your saying is a 3rd party at the behest of a donor or someone associated with the university approached Parco and offered money to play
Let's not over think this too much. Who cares!!!! Everything happening in the NCAA is the wild wild west. If you think wrestling is bad, you should see football and basketball. It's 20 levels higher than what is going on in wrestling. Let these kids get paid and wrestle on a high level. With that being said Go Hawks!
an intermediary isn't part of the school.

that's the entire point. you didn't provide any literature that says a third party can't contact. if you do, i'll stand corrected.

also, if you do, a lot of people are in deep sh!t lol.

how do you think the entire process with Parco went down? everyone knows this.
@MSU158 realky quite simple what hes getting at, if you had Steven Buchanan's # and texted him "would you be interested in a nil deal with Iowa for this amount". And you told the Iowa staff he said yes, then he could enter the portal and Iowa would pursue.

There is nothing illegal about that.

You are definitely trying/looking to hard!
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So what your saying is a 3rd party at the behest of a donor or someone associated with the university approached Parco and offered money to play
YOU could have done this with no one's permission, all YOU need is Parco's # to open the gate.

Hell, @smalls103 future of article could have sparked some interest in a transfer, nothing illegal about that!
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an intermediary isn't part of the school.

that's the entire point. you didn't provide any literature that says a third party can't contact. if you do, i'll stand corrected.

also, if you do, a lot of people are in deep sh!t lol.

how do you think the entire process with Parco went down? everyone knows this.
I swear some people can't read. This board is BRUTAL at it, so you blend right in. Go back and look at your post that I responded to and make sure to look at the word I bolded in your post.

It is 100% true that Iowa can NOT "HAVE" an intermediary act FOR them. If there is ANY form of an agreement, that constitutes an "involvement" which is inherently illegal.

Because it is happening, doesn't mean it is following the rules. Sort of like Trump and the classified documents case. EVERY damn President before and, even after(see Biden) has taken them home. By the letter of the law, you can't do it. They just never even began to try to charge one until Trump.

Being a "standard practice" in no way means it is 100% following the rules and that was my entire point....
@MSU158 realky quite simple what hes getting at, if you had Steven Buchanan's # and texted him "would you be interested in a nil deal with Iowa for this amount". And you told the Iowa staff he said yes, then he could enter the portal and Iowa would pursue.

There is nothing illegal about that.

You are definitely trying/looking to hard!
I did say that Willie could make contact if it was done with zero communication with Iowa beforehand. Even then, the first contact would still need to be made by the student athlete unless he first went into the portal and ONLY THEN can Iowa contact them. Even with that the "NIL" rules strictly forbid using NIL to bring a prospective athlete to them.

The entire point I was making was Willie used the exact word "have". That completely infers Iowa has direct involvement in the activities. Hell, even in the case of Willie, after the 1st time, if he kept doing it for Iowa, you could definitely make an argument that there is now a relationship between Willie and Iowa and even that could constitute cheating.

If you actually read them, the rules are quite clear. Many are talking in grey areas, but a smart person could connect the dots and make the grey go away very quickly. But, the NCAA has pretty much ignored a lot of this for now, simply because they warned Congress and every single proponent of NIL that this is exactly what would happen and its way too big for them to even begin to control...
This is what I mean by overthinking. It is no surprise we have posters who don't understand the concept of backchannel communication.
Who doesn't understand it? I am pretty sure everyone here gets that part. The simple issue is whether or not that makes it all of a sudden "legal". In most cases, it certainly DOES NOT...
I did say that Willie could make contact if it was done with zero communication with Iowa beforehand. Even then, the first contact would still need to be made by the student athlete unless he first went into the portal and ONLY THEN can Iowa contact them. Even with that the "NIL" rules strictly forbid using NIL to bring a prospective athlete to them.

The entire point I was making was Willie used the exact word "have". That completely infers Iowa has direct involvement in the activities. Hell, even in the case of Willie, after the 1st time, if he kept doing it for Iowa, you could definitely make an argument that there is now a relationship between Willie and Iowa and even that could constitute cheating.

If you actually read them, the rules are quite clear. Many are talking in grey areas, but a smart person could connect the dots and make the grey go away very quickly. But, the NCAA has pretty much ignored a lot of this for now, simply because they warned Congress and every single proponent of NIL that this is exactly what would happen and its way too big for them to even begin to control...
Oh lord have you ever saw how anything works in the real world and how it seems the rules get bent in almost every cases? You literally just argue to argue.
Oh lord have you ever saw how anything works in the real world and how it seems the rules get bent in almost every cases? You literally just argue to argue.
Someone asked if it was legal and I stated it wasn't. Then I was asked to prove how it isn't and I clearly showed the rules stating such. Everything after that I wasn't arguing and conceded. I am well aware of how it is being "back-doored" and how it is "being done".

This is a very hot topic for me. I truly think NIL SUCKS and is inevitably going to ruin college athletics. It is simply a matter of time. Even if athletes deserve to make money since some Universities are making big money, there simply is no way I can see that it can be properly regulated, let alone comply with things like Title IX. Pandora's Box has been opened and it will eventually eat up College Athletics from the inside...
The NIL wild west will be short-lived. No point to enforcement of this clearly interim state. Pretty sure the Supreme Court would strike down @MSU158's interpretation, and that's another reason for the NCAA not to even try to enforce it.

Some NIL bag men probably act like SuperPACs. Officially, their actions aren't coordinated with the University and they may operate on the fringes of the intent of the rules.

In contrast, organized NIL consortiums are not University controlled. They strive to operate within the intent of the rules.

Both of the above have siphoned monies the universities formerly controlled as part of their athletic scholarship fund. This control was solely enabled by the NCAA's antitrust behavior, which they implemented as rule. That is what the Supreme Court will not permit.

It's all now coming to an end. Eventually the NCAA will make another money grab. They already have sought the ability to directly negotiate NIL deals. Next, they will seek to make athletes employees. A % of NIL deals will come off the top, as a condition of employment. It's all about the 💰.
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I did say that Willie could make contact if it was done with zero communication with Iowa beforehand. Even then, the first contact would still need to be made by the student athlete unless he first went into the portal and ONLY THEN can Iowa contact them. Even with that the "NIL" rules strictly forbid using NIL to bring a prospective athlete to them.

The entire point I was making was Willie used the exact word "have". That completely infers Iowa has direct involvement in the activities. Hell, even in the case of Willie, after the 1st time, if he kept doing it for Iowa, you could definitely make an argument that there is now a relationship between Willie and Iowa and even that could constitute cheating.

If you actually read them, the rules are quite clear. Many are talking in grey areas, but a smart person could connect the dots and make the grey go away very quickly. But, the NCAA has pretty much ignored a lot of this for now, simply because they warned Congress and every single proponent of NIL that this is exactly what would happen and its way too big for them to even begin to control...
OK Sheldon Cooper, "I love rules"..... ugh
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Someone asked if it was legal and I stated it wasn't. Then I was asked to prove how it isn't and I clearly showed the rules stating such. Everything after that I wasn't arguing and conceded. I am well aware of how it is being "back-doored" and how it is "being done".

This is a very hot topic for me. I truly think NIL SUCKS and is inevitably going to ruin college athletics. It is simply a matter of time. Even if athletes deserve to make money since some Universities are making big money, there simply is no way I can see that it can be properly regulated, let alone comply with things like Title IX. Pandora's Box has been opened and it will eventually eat up College Athletics from the inside...

The NIL wild west will be short-lived. No point to enforcement of this clearly interim state. Pretty sure the Supreme Court would strike down @MSU158's interpretation, and that's another reason for the NCAA not to even try to enforce it.

Some NIL bag men probably act like SuperPACs. Officially, their actions aren't coordinated with the University and they may operate on the fringes of the intent of the rules.

In contrast, organized NIL consortiums are not University controlled. They strive to operate within the intent of the rules.

Both of the above have siphoned monies the universities formerly controlled as part of their athletic scholarship fund. This control was solely enabled by the NCAA's antitrust behavior, which they implemented as rule. That is what the Supreme Court will not permit.

It's all now coming to an end. Eventually the NCAA will make another money grab. They already have by sought the ability to directly negotiate NIL deals. Next, they will seek to make athletes employees. A % of NIL deals will come off the top, as a condition of employment. It's all about the 💰.
I'm not really arguing against anything you said above. I think it is a clearly uncontrollable mess that is already creating havoc like the B1G gobbling up teams into a "mega conference". Maybe some really smart people will eventually step in and create some form of rules and regulations that will finally rein this into a manageable format. However, so far, I am not optimistic...
OK Sheldon Cooper, "I love rules"..... ugh
Also, not what I said. I just think NIL is too volatile and truly has the power to ruin college athletics. Without the proper level of controls and monitoring, I just don't see how it doesn't drastically blow up at some point...
I am not arguing that it doesn't happen. In fact, I clearly say so in the second paragraph in the post you responded to.

I was simply pointing out that smalls is 100% incorrect in stating that "having" an intermediary do such things makes it "legal". But, it does make it hard to prove and easy to deny...
I think what you're getting at is that a booster of a school (alum, financial, etc) cannot reach out to wrestlers. That's the official rule. What Willie may be saying is that this has become more loosy goosy in the NIL era and that the NCAA is toothless given recent and future court decisions.
Someone asked if it was legal and I stated it wasn't. Then I was asked to prove how it isn't and I clearly showed the rules stating such. Everything after that I wasn't arguing and conceded. I am well aware of how it is being "back-doored" and how it is "being done".

This is a very hot topic for me. I truly think NIL SUCKS and is inevitably going to ruin college athletics. It is simply a matter of time. Even if athletes deserve to make money since some Universities are making big money, there simply is no way I can see that it can be properly regulated, let alone comply with things like Title IX. Pandora's Box has been opened and it will eventually eat up College Athletics from the inside...
We don't always agree but you are spot on here. NIL is quickly destabilizing our sport and many others. Sad actually because by the time they reign it all in, many things may be lost for good.
I swear some people can't read. This board is BRUTAL at it, so you blend right in. Go back and look at your post that I responded to and make sure to look at the word I bolded in your post.

It is 100% true that Iowa can NOT "HAVE" an intermediary act FOR them. If there is ANY form of an agreement, that constitutes an "involvement" which is inherently illegal.

Because it is happening, doesn't mean it is following the rules. Sort of like Trump and the classified documents case. EVERY damn President before and, even after(see Biden) has taken them home. By the letter of the law, you can't do it. They just never even began to try to charge one until Trump.

Being a "standard practice" in no way means it is 100% following the rules and that was my entire point....
You are right AND wrong at the same time! RIGHT on your NCAA position. WRONG on the GREAT DJT!!! He has PRESIDENTIAL PRIVILEGE! Joe Bite Me did NOT as VP!!! HUGE difference and it will be PROVEN in TRUMPS favor AGAIN!!!!
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Do we even know if these guys can enter the portal? Everywhere besides this site says that the portal is closed and the Grad Transfer rule got updated.
You are right AND wrong at the same time! RIGHT on your NCAA position. WRONG on the GREAT DJT!!! He has PRESIDENTIAL PRIVILEGE! Joe Bite Me did NOT as VP!!! HUGE difference and it will be PROVEN in TRUMPS favor AGAIN!!!!
Alright I’m just going to ask because i really can’t tell. IRONBIRD, are your posts satire or is this really how you are?
I swear some people can't read. This board is BRUTAL at it, so you blend right in. Go back and look at your post that I responded to and make sure to look at the word I bolded in your post.
yeah, we all read that, chief.

the point is - it goes on and it's virtually untraceable.

i've literally seen, with my own eyes, texts from people outside a program to wrestlers that aren't in the portal. WHICH IS TOTALLY LEGAL.

if you want to say 'yeah but the coach of the program must've had a conversation with that person at lunch.'

yeah, good luck with that holding up in court.

i'm not going to air out the details of the many, many examples in which proxies assisted in making transfers happen before they were in the portal. But they ain't too difficult to figure out for anyone as engaged in wrestling as you are.
yeah, we all read that, chief.

the point is - it goes on and it's virtually untraceable.

i've literally seen, with my own eyes, texts from people outside a program to wrestlers that aren't in the portal. WHICH IS TOTALLY LEGAL.

if you want to say 'yeah but the coach of the program must've had a conversation with that person at lunch.'

yeah, good luck with that holding up in court.

i'm not going to air out the details of the many, many examples in which proxies assisted in making transfers happen before they were in the portal. But they ain't too difficult to figure out for anyone as engaged in wrestling as you are.
Oh God, here comes the reply.

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