COVID-19 Thread

When the inmates run the asylum, that's bad. Look at the "encyclopedias" he's posting here.
Not all ideas are equal, and not all deserve equal treatment. Humoring the lunatic fringe unendingly in the name of free speech ruins that speech for everyone else.
He's free to say what he wants, but we shouldn't have to endure it on this WRESTLING board. Take it over to Reddit or one of the "alt" sites where all the other fringe dwellers hang out.
Well this isn’t a wrestling thread so..... yes wanting to ban thought you don’t like is a scary position many hold.
Bill Gates has a company he's a partner in called ID2020 they've a contract with Bangladesh.Its a contract for a ID vaccine program
Gates and his foundation have been involved with public health for many many years. Nothing new there.
Well this isn’t a wrestling thread so..... yes wanting to ban thought you don’t like is a scary position many hold.
But is a wrestling board, and this thread has gone off-kilter. Not having to listen to loonies while you try to support your friends is helpful not scary. If a genuine communist raved on here, I'd say the same thing.
When the inmates run the asylum, that's bad. Look at the "encyclopedias" he's posting here.
Not all ideas are equal, and not all deserve equal treatment. Humoring the lunatic fringe unendingly in the name of free speech ruins that speech for everyone else.
He's free to say what he wants, but we shouldn't have to endure it on this WRESTLING board. Take it over to Reddit or one of the "alt" sites where all the other fringe dwellers hang out.
Look. I agree with very very little of what he said. But to say all ideas don’t deserve equal treatment is downright terrifying. Yep he seems pretty nutty but there are plenty of things from other posters that I think are also pretty nutty. Are you going to decide for all of us which line of thinking is allowed?
This is a totally fake news article with only a few truths mixed with many untruths. Bill Gates did or said almost none of this. He did say that we need a vaccine and that it is very important. He has donated large sums on money to support this. The part of a microchip to mark individuals is entirely bogus. He stated that he would like there to be a digital record of the immunizations so that people would have permanent record of their immunization, but no microchip was mentioned or nothing related to their ability to go back to work. This internet group making this article also claimed Obama was not a citizen and he was Not Christian as well as many other crazy theories. Those that read this sh++, either are not real bright or mentally unstable.
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Look. I agree with very very little of what he said. But to say all ideas don’t deserve equal treatment is downright terrifying. Yep he seems pretty nutty but there are plenty of things from other posters that I think are also pretty nutty. Are you going to decide for all of us which line of thinking is allowed?
That was more of a manifesto, not a presentation of ideas. He aims to scare us, not educate us.
All ideas don't deserve equal treatment. All reasonable ideas deserve equal treatment.
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I could have said what I think Bill Gates is up to, and my opinion without any evidence would yes be a conspiracy theory.

Things like this if I don’t attach w evidence ,I typically stay away from....usually.

But I’ll give ya one.

Bill Gates switched over the majority of his day to day interests to health care, and specifically vaccinations for the past 10 years or so.

He’s built Microsoft to a point its software holds up to 80% of the entire worlds technology within.

He’s widely open and known for being an activate for a sustainable earth , wanting the increasing of our natural resources, to eliminate ozone layers/climate control issues, and his biggest....... DEPOPULATION of earth.

Because of his massive wealth, Bill Gates has positioned himself to always be one of if not the richest men on earth at that particular time.

He’s easily one of, if not the most known, famous, adored, and influential philanthropists in the world... donating close to 60 billion dollars to date of his wealth.

With that kind of money, comes a ton of power and ENORMOUS influence on other people and organizations. When Bill Gates pledges money to a cause, it’s often for amounts which exceed a small countries worth in reserves amounts to be.... this makes Bill a serious player and most respected figure in all of the world and wherever his interests lie.

Bill Gates has his hand and stake now so invested in the medical community, he is treated like one of the leading medical consultants in the world globally. Although he never finished college let alone attend medical school, and was in software technology for lost of his life, his influence in the health care field now has him at the top of the field relative to whose the lost renown amnd respected.

For example At the GE summit of world leaders each year, he is treated like a head of state. That is an accurate description many see him as power and influence wise... like a head of state.

Because of his quiet demeanor, and his quiet silent assassin type positioning with his interested behind the scenes putting other people’s faces at the forefront and preferring to stay silent in board chair above, combine all this with his huge involvement as a philanthropist.... Bill Gates is simply praised and adored as a saint in the media.

No one would ever suspect Gates of anything sinister simply due to his ears and years of solid philanthropy work, and how often and repeatedly the lay person is reminded of it through the media.

And don’t get me wrong, Bill Gates isn’t Adolph Hitler or a murderer. He does love this planet and wants it to thrive. But there are issues regarding Gates that will/ could effect our every day lives.

First, he wants and has to have a say and hand in almost anything he’s a part of, no different than how he ran and treated others at Microsoft. Bill Gates equates power to control whether its holdings in the financial sector or company infrastructure. The more information he has on the human population, the more control he has over it, the more power he has.

Knowing what a person average standing heart rate through those fit bit technology or their typical demographic means travel after analyzing cell phone tower ping data as well as another’s update vaccination schedule cam all e useful info needed when making a particular vaccine or something of the sort.

But when your as powerful as he is, he wants to be In control of everything, including u and I . He knows he’s smarter than us, he believes he knows what’s best for us and the planet. That’s not good for us. Bill Gates IMO has plans to play god in certain things and I truly believe he is who the Bible referenced as the Anti Christ and mark of the beast.

A man who will claim to be a philanthropist will ignore the masses and appear as a savior to the world..... that sound like a anyone you know the anti Chris is described as appearing upon us like.

Bill Gates , philanthropist? Huge check, biggest there is.

Bill Gate, savior to humanity? Spending billions
On a vaccine, he will announce he’s finished one and we can all eg back to our original lives and jobs... how will that make people perceive him? Yep, a savior check.

Lastly, he has come to the conclusion he can keep tabs on us, the planet’s day everything real time all the time using he software systems of microsoft, the liberties already given up via the Patriot act post 911, and now thru a vaccination digital stamp that will track all of us and our vaccinations.

This also isn’t a guess, he has everything already in place or is already alluding to the mark of the beast stamp... he’s not even trying to conceal it.

Gates isn’t going to kill anyone, or send them to the gas chamber. He’s not Hitler or Stalin. He’s extremely intelligent, sneakier.

He plans on announcing a faster than ever seen before in history tracked vaccine for Covid-19 which everyone must take, hence vaulting him up to a stratosphere we will listen to whatever he has for humanity.

I won’t go I to how he’s setting that vaccine up with no option up but his intention is to vaccinate over populated and impoverished areas In Africa, India, parts of South America, any place where the birth of newborns will stop in areas and by people who shouldn’t be having babies and can’t afford them.

He will cause infertility In these areas and trim population by almost 2 billion people by 2030.

Sounds crazy right? Well let’s not act like he’s not capable of doing such a thing!

Be open to the research. Google is your friend.

Find out for yourself! These are all legit articles.
This is a totally fake news article with only a few truths mixed with many untruths. Bill Gates did or said almost none of this. He did say that we need a vaccine and that it is very important. He has donated large sums on money to support this. The part of a microchip to mark individuals is entirely bogus. He stated that he would like there to be a digital record of the immunizations so that people would have permanent record of their immunization, but no microchip was mentioned or nothing related to their ability to go back to work. This internet group making this article also claimed Obama was not a citizen and he was Not Christian as well as many other crazy theories. Those that read this sh++, either are not real bright or mentally unstable.
Are these videos where the info of don’t leave our homes until vaccination and the explanation of digital certificates which provide proof of vaccinations....they fake need too?? Lol . Man people will just close their eyes , out their hands over their ears and stop their feet yelling bla bla bla no matter how obvious the evidence is In front them.
I got my tin foil hat last week. I know it works because I am still well.

Now know you're supposed to leave all the Tinfoil hats for the medical workers to use for their own protection don't you? We get ours later after they are all protected. :)
The fact that so many people want to ban thought that doesn’t fit theirs

So many people? Could you please point to other posts? I have no one on ignore and I don't recall any other post than the ONE particular post you are reponding to.
This is the Cesspool after all.............

But it is not often we have Bill Gates mentioned as the Anti-Christ.

Or do we have a separate thread for that??? ;)
I thought it was pretty funny when he blamed Obama for inheriting a faulty test for coronavirus.

A Novel coronavirus that was not even around when Obama was in office, except in bats. The US would never have had a test for a non existent, in humans, virus. Unpossible.............

That one got me too.

Latest story says the US knew about a novel virus in China back in Novrmber.
This is the Cesspool after all.............

But it is not often we have Bill Gates mentioned as the Anti-Christ.

Or do we have a separate thread for that??? ;)
Even a cesspool has some contaminates that are too dangerous.
Do some research. Within the past 48 hours, medical professionals have discovered it blood
Most of what I shared isn’t a conspiracy theory opinion of line or anyone else. They are an organizational timeline of the facts for us adults to see for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I’m sorry to bring facts to the discussion , but all these things you represent as fear inducing are real things. Things that aren’t hidden from us or even a big secret.

I find it hilarious , seriously hilarious that you actually instructed posters to listen unconditionally to the people I presented numbers, facts and websites disproving what they are telling you, I presented evidence to corroborate it all.

If you would like to correct anything I presented or dispute with your own evidence, please do I would love to discuss.

But you actually label an anonymous poster on the internet providing evidence to what’s actually going on which has lead us to our reality... we’re already here isolated... you label this as FEAR and conspiracy but BIND YOURSELF to the literal people who every day mission is to scare you out of all your rights and liberties and create this odd devotion, That you will do and believe anything they say. Even though they tell you every day your life will probably never be normal again, your headed for the worst week of your American life, that they still have no idea where what and when this silent killer out there will come get you, and even best..... these are the same people who have you isolated to your home and took away your job/income... a everyone.... if you don’t want to get all wired up and scared , don’t seek the facts and what’s out there... listen blindly to people who sensationalize every day how bad your situation is and give you no answers for it. THEY ARENT THE ONES SPREADING FEAR RIGHT!? It’s the people who tell you to open your eyes to what’s going on around you. Just answer me one question. What on earth has Dr Fauci, the WHOor the CDC dome for YOU PERSONALLY since January til present day that has EARNED your unconditional trust and support. Besides insight king fear into you to how serious this situation is and how dangerous Covid is, what have any of them done that hasn’t centered on controlling the fear and the unknown narrative to all of us driving is all torte conclusion a vaccination is our only solution? Can u name 1 ? They literally haven’t done a single thing besides fall short in stopping the spread, identifying the infected, have the necessary resources in place for treatment, or solutions to help temporarily save lives. All they do is give extremely dire and inflated mortality graphs, lobby to have more and more day by day shut down and taken away... but mainly.... INCITE FEAR.

Open your eyes man. I’m not the person to fear. I’m not just slinging opinions , I supported most of my lints wit evidence. Can u In return to discredit any of it?

And regarding it being a Respiratory Disease. It’s probably still referred by many as such , but just I. The past Couple days it’s been learned that patients never get into ARDS or pneumonia. The bilateral damage caused on EVERY patient has always been an indicator it’s not pneumonia. The treatments of going right on A vent has always been the typical treatment of ARDS and they’ve been greeting the wrong disease, and actually doing more harm than good. We are learning this is directed more at the red blood cell level and it’s Hemo attachment... when patients go to ICU it’s not respiratory distress or an over reactive immune system response launching a Cytokine storm inside the body shutting organs down... its losing oxygen.

You are correct. It is losing oxygen. The losing oxygen is because of the damage to the lung causing the blood to be unable to be oxygenated as it passes through capillaries in the alveoli of the lung tissue. I am trying to make it easy for you to understand.
Bill Gates has a company he's a partner in called ID2020 they've a contract with Bangladesh.Its a contract for a ID vaccine program.The IHME numbers that you see on the news are also Bill Gates.And Bill Gates is also working on 2 vaccines for Coronavirus.All facts Bill Gates has his money in everything
Wrong again. Bill Gates is working on a vaccine for coronavirus in animals which began in 2015. That has nothing to do with today’s Covid-19.
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Do some research. Within the past 48 hours, medical professionals have discovered it blood
Most of what I shared isn’t a conspiracy theory opinion of line or anyone else. They are an organizational timeline of the facts for us adults to see for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I’m sorry to bring facts to the discussion , but all these things you represent as fear inducing are real things. Things that aren’t hidden from us or even a big secret.

I find it hilarious , seriously hilarious that you actually instructed posters to listen unconditionally to the people I presented numbers, facts and websites disproving what they are telling you, I presented evidence to corroborate it all.

If you would like to correct anything I presented or dispute with your own evidence, please do I would love to discuss.

But you actually label an anonymous poster on the internet providing evidence to what’s actually going on which has lead us to our reality... we’re already here isolated... you label this as FEAR and conspiracy but BIND YOURSELF to the literal people who every day mission is to scare you out of all your rights and liberties and create this odd devotion, That you will do and believe anything they say. Even though they tell you every day your life will probably never be normal again, your headed for the worst week of your American life, that they still have no idea where what and when this silent killer out there will come get you, and even best..... these are the same people who have you isolated to your home and took away your job/income... a everyone.... if you don’t want to get all wired up and scared , don’t seek the facts and what’s out there... listen blindly to people who sensationalize every day how bad your situation is and give you no answers for it. THEY ARENT THE ONES SPREADING FEAR RIGHT!? It’s the people who tell you to open your eyes to what’s going on around you. Just answer me one question. What on earth has Dr Fauci, the WHOor the CDC dome for YOU PERSONALLY since January til present day that has EARNED your unconditional trust and support. Besides insight king fear into you to how serious this situation is and how dangerous Covid is, what have any of them done that hasn’t centered on controlling the fear and the unknown narrative to all of us driving is all torte conclusion a vaccination is our only solution? Can u name 1 ? They literally haven’t done a single thing besides fall short in stopping the spread, identifying the infected, have the necessary resources in place for treatment, or solutions to help temporarily save lives. All they do is give extremely dire and inflated mortality graphs, lobby to have more and more day by day shut down and taken away... but mainly.... INCITE FEAR.

Open your eyes man. I’m not the person to fear. I’m not just slinging opinions , I supported most of my lints wit evidence. Can u In return to discredit any of it?

And regarding it being a Respiratory Disease. It’s probably still referred by many as such , but just I. The past Couple days it’s been learned that patients never get into ARDS or pneumonia. The bilateral damage caused on EVERY patient has always been an indicator it’s not pneumonia. The treatments of going right on A vent has always been the typical treatment of ARDS and they’ve been greeting the wrong disease, and actually doing more harm than good. We are learning this is directed more at the red blood cell level and it’s Hemo attachment... when patients go to ICU it’s not respiratory distress or an over reactive immune system response launching a Cytokine storm inside the body shutting organs down... its losing oxygen.

I read new info as well where they said venting people as first option was in many cases causing more harm than good and it was better to only vent when a person was in really bad shape. Basically the virus breaks apart an iron ion bond in hemoglobin which depletes the ability of blood to become oxygenated, as this progresses it causes strain on the whole body potentially affecting many organs. The iron that is freed up is evidently high in oxidative toxicity and that is where a lot of the lung damage is coming from as it overwhelms the bodies built in ability to deal with this type of toxicity. Pushing oxygen to help with the dropping levels is a big thing and the Hydroxy helps protect the hemoglobin bond from getting damaged. I'm forgetting some details but the Azithrimycin and Zinc used in combo with the Hydroxy helps as well.
When did I ever said that a travel ban was a poor choice. Banning travel from China was the only positive thing that Trump did. Too bad he did not make it total and did not put in so many exemptions. Also all travelers should have been quarantined after their arrival and tested for Covid. Oh, he could not test because we did not have the tests to do that. It is pretty amazing that many of Trump defenders have their only defense is that its Obama’s fault. Obama has been out of office for 3 years. Obama warned Trump about pandemics, but. Trump ignored that as well.
CNN or WAPO? Or were you there?
You are correct. It is losing oxygen. The losing oxygen is because of the damage to the lung causing the blood to be unable to be oxygenated as it passes through capillaries in the alveoli of the lung tissue. I am trying to make it easy for you to understand.

What I read is that the lung damage and the poor oxygenation are both due to the virus breaking apart an iron ion bond in hemoglobin which both makes it unable to carry oxygen and releases toxic iron which is causing oxidation damage in the lungs.
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So many people? Could you please point to other posts? I have no one on ignore and I don't recall any other post than the ONE particular post you are reponding to.
I should have been more clear. The “many” I’m speaking of is society in general. Way too often people want to silence dissenting opinions. This thread has not been like that. Many like yourself will call out posts that most would agree are ridiculous but just the one wanted to silence it. Sorry for not being clear at all.
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Are these videos where the info of don’t leave our homes until vaccination and the explanation of digital certificates which provide proof of vaccinations....they fake need too?? Lol . Man people will just close their eyes , out their hands over their ears and stop their feet yelling bla bla bla no matter how obvious the evidence is In front them.
This so called video has Bill Gates saying on sentence about “maybe mass gatherings may not be ok until mass vaccinations have been obtained”. The rest of the video is some person telling us what Bill Gates said.
Did you notice that Bill Gates said “MAYBE” this might occur. He did not say that he recommended that all this should occur. Again it is a fake right wing internet site that peddles nonsense, untruths, and half truths. I find it amazing that anyone reads or listens to this garbage. Go look up the entire original interview and listen to it.
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I should have been more clear. The “many” I’m speaking of is society in general. Way too often people want to silence dissenting opinions. This thread has not been like that. Many like yourself will call out posts that most would agree are ridiculous but just the one wanted to silence it. Sorry for not being clear at all.

Gotcha. Fair point. I didn't see it happening here, so wasn't sure what you were referencing. Thanks for clarifying.

But to be fair to grapple, he told BS to Post your stuff somewhere else and then made the comment where are the Mod's at .

Now the Mod's wouldn't necessarily have to ban BS, I think.. .....Can't they just delete some of his rant posts?

Of course leave the Bill Gates Anti-Christ post............;)
Are these videos where the info of don’t leave our homes until vaccination and the explanation of digital certificates which provide proof of vaccinations....they fake need too?? Lol . Man people will just close their eyes , out their hands over their ears and stop their feet yelling bla bla bla no matter how obvious the evidence is In front them.

What I see when I read your posts are your own opinions and beliefs. Not verified facts. Now you may believe they are true, but your belief in them does not make them true. Even if a whole bunch of people believe like you do, does not make those opinions true.

For example, the majority of the world's population 500 years ago believed the World was flat. but that didn't make it true.
Many also believed the Earth was the center of the Universe and the Sun rotated around the Earth. Also not true.

That is what I see when I read your posts. Belief and opinion. Some of it might be true...... or not.

It has been hard to figure out what your point has been with your posts. You ramble on and it doesn't seem you have a coherent message. I assume it all makes sense to you, but it isn't clear from your rants what that is and you are definitely not communicating it in a way that is easily understood.
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Gotcha. Fair point. I didn't see it happening here, so wasn't sure what you were referencing. Thanks for clarifying.

But to be fair to grapple, he told BS to Post your stuff somewhere else and then made the comment where are the Mod's at .

Now the Mod's wouldn't necessarily have to ban BS, I think.. .....Can't they just delete some of his rant posts?

Of course leave the Bill Gates Anti-Christ post............;)
I suppose they could just delete some of his posts, but I fail to really see the difference. We don’t need any big brother determining what we see or hear. We can determine on our own that most of his opinions are that of a crackpot. Oddly enough your flat earth analogy would put the crackpot on the right side of things. 1000 years ago anyone saying the earth was round would have been laughed out of the building, message board, etc. Don’t get me wrong I think the guy is off his rocker but your flat earth analogy is exactly the reason we should not silence others simply because we disagree.
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I suppose they could just delete some of his posts, but I fail to really see the difference. We don’t need any big brother determining what we see or hear. We can determine on our own that most of his opinions are that of a crackpot. Oddly enough your flat earth analogy would put the crackpot on the right side of things. 1000 years ago anyone saying the earth was round would have been laughed out of the building, message board, etc. Don’t get me wrong I think the guy is off his rocker but your flat earth analogy is exactly the reason we should not silence others simply because we disagree.

Yes, you are right. It would basically be the same as a ban. I was just trying to make a "technical" point that grapple didn't actually call for a ban. Hairsplitting on my part. When I read grapple's post I focused on the "posting somewhere else" part, not on the Mod part.

Tolerance is beneficial to all and we can all make our own judgements about whatever anyone posts.

So did I do good on the flat earth example instead of "they never went to the moon" one??? :)
I wish we had more Billionaires putting their money to use for medical treatments, food banks, water issues in the world.