
So you don't want opinions on Hawkeye wrestling on a Hawkeye wrestling message board unless they unanimously positive. That's not the way message boards work. In terms of Tarp, I appreciate his insights. They are never 'insider' posts, they are wrestling posts. Brands is a great leader for the Hawks, but he is definitely not infallible. Tarp is complimentary of the Hawks when he sees it and critical when he sees it.

I appreciate your posts, just as I appreciate Tarps. However, this thread makes you look really hyper-sensitive and annoying, like a teenage girl. Eat a snickers, relax. Fans on message boards will not always agree with head coach.
Tarp has all the rights in the world to contribute to the wrestling discussion by saying stupid shit, and I have all the rights in the world to correct him on said stupid shit. We're still all talking wrestling, not sure why you think I'm trying to discourage any negativity.
Tarp has all the rights in the world to contribute to the wrestling discussion by saying stupid shit, and I have all the rights in the world to correct him on said stupid shit. We're still all talking wrestling, not sure why you think I'm trying to discourage any negativity.
(Raise hand) I've been known to stop negativity. There was that one time the cesspool lynch mob was ready to set fire to the town and hang 2 starters...I had to step in that time.
Tarp does often seem to jump to the worst or most nefarious in most scenarios.

But it’s fine. He brings a lot to the board. I enjoy him.
Actually, He is very similar to you in way. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Half the board things I’m a cheerleader/apologist. The other half thinks I’m a negative Nelly.

Excellent. My plan has worked to perfection.
I always thought they were both correct. The difference was only in if you had taken your meds that particular day.
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So you don't want opinions on Hawkeye wrestling on a Hawkeye wrestling message board unless they unanimously positive. That's not the way message boards work. In terms of Tarp, I appreciate his insights. They are never 'insider' posts, they are wrestling posts. Brands is a great leader for the Hawks, but he is definitely not infallible. Tarp is complimentary of the Hawks when he sees it and critical when he sees it.

I appreciate your posts, just as I appreciate Tarps. However, this thread makes you look really hyper-sensitive and annoying, like a teenage girl. Eat a snickers, relax. Fans on message boards will not always agree with head coach.
If you're going to insult me at least make a good attempt. Using teenage girl is ironic considering that's exactly what the rainbow warrior club acts like whenever they aren't spoon fed info.
For me maybe try menopausal woman or something good. I see red a few times a year. You can blame todays outburst on the gourmet cookie shop across the street. I never knew it was there before so I walk across the busy street in 0 degree weather hoping they have peanut butter cookies. I'm sick of snickers. Get 2 expensive delicious looking peanut butter cookies fresh out of the oven. Sit down to read HR for the morning laugh and the freaking cookies taste like shit. Pretty much no taste so I think well maybe I have covid so I eat some queso ruffles and I could taste just fine so it was true the cookies just sucked. Then I see tarps post and I had a nice hotflash. Even worse I can't get peanut butter cookies at Subway because peanut allergies. So they don't sell the best cookies in america any more because someones allergies. Now I'm getting pissed off again.
And aren't you the guy that first posted PK weighed 159 at the scuffle. I'm surprised you got off so easy on that one.
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I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.
I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.

Remember, you don't need the Cess Pool to get hammered.
I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.
Quitter! I personally am very excited for our wrestlers this year still and our future lineups. Not to mention Spencer will be back.

The quitter part was a joke obviously
I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.

Each to their own. I don’t think the staff knew this was going to be the deal. A friend of mine was down in Florida and they saw one of the matches with SL where he was getting his knee cranked on pretty well and saw him grimacing as he came off the mat. Individual texted me that they were worried about him. Kemerer, I have no clue. But if he doesn't go, we are deep kimchi.

Think about this though...what if Spencer was able to go but we have a repeat of 2020? Boom...he's done, not even a whiff of a 4 timer. We are living in weird times right now and it has affected our sport and the way teams approach everything. "They" are starting to to bang the "shut down" drum along with being mandatory vaxxed again. Maybe sidelining him and getting the surgeries done this year might look like a smart move a few months from now.
I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.
I'm pretty disappointed too, not seeing my two favorite Hawks live this year (so far), but I understand the coaches having to work with what they have. It would be nice not to get your hopes up, only to be disappointed, but this has been discussed hundreds of times on this board. The coaches can't give out injury info for several good reasons. Would you rather stick injured guys out there every meet and maybe have them take a few bad losses to disappoint you, and never get the issue healed, or even a little better, and have them BBQ at NCAA, or would you like them as healthy as possible.
I too have been going to all of those things forever. I started going when I was in Junior High School at the beginning of the Kurdelmeier era, got my mom hooked in the early eighties, and had as many as nine family members at some NCAAs. My youngest son was my last hope for a consistent companion to these things, but within a year or two of graduating college, he might spend the rest of my life as an overseas missionary.
I'm very disappointed with how this season has gone, and the outlook for the future, but I'll never give up on this, or any other season, or on Hawkeye wrestling, no matter how frustrating. After all, we did make it through 2003-2008.
Ayala looked very solid. Clearly he has the offense and will only improve. He is easily the best option this year. I would say he is a solid bet (better than 60% ) to AA. How high? Tough call. Matchups are important. Love his effort and gas tank. Pull it. He is so much fun to watch.
If you're going to insult me at least make a good attempt. Using teenage girl is ironic considering that's exactly what the rainbow warrior club acts like whenever they aren't spoon fed info.
For me maybe try menopausal woman or something good. I see red a few times a year. You can blame todays outburst on the gourmet cookie shop across the street. I never knew it was there before so I walk across the busy street in 0 degree weather hoping they have peanut butter cookies. I'm sick of snickers. Get 2 expensive delicious looking peanut butter cookies fresh out of the oven. Sit down to read HR for the morning laugh and the freaking cookies taste like shit. Pretty much no taste so I think well maybe I have covid so I eat some queso ruffles and I could taste just fine so it was true the cookies just sucked. Then I see tarps post and I had a nice hotflash. Even worse I can't get peanut butter cookies at Subway because peanut allergies. So they don't sell the best cookies in america any more because someones allergies. Now I'm getting pissed off again.
And aren't you the guy that first posted PK weighed 159 at the scuffle. I'm surprised you got off so easy on that one.
You got called hyper-sensitive and annoying......

And you think that's some big insult?

You got off pretty lucky there. And you must have a pretty low emotional pain threshhold if that upset you.

That was actually a pretty low key response to you.

I get that you may not like hearing criticism of people who you are friends with, nobody does.

But maybe you are too close to the situation to be objective. Hence your hyper-sensitivity.

Blame your outburst on the gourmet cookie shop you say? Don't insult people's inteligence with that kind of crap.

You need a time out I think. Get off HR for a while and chill out. Seriously! You'll only dig yourself a deeper hole if you keep responding like the mess you posted above.
It got very Iknowmorethanyousoimbetterthanyou-y
BADASS! You got that tattooed as well?? Where's yours? Got mine starting on the neck making 2 loops, then runs down my left arm over the back of my hand, curls back on the palm and proudly halts about the inside of my left elbow. Best decision I ever made, although now that the letters all run together it's kinda starting to look like mold or something. Does yours do that?
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I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.
If you get hammered by someone. don't worry about it. You paid your money, you supported your team, you have a right to state how you feel.

You might try a mental reframe though. There is a big difference between expectations and expectancy. When you buy your tickets and expect to see Lee, Kem, or whomever and it doesn't happen, it leads to disappointment of course. When we have expectations of some sort we are almost always going to be disappointed.

However if you can get your mind into the state of expectancy you are open to whatever happens and disappointment is not so sure. Expectancy, not expectations.

Yes, it is a Jedi mind trick. :cool:
You got called hyper-sensitive and annoying......

And you think that's some big insult?

You got off pretty lucky there. And you must have a pretty low emotional pain threshhold if that upset you.

That was actually a pretty low key response to you.

I get that you may not like hearing criticism of people who you are friends with, nobody does.

But maybe you are too close to the situation to be objective. Hence your hyper-sensitivity.

Blame your outburst on the gourmet cookie shop you say? Don't insult people's inteligence with that kind of crap.

You need a time out I think. Get off HR for a while and chill out. Seriously! You'll only dig yourself a deeper hole if you keep responding like the mess you posted above.
I got off lucky lol!!!
With all due respect I think you should mind your own business. Tarphawk is fully capable of telling me to eat **** if he doesn't agree with my post towards him. I said my peace. Go Hawks!!!
I can assure you all that there are a whole lot of people that agree with Tarp and 23 on this issue and I’m one of them. I have been a season ticket holder for over twenty years and been to more Nationals, World Team and Olympic Trials than I can count but sadly I told my oldest son that I’m done after this year. I don’t need to know everything that’s going on as it pertains to injury but they could have said at the beginning of the year that Kem is not starting the season until after the new year. I went to the Princeton dual and at ISU and in both cases left feeling not very good about this coaching staff. Spencer is my all time favorite Hawk and is the only reason I bought tickets this year. I realize they don’t owe me anything but I don’t owe them anything either. Super excited about the young guys we have and the recruits coming but I will be saving my money and watching what I can from home. I know I’m going to get hammered by some of you and that’s fine but this is very sad for me because I’ve always thought my oldest son and I would have this passion forever and be planning trips around Hawkeye wrestling till I could no longer do it.
This isn’t an airport you don’t need to announce your departure.
You got called hyper-sensitive and annoying......

And you think that's some big insult?

You got off pretty lucky there. And you must have a pretty low emotional pain threshhold if that upset you.

That was actually a pretty low key response to you.

I get that you may not like hearing criticism of people who you are friends with, nobody does.

But maybe you are too close to the situation to be objective. Hence your hyper-sensitivity.

Blame your outburst on the gourmet cookie shop you say? Don't insult people's inteligence with that kind of crap.

You need a time out I think. Get off HR for a while and chill out. Seriously! You'll only dig yourself a deeper hole if you keep responding like the mess you posted above.
Lol…. Dig a deeper hole with whom exactly?
I got off lucky lol!!!
With all due respect I think you should mind your own business. Tarphawk is fully capable of telling me to eat **** if he doesn't agree with my post towards him. I said my peace. Go Hawks!!!
If you wanted people to mind their own business you probably shouldn't make a post on a public forum where people usually respond to things that are posted.

Perhaps PM Tarp directly if you want to let him know what you're thinking.

You post something critical of another poster and then think everyone should leave you alone and not respond to your posts.

That is a REAL lol!!!
If you wanted people to mind their own business you probably shouldn't make a post on a public forum where people usually respond to things that are posted.

Perhaps PM Tarp directly if you want to let him know what you're thinking.

You post something critical of another poster and then think everyone should leave you alone and not respond to your posts.

That is a REAL lol!!!
I can't pm but thanks for more unsolicited advice. Not sure why you care so much but you can kindly GFY. Have a great day. Go Hawks!!!
I got off lucky lol!!!
With all due respect I think you should mind your own business. Tarphawk is fully capable of telling me to eat **** if he doesn't agree with my post towards him. I said my peace. Go Hawks!!!
Eat **** acuhawk

No, no, we're all good. For the record, I like and respect TNT. Their bull-headed personalities often annoy me, as my snarky intellectual personality might annoy them. But we have been in the trenches together, so don't take my posts too literally or seriously.

I just want to see Ayala rip the limbs from McKee's body tonight; I have no interest in watching Ybarra get majored. Strangely, TNT didn't ask my opinion, so I'm forced to post here in hopes that they see it before tonight and give Ayala the nod because they know, deep down, that Tarp is usually right if they would only stop being so bull-headed and admit it.
Eat **** acuhawk

No, no, we're all good. For the record, I like and respect TNT. Their bull-headed personalities often annoy me, as my snarky intellectual personality might annoy them. But we have been in the trenches together, so don't take my posts too literally or seriously.

I just want to see Ayala rip the limbs from McKee's body tonight; I have no interest in watching Ybarra get majored. Strangely, TNT didn't ask my opinion, so I'm forced to post here in hopes that they see it before tonight and give Ayala the nod because they know, deep down, that Tarp is usually right if they would only stop being so bull-headed and admit it.
Most of the time I'm quietly agreeing with you. Especially when it's about one of our guys not taking a shot for a whole period.
For the sake of clarity, my problem were your posts regarding WIlson and Siebrecht only going because of mind games by the coaches. There were legit reasons. I want to see Ayala and Kemdawg as bad as anyone. I want to see every one of our guys attack like DeSanto, Kemdawg, Bull, and now I will say Henson, Ayala, and Schiever have the highest attack rate I have seen from any of our guys in years. Most of all I'm just as frustrated as everyone else that we haven't been able to see Spencer and the full team we expected to dominate the whole season. Even with a depleted team I can't wait to be in Carver tonight. My cousin and his son are flying in from N Carolina. They are bummed about Spencer but are still stoked to be in Carver. What else better to do in below zero weather.

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