*****Iowa vs Ohio St Game Thread*****

He’s an outstanding man. Represents the state well

We get to go to bowl games. Don’t you remember the 70s ?
I remember last year when we won the National Championship.

As for such outstanding man. That can be debated. Made his buddy Doyle take the heat for his mismanagement of the team. Sacrificed the Iowa football team just to keep his son employed. Does kkKF really care about this team/state or has he only cared about kkKF?
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All I wanted was a fight. Instead it's another embarrassment against a ranked team. I'm going to get some food and do something else. Done with this nonsense.
Well at least we're competitive among the mid tier teams. Should just start a different division of football at this point. The talent gap at the top is ridiculous. Ok going to go rewatch the 2nd half of the Goofer game.
If Cade comes back out in the 4th, I think I'm going to find something else to do
I truly am pulling for Iowa, becaue I truly loath OSU. But you guys are coming up on 15 quarters of scoreless football. I can't believe Iowa fans keep letting KKKF get away with this...
Then you don’t know Iowa fans very well.

This will likely be the fourth game in a row Iowa puts a goose egg on the board against a legitimate top 25 opponent. I mean, Jesus Christ, Western Carolina or Utah Tech would have at least managed a field goal in four games. But Iowa? Nope.

And the crazy thing is there are still a ton of Iowa fans defending Kirk and his scared style of coaching. I brought this up two weeks ago after Kirk was too scared to let Noodle Arm throw a pass to the end zone with :01 second on the clock before halftime.

But hey, Kaleb Johnson overshadowed the Iowa offensive ineptness in the second half against Minnesota, so those fans creamed their pants and declared I was a cacapoopoohead and didn’t know football.

Today, they’re conspicuously silent. Weird.

In short, a lot of Iowa fans are stupid and shortsighted.
The refs have been letting both teams play which is preferable to the alternative. No one wants the game to be about refs. Let both teams play and only call obvious stuff.

How did you get saddled with the duty to hang out on Iowa's board and make sure there's no mis or dis-information which differs from O$U's official viewpoint on all matters??

(I don't disagree with what you just said.)