COVID-19 Thread

That’s just not true. You can look everything up, which I have.

Tell me SPECIFICALLY ALL THE DETAILS you know are not accurate or true. Tell me what’s being misinformed exactly, and tell me who is providing the counter evidence.

I’ll wait.

You speak as if YOU have any credibility... which you don’t.

That’s just not true. You can look everything up, which I have.

Tell me SPECIFICALLY ALL THE DETAILS you know are not accurate or true. Tell me what’s being misinformed exactly, and tell me who is providing the counter evidence.

I’ll wait.

You speak as if YOU have any credibility... which you don’t.
In your post, Kennedy says that Bill Gates has paralyzed half a million people with vaccines in India.

If you want another, he says that the WHO has sterilized millions of women in Africa. He even says that the WHO initially denied it and now admits it. If you were to just use the Google, you could learn that the WHO has remarked about the sterile conditions of their vaccines. This means they create them in a germ free environment. It means nothing about causing sterility in women. Just don’t be so stupid.
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In your post, Kennedy says that Bill Gates has paralyzed half a million people with vaccines in India.

If you want another, he says that the WHO has sterilized millions of women in Africa. He even says that the WHO initially denied it and now admits it. If you were to just use the Google, you could learn that the WHO has remarked about the sterile conditions of their vaccines. This means they create them in a germ free environment. It means nothing about causing sterility in women. Just don’t be so stupid.

Agree with above! It is not just what is false in Kennedy’s writing, it is that essentially nothing in his writings is accurate. I still wonder how anybody of normal intelligence can post this nonsense and seem to actually believe it!
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Agree with above! It is not just what is false in Kennedy’s writing, it is that essentially nothing in his writings is accurate. I still wonder how anybody of normal intelligence can post this nonsense and seem to actually believe it!

It’s about supporting a political agenda above all else, imo.
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Everything he referenced is facts not opinions. Do your research.

Love it when someone gives a take corroborated by mounds of evidence, things that can be researched, but people dismiss it without a single shred of anything to dispute it. Not a SINGLE thing.

I guess my recomendation for you is to not get vaccinated if it becomes available in the future. Now you can stop worrying about Bill Gates.. Stay safe.
I guess my recomendation for you is to not get vaccinated if it becomes available in the future. Now you can stop worrying about Bill Gates.. Stay safe.
Will be interesting how the government handles the vaccine once it's available.Jacobson vs Massachusetts 1905 was a case about small pox and Massachusetts won.Will be interesting to see how the vaccine situation plays out with all the anti-vaxers we have today
Will be interesting how the government handles the vaccine once it's available.Jacobson vs Massachusetts 1905 was a case about small pox and Massachusetts won.Will be interesting to see how the vaccine situation plays out with all the anti-vaxers we have today
Well, we'd have fewer anti-vaxers.
Very unfortunate situation, but a week ago saw report of a Pastor down in Virginia who had claimed back in feb. about how this was all a left wing hoax and not to worry about it. He caught the virus and passed away from it.

So was it science or karma that got him?
In your post, Kennedy says that Bill Gates has paralyzed half a million people with vaccines in India.

If you want another, he says that the WHO has sterilized millions of women in Africa. He even says that the WHO initially denied it and now admits it. If you were to just use the Google, you could learn that the WHO has remarked about the sterile conditions of their vaccines. This means they create them in a germ free environment. It means nothing about causing sterility in women. Just don’t be so stupid.

Not to get in the middle of this but all vaccines have to demonstrate safety from extraneous pathogens, human or veterinary.
9 yo in Oelwein with no preexisting conditions died from COVID19 yesterday. Iowa is one of the 11 states that does not have a shelter in place order.

@ih8iast8 I noticed you have deleted your posts on this subject. This poor little guy did not pass from covid. Still very sad.
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@ih8iast8 I noticed you have deleted your posts on this subject. This poor little guy did not pass from covid. Still very sad.

Always hard to understand what someone is thinking or trying to accomplish when they make a post.

This is a post that comes across in very bad taste. Probably one you should delete.
We need this extremely long tread broken down and analyzed and condensed so I don't have to start at page 1. Where's Jheater from the football forum with his things?
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How can Fauci be left out of any discussion of the quality of the US response to COVID-19?
EXACTLY!!! How can we trust anything he tells us when he suggests this will be seasonal and anything he says when he’s been dead wrong on pretty much everything from the beginning? The preeminent expert said mid Feb the chances of the virus coming here was minuscule. He advised Trump to NOT cut off travel to and from China because of this calculation. Where would we be if Trump listened to this horrid advice from THE GUY he should have been listening to? And now with horrific model after horrific model he puts his stamp on that are disproved just days later I’m sorry... all Dr Fauci has been effective at is creating FEAR to the public. Regarding his actual job, he hasn’t done anything someone in a monkey suit could have done as well. So my point is why are we listening to this guy hand in foot when he’s proven incompetency regarding this virus since it’s inception? For he to blame ANYONE for the spread of this virus is comical at this point. I don’t know how he still has his job.
Always hard to understand what someone is thinking or trying to accomplish when they make a post.

This is a post that comes across in very bad taste. Probably one you should delete.

Someone erroneously claims a child died of Covid-19, posts no retraction, just discretely deletes the posts instead, but I’m the dick?

That’s some twisted logic there.
And your point is? Who has been discussing Fauci on this board? No one on this board would agree with what Fauci said Feb 19.
Also... someone has been asking me to post the link where Fauci said this for a few pages now and I just got around to doing it. It didn’t really have anything to do relative to the Gates discussion so I apologize in the confusion with that.

Look I’m not an anti vaxer or whatever it’s called, I’ve just read some scary shit that’s has opened my eyes with him.

Google his relationship with Vladimir Putin. Gate’s foundation is literally banned from Russia for what he he did with the trial vaccinations. They are considered the Devil in many parts of that part of the world and he’s considered a saint in our media because of the dollar signs we see attached to philanthropy.

I don’t know what to think. I’m just not turning a blind eye to either scenario. I’m trying to take in all the info and rebuttals like yours make me feel better but don’t have me completely convinced.

Im gonna stay in research mode until I feel strongly convinced one way or another to make as informed opinion as I can.
EXACTLY!!! How can we trust anything he tells us when he suggests this will be seasonal and anything he says when he’s been dead wrong on pretty much everything from the beginning? The preeminent expert said mid Feb the chances of the virus coming here was minuscule. He advised Trump to NOT cut off travel to and from China because of this calculation. Where would we be if Trump listened to this horrid advice from THE GUY he should have been listening to? And now with horrific model after horrific model he puts his stamp on that are disproved just days later I’m sorry... all Dr Fauci has been effective at is creating FEAR to the public. Regarding his actual job, he hasn’t done anything someone in a monkey suit could have done as well. So my point is why are we listening to this guy hand in foot when he’s proven incompetency regarding this virus since it’s inception? For he to blame ANYONE for the spread of this virus is comical at this point. I don’t know how he still has his job.
How can we trust anything you say, because you're dead wrong on nearly everything? For all we know you're working for the Ruskies. You don't do research. You collect conspiracies from fringe groups to try undermine our trust in our medical and scientific professionals. Face it, your boy f'd up by not shutting things down quickly and pushing most of the material responsibility to the states while dominating the supply chain. And because he f'd up, we have more death and slower economic recovery. How's that "just another flu" thing work'n for you now? You can bet that the BIg Boy will insist on taking charge once again and screw things up even more. Ivan, you're going on my "ignore" list.
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Someone erroneously claims a child died of Covid-19, posts no retraction, just discretely deletes the posts instead, but I’m the dick?

That’s some twisted logic there.

Didn't call you a name. Said it was poor taste. Would mean spirited be more accurate?

Didn't see it as necessary. You apparently feel like rubbing it in.

Since you are demonstrating that you have an attitude and want to use it..........carry on. Good for you.
How can we trust anything you say, because you're dead wrong on nearly everything? For all we know you're working for the Ruskies. You don't do research. You collect conspiracies from fringe groups to try undermine our trust in our medical and scientific professionals. Face it, your boy f'd up by not shutting things down quickly and pushing most of the material responsibility to the states while dominating the supply chain. And because he f'd up, we have more death and slower economic recovery. How's that "just another flu" thing work'n for you now? You can bet that the BIg Boy will insist on taking charge once again and screw things up even more. Ivan, you're going on my "ignore" list.
Lol ok bud. You do u.
What has Fauci even remotely been right about regarding this virus besides taking everything away and causing fear? Also... I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m just someone whose trying to collect facts wout keeping wool over my eyes. I can, and actually look forward to discussion from both sides. Problem with that is there aren’t too many people capable of doing so without bringing too much emotion making it impossible to have a discussion.

You really don’t think I HOPE we are being told everything, there is nothing being done to mislead us, and a vaccination is a cure to all our problems without any residual strings attached!?

You bet your ass I do. I’m in the front of that line. There is just too much smoke to ignore. Some will ignore no matter what evidence is right in front of them, And that is their prerogative. It’s silly however to act like you want to fight people who bring up things to to think about. That’s all I’m sayin.
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Reading through all of this and it astonishes me how such a tragic and life threatening event can be so politicized. So now the consensus is that Trump didn't act soon enough or aggressive enough to the epidemic and now he's costing people their lives. Would Obama, Clinton, Carter or Kennedy have done anything better or sooner? We will never know because this was such an unanticipated event that nobody could have carried out perfect policy to avoid all carnage that this virus is bringing with it. It's crazy how a two party system has created such bias against one another that this country will never do what it was intended to do, support one another and our great country regardless of who our chief of state is. There was a reason why our forefathers feared a two party system and knew political factions would tear this country apart, and we are witnessing it every day. I'll tell you Obama didn't receive my vote, but he sure as hell had my support, because he was my president regardless. I'll just finish my rant by saying instead of forming blame and making accusations, let's just come together as a nation and raise each other up and collectively hope for an end to this pandemic sooner, rather than later.
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Reading through all of this and it astonishes me how such a tragic and life threatening event can be so politicized. So now the consensus is that Trump didn't act soon enough or aggressive enough to the epidemic and now he's costing people their lives. Would Obama, Clinton, Carter or Kennedy have done anything better or sooner? We will never know because this was such an unanticipated event that nobody could have carried out perfect policy to avoid all carnage that this virus is bringing with it. It's crazy how a two party system has created such bias against one another that this country will never do what it was intended to do, support one another and our great country regardless of who our chief of state is. There was a reason why our forefathers feared a two party system and knew political factions would tear this country apart, and we are witnessing it every day. I'll tell you Obama didn't receive my vote, but he sure as hell had my support, because he was my president regardless. I'll just finish my rant by saying instead of forming blame and making accusations, let's just come together as a nation and raise each other up and collectively hope for an end to this pandemic sooner, rather than later.

Well, that sentiment needs to be observed from the top down as well as bottom up. I can’t get behind s president who puts his re-election ambitions above the good of the country.

So you didn’t vote for Obama, did vote for trump and think he’s doing a bang up job at uniting the country try? If so, you’re part of the problem, dude. And apparently have been for some time.:)
If you read the article Fauci said Coronavirus’s danger is minuscule and we need to be more concerned with the influenza season. He literally said that a month before our outbreak... he said the flu is more of a danger to us than the Coronavirus. Please whoever hasn’t read the article ...

this is the guy we are listening to his very word??
Well, that sentiment needs to be observed from the top down as well as bottom up. I can’t get behind s president who puts his re-election ambitions above the good of the country.

So you didn’t vote for Obama, did vote for trump and think he’s doing a bang up job at uniting the country try? If so, you’re part of the problem, dude. And apparently have been for some time.:)

Yes el dubbers I'm the problem because I don't share your exact views, agree entirely with you or jump on your band wagon. My argument was never that Trump has been perfect throughout his campaign. You've basically proven my previous statement as fact with your response.
Reading through all of this and it astonishes me how such a tragic and life threatening event can be so politicized. So now the consensus is that Trump didn't act soon enough or aggressive enough to the epidemic and now he's costing people their lives. Would Obama, Clinton, Carter or Kennedy have done anything better or sooner? We will never know because this was such an unanticipated event that nobody could have carried out perfect policy to avoid all carnage that this virus is bringing with it. It's crazy how a two party system has created such bias against one another that this country will never do what it was intended to do, support one another and our great country regardless of who our chief of state is. There was a reason why our forefathers feared a two party system and knew political factions would tear this country apart, and we are witnessing it every day. I'll tell you Obama didn't receive my vote, but he sure as hell had my support, because he was my president regardless. I'll just finish my rant by saying instead of forming blame and making accusations, let's just come together as a nation and raise each other up and collectively hope for an end to this pandemic sooner, rather than later.

It is entirely consistent that one can support the President in this fight against the virus and still criticize his administrations failure to handle the situation better.

Not a political thing, simply getting the job done for the American people. The Doctors and Nurses literally putting their lives on the line deserve better than what they are getting for support.

Putting your name on a brown paper bag to hold your one mask for a week doesn't cut it. Closer to criminal negligence than proper PPE support in my opinion. Too many Dr. and Nurses have gotten infected and some have died from this virus. Should not have happened. Saw on the news recently that over 800 medical workers in Detroit area have become infected. Similar number in another area which I can't remember right now. Takes too many of them away from helping hospitalized patients and puts their own lives in danger.

Appears some need to look past the minor political comments and judge the situation by results. The virus sees neither red nor blue in this situation. Neither should we.

Edit: Article in this mornings St. Louis Post Dispatch about people calling 911 for their COVID-19 issues and Fire Departments, EMT's and other first repsonders running out of PPE and having to use raincoats for protection. Not cool. Not acceptable.

Read last week that the current administration placed their 1st large orders for PPE on March 21st. That is not a political statement but rather a competency issue.
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Didn't call you a name. Said it was poor taste. Would mean spirited be more accurate?

Didn't see it as necessary. You apparently feel like rubbing it in.

Since you are demonstrating that you have an attitude and want to use it..........carry on. Good for you.

Claiming an otherwise healthy child in Iowa died of Covid is a pretty big deal, is it not? So gently pointing out that isn’t what happened is “poor taste”? What kind of logic is that? This wasn’t a gotcha thing but rather what I think is an important and reasonable correction. I have zero ill will towards the individual who posted it. This wasn’t a thing until you made it one.
Claiming an otherwise healthy child in Iowa died of Covid is a pretty big deal, is it not? So gently pointing out that isn’t what happened is “poor taste”? What kind of logic is that? This wasn’t a gotcha thing but rather what I think is an important and reasonable correction. I have zero ill will towards the individual who posted it. This wasn’t a thing until you made it one.

Looked like a gotcha thing to me. Pointing out his deleted posts made it look that way. Could just have posted the correction only.

He could have gotten info early on and found out it was incorrect later. Doubt it was anything nefarious on his part.

My mistake if I interpreted your post wrong. Apologies.
Yes el dubbers I'm the problem because I don't share your exact views, agree entirely with you or jump on your band wagon. My argument was never that Trump has been perfect throughout his campaign. You've basically proven my previous statement as fact with your response.
We HAVE come together. Nurses, doctors, grocery clerks, governors, and all the other heroes come together to help this country every single day. We're just leaving out that big fool that you voted for, because he's more interested in grandstanding, blaming, dominating, and controlling than he is leading. "His campaign?" He never stops campaigning. Fortunately, we have so many others who have stepped up, and God bless them for it.
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Obviously somebody screwed up not having enough masks and protective equipment. We have enough beds, ventilators, etc.

I guess it would be nice if we knew what our goal is. Is the goal to get to herd immunity without overwhelming the medical community (keeping the infection rate high but not overwhelming) or limiting the infections and deaths (which would probably require shutting the country down for 12-18 months)? Nobody has clearly expressed what the goal is - except to open up the economy as much as possible but limiting the infection. Contact tracing is nice when the numbers of infection are very low, but we won’t get there for a very long time. We would have to severely limit travel, gatherings, etc for a very, very long time (until a vaccine or herd immunity is reached). Has anybody clarified what exactly “limiting the infection” means in terms of numbers?
Obviously somebody screwed up not having enough masks and protective equipment. We have enough beds, ventilators, etc.

I guess it would be nice if we knew what our goal is. Is the goal to get to herd immunity without overwhelming the medical community (keeping the infection rate high but not overwhelming) or limiting the infections and deaths (which would probably require shutting the country down for 12-18 months)? Nobody has clearly expressed what the goal is - except to open up the economy as much as possible but limiting the infection. Contact tracing is nice when the numbers of infection are very low, but we won’t get there for a very long time. We would have to severely limit travel, gatherings, etc for a very, very long time (until a vaccine or herd immunity is reached). Has anybody clarified what exactly “limiting the infection” means in terms of numbers?

I think initially, when the projections were high, the clear goal was to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the hospitals. Everyone seemed to be on the same page then.

Now that the models have changed and we are starting to hear talk from people like Ezekiel Emanuel and others, that we need to shut down until we have essentially zeroed this virus out. These people are throwing around 18 months as a time frame.

So now we have an issue - do we shutdown 18 months or so and destroy the economy in the process? Or, do we continue to mitigate and just accept that we're going to have some deaths?

I think the answer is clear - we mitigate and return to a new normal until we come up with some medical solutions.
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I think initially, when the projections were high, the clear goal was to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the hospitals. Everyone seemed to be on the same page then.

Now that the models have changed and we are starting to hear talk from people like Ezekiel Emanuel and others, that we need to shut down until we have essentially zeroed this virus out. These people are throwing around 18 months as a time frame.

So now we have an issue - do we shutdown 18 months or so and destroy the economy in the process? Or, do we continue to mitigate and just accept that we're going to have some deaths?

I think the answer is clear - we mitigate and return to a new normal until we come up with some medical solutions.

We simply cannot continue this for 18 months. It will be Beyond the Thunderdome type stuff at that point. Once we have this at a point where the healthcare system can handle the increase in patients we must start on the path towards a more normal existence. Why? Because we don't end the world as we know it for an illness with a survival rate in the upper 90% range.
We simply cannot continue this for 18 months. It will be Beyond the Thunderdome type stuff at that point. Once we have this at a point where the healthcare system can handle the increase in patients we must start on the path towards a more normal existence. Why? Because we don't end the world as we know it for an illness with a survival rate in the upper 90% range.

Absolutely. There really is no choice. An 18 month lock-down would destroy civil society. 100% correct.

There really is no debate here. We just need to set some parameters and move forward.
I think initially, when the projections were high, the clear goal was to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the hospitals. Everyone seemed to be on the same page then.

Now that the models have changed and we are starting to hear talk from people like Ezekiel Emanuel and others, that we need to shut down until we have essentially zeroed this virus out. These people are throwing around 18 months as a time frame.

So now we have an issue - do we shutdown 18 months or so and destroy the economy in the process? Or, do we continue to mitigate and just accept that we're going to have some deaths?

I think the answer is clear - we mitigate and return to a new normal until we come up with some medical solutions.

If the answer is clear, mitigate and accept the fact that there are going to be infections and deaths, they haven’t done a very good job of expressing it and preparing the American people for it. They have expressed they would like to open up the economy but have not prepared the people that to do it will have to lead to more infections and more deaths. The medical “experts” want to limit infections and deaths and shut down the country until a vaccine is produced - but don’t take in to account the economic tolls.

I think mitigation and getting the economy back and running while not getting infections so high that they overwhelm the medical system is going to be the goal - they now need to prepare the American people and press that to do it, there MUST be increasing infections and death rates that we are just going to have to accept.

That is not going to be easy politically and the media is going to crucify Trump over it (especially if he and the task force don’t prepare them for it).