******Michigan vs Iowa Game Thread******

Sorry guys-that is not an elite defense. For all the spooging about the depth on the D-line, there isn't a single difference-maker there. 270 lb guys will get pushed around by a decent O line every time.
The defense is very good. 20 points at this juncture given what the offense has done to flip field position (or lack thereof) and the amount of time they’ve been on the field is good, especially against the best scoring offense in the country.

We as Hawk fans are just used to the defense basically needing to pitch shutouts to win games. So tired of it. Most teams occasionally need to win shootouts. Best teams in the NFL? Bills? Chiefs? Bengals last year? Dolphins? Eagles? All good offenses. Good offense beats good defense
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wtf was that motion...laporta and WR shift and then then run to opposite side? Then Ragaini blocks a guy in back? Seems like a clown show.
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These refs are killing us. Can’t believe it. Iowa would still be tied if they didn’t even have the coin toss!