*****Official Iowa vs. Nova rd. 2 game thread*****

Fran coaches like he is playing checkers. The good ones are coaching like it is chess.

Will the AD tell Fran not to act like a child in the post game press conference.
Hope the recruits we have coming in have a little more nut to them than this team. If the refs are letting them hand check the shit out of us why don't we ever do the same? Play some fuqin in your face defense and quit saggin off a team that is lighting the nets up!
A quick recap of the first half:
no way they can make this deficit up.

We hadn't been killed all season, then this pile of crap.
Most points allowed in a half by Iowa this year! Real focus here? Fran should sit the Seniors the 2nd half and start working with what he has for next year. How sad!!! It reminded me of the Globetrotters vs the Generals....
I don't even know what we COULD do aside from make a few lay ups, but that's not going to erase a 25 point deficit or whatever it is here. I don't think Nova will keep this shooting up, but damage is mostly done.

Sit the seniors to start the half and send a message?
Fran came unglued in multiple huddles MSU style when he slammed the chair today. This is one pathetic effort. At least play hard
Isn't it strange how so many teams have played their best game of the year against us in the past month?
Iowa isn't good. And hasn't been for awhile now. Sucks to admit it.

Iowa lacks strength. Once teams figured out how to push Iowa around, the demise began.
Isn't it strange how so many teams have played their best game of the year against us in the past month?

Starts with the lack of defense. You can blow by Iowa in perimeter and woody way too slow to protect the rim. These guys are too slow in Man to man, and can't rebound out of zone.
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