COVID-19 Thread

So I'm guessing they told Trump it was a "Slam Dunk?" The WHO and the CDC were not blinking red. I can hear the axe grinding from here.

not "blinking red"??

Jan 17:

The CDC dispatches more than 100 staffers to three US airports to screen passengers arriving from Wuhan, a highly unusual step only taken during major health crises.

Jan 24:

Senior officials from the CDC brief senators about the latest developments about the virus.

Jan 30:

The WHO declared a global health emergency:

Jan 31:

200 Americans are evacuated out of China and flown to a military base in California, where they are quarantined. Messonnier, the top CDC official, says the drastic move was necessary because “we are facing an unprecedented health threat” from coronavirus.”

And now it has just come out that a close advisor to Trump, Peter Navarro, sent a memo to the NSC on Jan 29, warning that 500,000 Americans could die from coronavirus.
Obama is the Todd Lickliter of Presidents with how bare he left the cupboard. He was warned years ago that the U.S. couldn't handle a widespread pandemic, yet chose to do nothing.

"chose to do nothing" is misleading and not the full story.

Obama actually requested money for HHS (which oversees the emergency stockpile). Virtually every year the House (Tea Party) republicans fought him on it and wanted deep cuts to the HHS budget, refusing to raise the debt ceiling, effectively shutting down government, unless cuts were made. Obama was president when the stockpile was not replenished, but he had to work with a republican controlled house during 6 of his 8 years.

Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave forced the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica. >>

Blaming Obama for anything bad during Trump's presidency is almost a daily feature of Trump's speeches. But Trump has been in office for over 3 years now. At what point does the buck stop with him? my 90 day Free Trial for the Year 2020 has expired..........:eek:

I don't think I will continue the subscription.

Not sure I'll sign up for 2021 yet either.......:(

Doesn't look very promising at the moment.
"chose to do nothing" is misleading and not the full story.

Obama actually requested money for HHS (which oversees the emergency stockpile). Virtually every year the House (Tea Party) republicans fought him on it and wanted deep cuts to the HHS budget, refusing to raise the debt ceiling, effectively shutting down government, unless cuts were made. Obama was president when the stockpile was not replenished, but he had to work with a republican controlled house during 6 of his 8 years.

Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave forced the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica. >>

Blaming Obama for anything bad during Trump's presidency is almost a daily feature of Trump's speeches. But Trump has been in office for over 3 years now. At what point does the buck stop with him?

I thought it was pretty funny when he blamed Obama for inheriting a faulty test for coronavirus.

A Novel coronavirus that was not even around when Obama was in office, except in bats. The US would never have had a test for a non existent, in humans, virus. Unpossible.............
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not "blinking red"??

Jan 17:

The CDC dispatches more than 100 staffers to three US airports to screen passengers arriving from Wuhan, a highly unusual step only taken during major health crises.

Jan 24:

Senior officials from the CDC brief senators about the latest developments about the virus.

Jan 30:

The WHO declared a global health emergency:

Jan 31:

200 Americans are evacuated out of China and flown to a military base in California, where they are quarantined. Messonnier, the top CDC official, says the drastic move was necessary because “we are facing an unprecedented health threat” from coronavirus.”

And now it has just come out that a close advisor to Trump, Peter Navarro, sent a memo to the NSC on Jan 29, warning that 500,000 Americans could die from coronavirus.

Here are some more additions to your timeline:

Feb 1:

Joe Biden calling Trump xenophobic in response to Trump's announcement of China travel restrictions:

Feb 2:

NYC Health Commissioner stating there is no reason to change travel plans to celebrate the Chinese New Year

Feb 24:

Pelosi encourages people to visit Chinatown (San Francisco):

Mar 2:

Bill DeBlasio encouraging New Yorkers to get out on the town and get on with your life. (Even offering movie viewing suggestions. The f'in twit.)

Here are some more additions to your timeline:

Feb 1:

Joe Biden calling Trump xenophobic in response to Trump's announcement of China travel restrictions:

Feb 2:

NYC Health Commissioner stating there is no reason to change travel plans to celebrate the Chinese New Year

Feb 24:

Pelosi encourages people to visit Chinatown (San Francisco):

Mar 2:

Bill DeBlasio encouraging New Yorkers to get out on the town and get on with your life. (Even offering movie viewing suggestions. The f'in twit.)

Don't forget to attend Mardi Gras.....o_O
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Percentage of the population tested.....Countries of 5 million population or more. US is still in last place.

What about Peter Navarro - nuf said too?

<< While President Donald Trump played down concerns about the coronavirus in January and February, a top White House adviser warned that a coronavirus pandemic could cost the country trillions of dollars and endanger millions of Americans, according to two new reports.>>
Did you also notice that our president now claims he never saw or read the memos from Navarro? This from Trumps own mouth, not “fake news”.
Again his not seeing or reading his own advisor’s reports on Covid shows that Trump is lying again or that he is just incompetent as a leader.
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Did you also notice that our president now claims he never saw or read the memos from Navarro? This from Trumps own mouth, not “fake news”.
Again his not seeing or reading his own advisor’s reports on Covid shows that Trump is lying again or that he is just incompetent as a leader.

I kind of hate it when things get so political. I believe Dr. Fauci in January said the Coronavirus was no threat to the US. In February, he said people should go about their business normally. Trump receives input from multiple sources. Even medical experts have vastly different opinions on things. To say that Trump didn’t listen to the one that had the better prediction makes him an idiot is just wrong (he may or may not be an idiot, but this just isn’t the best example). Many people’s predictions didn’t pan out. That is like saying you are a complete idiot for not selling all your stock on February 20 because I saw this financial guru guy on CNBC that said to sell. Well, half the financial people were saying buy and half were saying sell - that is the way it works.

BTW, just quoted this as a political statement - not disputing whether it is true or not true or whether Trump does or does not tell the truth. As mentioned above, many Democrats as well as Trump didn’t predict this well at the outset.
Did you also notice that our president now claims he never saw or read the memos from Navarro? This from Trumps own mouth, not “fake news”.
Again his not seeing or reading his own advisor’s reports on Covid shows that Trump is lying again or that he is just incompetent as a leader.
Some wise leader tried getting a travel ban put in place but penis heads like you threw a fit. Jackhawk just posted the best post in the thread. You Trump haters people focus on anything to get a bash in. Clinton and Obama got bent over by China for a decade. They sold this country out to China. This Corona shit pops up while Trump happens to be the first president in a long time that didn't kiss China's ass. Is it a coincidence or not?
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Some wise leader tried getting a travel ban put in place but penis heads like you threw a fit. Jackhawk just posted the best post in the thread. You Trump haters are trying to bully people around and it is time for you pussies to get some push back. Clinton and Obama got bent over by China for a decade. They sold this country out to China. This Corona shit pops up while Trump happens to be the first president in a long time that didn't kiss China's ass. Is it a coincidence or not?

So much has happened over the past couple months that it really is hard to keep track of all the information and what we have seen happen. It is almost unbelievable to look at the numbers of infection cases and deaths from just a week ago and think they are correct. They couldn't really be that low could they? Truly mind bending times.

Incomplete information can skew our view of things occasionally. The US put a China ban in place on January 31 which took effect on Feb. 2nd. It was not a complete ban however.

The ban only applied to foreign nationals who had been in China during the previous 14 days and included 11 categories of exemptions. Since the restrictions took place approximately 40,000 travelers have entered the US from China subjected to inconsistent screenings.
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Some wise leader tried getting a travel ban put in place but penis heads like you threw a fit. Jackhawk just posted the best post in the thread. You Trump haters people focus on anything to get a bash in. Clinton and Obama got bent over by China for a decade. They sold this country out to China. This Corona shit pops up while Trump happens to be the first president in a long time that didn't kiss China's ass. Is it a coincidence or not?
You probably think China is actually paying the tariffs.
You are putting your trust in the words and thoughts of the people this country outsourced and put our lives in the hands of.....The WHO and the CDC, who both colossally have failed you, I and this entire country in preparing for what to expect t both physically and mentally.

Think about it, have they been right about even one time regarding anything yet!??

They aren’t even close on things such as their dire death prediction models, they have allowed this virus, again what they specialize in as infectious disease experts, to go misdiagnosed since it’s inception onto Wuhan and told us all it was a lung killing respiratory disease rather than what we are finding out is a blood.

They don’t even know what this virus is up until 48hours ago, they ADAMANTLY dismiss ANYTHING positive or uplifting regarding potential treatments r cures as strictly antidotal, but have never hesitated in the least to share doom and gloom projections to scare everyone on what? Antidotal evidence they admit don’t have a clue is right or not.

They have colossally whiffed on everything to this point but people still are putting their blind faith in people who have failed this miserably. It’s hilarious.

This is what they all do for a living and specialize in but they wrongfully advised Trump to not limit to and from travel from China , which Trump ignored, which was a game changing advice blunder Fauci was wrong right away with but since the correct decision was opposite his, he’s not catching any flack over it.

Process that for a second. The US outsourced both the WHO and CDC to protect this country against this enemy they specialize in. The head infectious disease expert’s first advice to our president was to not cut off China after their outbreak began. Imagine if Trump would have listened! But we are still listening to this guy like he’s the gospel:

The WHO and CDC knew far in advance what was coming from China and Italy but completely dropped the ball with this country’s infrastructure needed in place to combat what came. And that’s an understatement. There isn’t a single thing you can say we were ahead of the game on besides fear of the unknown created in The media. You name it, we were unprepared:

We even 6 months post Wuhan have the worst ability to test its own people maybe in the entire world of a virus, it was bad at the start and never has improved even to this day... we are the United States for Christ sake! We are gonna have a vaccine fast tracked in prob less than 12 months but can’t put together a simple test for our people in half that time!?

These people had us woefully unprepared in every aspect!Completely dropped the ball on taking care of health workers and immediate PPE shortages were reported everywhere... no masks, no gloves, no gowns, everything was limited right out of the gate. Next there wasn’t enough beds or support, there was immediate ventilator shortages across all the high metro areas... I mean the list goes on and on.

Again ask yourself... WHAT IN THE HELL has Fauci even been remotely right about yet other than producing panic talking about this unknown killer!?

What has the WHO or CDC done for us to fix anything?? What have they moved forward with relative to being a positive step and not one inducing a Nic and fear?

Fauci is SOOOO quick to call potential treatments antedotal and dangerous. But won’t hesitate in a heartbeat to roll a number like 200,000 Americans dying by something we just don’t know about based off anything but antidotal data! .

He also won’t hesitate saying this will most likely be a seasonal thing pushing that agenda hard and a vaccine as our only way out and this is based on what?

Isn’t that antidotal fear prediction?

I would ask Fauci to reference 1 or 2 single shreds of evidence or examples to anything he’s been right about sharing with us regarding this disease, it’s deadliness, it’s direction it’s taking us .... to even allow him to suggest he would have a clue this will be seasonal.

He thought it was a respiratory pneumonia disease up until a few days ago lol!

The only thing Fauci has been great at is shutting down any solutions to this and inducing fear and panic .

He’s shut Down our economy and continues to push the rest of the country to do so even though his 200,000 Death projection less than a week later is already down to 60,000 and dropping by the day.

He has us primed for what was planned all along... it’s where his interests are and he makes no secret to it along withBill Gates and that is a vaccination is our only hope. He knows the only way the masses agree to take this is fear and panic.

The WHO and CDC are frauds people!! The proof is everywhere!

Telling people to wake up is not inducing fear.

Telling people to close their eyes and cover their ears to avoid an invisible boogey man is inducing fear.

Letting these people speak every day like they are the experts who have had a handle on this thing from The beginning is THE COMEDY of the year.

They have colossally failed us every step of the way, have not been right on anything they’ve projected or educated us with. The only thing they have been consistent at is creating a doom and gloom scenario with us to this silent boogey man . Covid has turned Osama Bin Laden into a viral form.

Don’t listen to these people as the gospel and prominent experts because they lay hold those titles, but they haven’t earned them. They should be removed from the equation now that their obvious narrative has been exposed and that’s to force us into believing our only way back to normalcy and feeling safe is a vaccination.

Wake up people it’s why Fauci is hitting the press hard right on his belief is Covid will be seasonal. He knows the numbers won’t sustain any lock down measure for much longer, and there is a race on time right now to when their vaccine is ready.

They know we all won’t take the vaccine unless it provides an end all to the isolation. We are experiencing now etc... by planting the seasonal part , we will be told if we don’t vaccinate we will have to shut everything down again in 6 months. Etc again. It will end the solution to the fear they have manufactured in us.
Some wise leader tried getting a travel ban put in place but penis heads like you threw a fit. Jackhawk just posted the best post in the thread. You Trump haters people focus on anything to get a bash in. Clinton and Obama got bent over by China for a decade. They sold this country out to China. This Corona shit pops up while Trump happens to be the first president in a long time that didn't kiss China's ass. Is it a coincidence or not?
When did I ever said that a travel ban was a poor choice. Banning travel from China was the only positive thing that Trump did. Too bad he did not make it total and did not put in so many exemptions. Also all travelers should have been quarantined after their arrival and tested for Covid. Oh, he could not test because we did not have the tests to do that. It is pretty amazing that many of Trump defenders have their only defense is that its Obama’s fault. Obama has been out of office for 3 years. Obama warned Trump about pandemics, but. Trump ignored that as well.
Man don’t even get me started with these mortality and hospitalization rates we are fed... they are so skewed it’s comical!

How can anyone take reported Covid-19 deaths as anything close to the actual mortality rate of the actual virus infection?

Because again the mortality rate is monumentally off.

1) CDC directed from the very beginning to only test the very sick, highest % of dying patients often with underlying conditions, and to not test people with little to no symptoms who think they could be infected.

2) So after stacking the deck on most of the limited testing being given to the largest chance of dying, the actual head of the Coronavirus team assembled openly admitted the causes of death will be the exact opposite to how they did it in China and Italy. No matter what order or condition which causes a patient to die, they would be labeled Covid deaths if they died and Covid was involved somehow. She literally was quoted saying this.

3) Extending this comedy even further, the CDC stepped in and not only redirected to same order to those recording the deaths, they literally invented the whole entire other SECOND Covid cause of death code, with this one not even requiring a person dying to be even tested positive for the virus. If anyone ‘wink wink’ suspects them to have it, that’s what they have! It’s right there for anyone to see, they openly admit to inflating Covid deaths.

So In summary, we have proof they instructed to test only the most likely to die, to State cause of death of anyone testing positive with other underlying conditions to be Covid positive to everyone’s cause of death, and the kicker of them all, Mark em Covid w the good old eyeball test so that can be regurgitated to the American public in ripe panic form with the highest mortality rate they can possibly manufacture .

You still feel comfortable speaking on mortality rates to this disease given to you by these same people!

Let’s circle back to who they tested to Begin with, and let’s assume we all buy the fact our country literally still almost 6 months in from Wuhan hasn’t figured out how to test our own people for a virus!

Let’s assume common sense was administered right fro the beginning and social distancing was asked of the higher risk categories of anyone 65 and older (retired) or those with higher risk of u deleting conditions relative to this disease (disability).

Wouldn’t have made sense to isolate these at risk right from the beginning and allowed all of us not as much at risk to continue to go work, and test us since we are the highest risk to spreading it to those at risk since we could be carriers for up to 14 days without symptoms?

Keep the retired and disability in isolation, have all us using safe practices at the workplace and not shut the economy down and let go to *****, and test the largest risk of spread in us from spreading the disease please tell me how we would be at least the same numbers wise if not much better!?

We are isolating everyone and only allowing all of us to basically go to the exact same places in grocery stores. It would be much more difficult spreading contagion at multiple locations versus sending the masses he same places! It’s insane.

What then happens to the Covid-19 mortality rate when if the majority tested were early symptom or no symptoms people with significant recovery rates and those were documented instead of taken care of at home and not documented as positives?

The tens of thousands of those along with documenting who already had immunities we could have tested for, all these combined would put this Covid mortality rate at a MINUSCULE percentage.

An embarrassing number to be where we are right now that’s for sure.

And how how about 1 more nice piece of info.... the actual WHO shows that the cause of deaths reported this year via influenza from the same Jan 1 2020 to April 1st timeframe from years past is FIFTY times less than it normally is and calculates in years past. 50 TIMES!!

The WHO also estimates approximately 500,000 influenza deaths worldwide each year .

That 50 times number is interesting to me because Over a full year that would mean approximately 250,000 less influenza reported causes of death world wide than on average.

Didn’t Fauci warn there could be up to 200,000 US deaths when this is all said n done??

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You are putting your trust in the words and thoughts of the people this country outsourced and put our lives in the hands of.....The WHO and the CDC, who both colossally have failed you, I and this entire country in preparing for what to expect t both physically and mentally.

Think about it, have they been right about even one time regarding anything yet!??

They aren’t even close on things such as their dire death prediction models, they have allowed this virus, again what they specialize in as infectious disease experts, to go misdiagnosed since it’s inception onto Wuhan and told us all it was a lung killing respiratory disease rather than what we are finding out is a blood.

They don’t even know what this virus is up until 48hours ago, they ADAMANTLY dismiss ANYTHING positive or uplifting regarding potential treatments r cures as strictly antidotal, but have never hesitated in the least to share doom and gloom projections to scare everyone on what? Antidotal evidence they admit don’t have a clue is right or not.

They have colossally whiffed on everything to this point but people still are putting their blind faith in people who have failed this miserably. It’s hilarious.

This is what they all do for a living and specialize in but they wrongfully advised Trump to not limit to and from travel from China , which Trump ignored, which was a game changing advice blunder Fauci was wrong right away with but since the correct decision was opposite his, he’s not catching any flack over it.

Process that for a second. The US outsourced both the WHO and CDC to protect this country against this enemy they specialize in. The head infectious disease expert’s first advice to our president was to not cut off China after their outbreak began. Imagine if Trump would have listened! But we are still listening to this guy like he’s the gospel:

The WHO and CDC knew far in advance what was coming from China and Italy but completely dropped the ball with this country’s infrastructure needed in place to combat what came. And that’s an understatement. There isn’t a single thing you can say we were ahead of the game on besides fear of the unknown created in The media. You name it, we were unprepared:

We even 6 months post Wuhan have the worst ability to test its own people maybe in the entire world of a virus, it was bad at the start and never has improved even to this day... we are the United States for Christ sake! We are gonna have a vaccine fast tracked in prob less than 12 months but can’t put together a simple test for our people in half that time!?

These people had us woefully unprepared in every aspect!Completely dropped the ball on taking care of health workers and immediate PPE shortages were reported everywhere... no masks, no gloves, no gowns, everything was limited right out of the gate. Next there wasn’t enough beds or support, there was immediate ventilator shortages across all the high metro areas... I mean the list goes on and on.

Again ask yourself... WHAT IN THE HELL has Fauci even been remotely right about yet other than producing panic talking about this unknown killer!?

What has the WHO or CDC done for us to fix anything?? What have they moved forward with relative to being a positive step and not one inducing a Nic and fear?

Fauci is SOOOO quick to call potential treatments antedotal and dangerous. But won’t hesitate in a heartbeat to roll a number like 200,000 Americans dying by something we just don’t know about based off anything but antidotal data! .

He also won’t hesitate saying this will most likely be a seasonal thing pushing that agenda hard and a vaccine as our only way out and this is based on what?

Isn’t that antidotal fear prediction?

I would ask Fauci to reference 1 or 2 single shreds of evidence or examples to anything he’s been right about sharing with us regarding this disease, it’s deadliness, it’s direction it’s taking us .... to even allow him to suggest he would have a clue this will be seasonal.

He thought it was a respiratory pneumonia disease up until a few days ago lol!

The only thing Fauci has been great at is shutting down any solutions to this and inducing fear and panic .

He’s shut Down our economy and continues to push the rest of the country to do so even though his 200,000 Death projection less than a week later is already down to 60,000 and dropping by the day.

He has us primed for what was planned all along... it’s where his interests are and he makes no secret to it along withBill Gates and that is a vaccination is our only hope. He knows the only way the masses agree to take this is fear and panic.

The WHO and CDC are frauds people!! The proof is everywhere!

Telling people to wake up is not inducing fear.

Telling people to close their eyes and cover their ears to avoid an invisible boogey man is inducing fear.

Letting these people speak every day like they are the experts who have had a handle on this thing from The beginning is THE COMEDY of the year.

They have colossally failed us every step of the way, have not been right on anything they’ve projected or educated us with. The only thing they have been consistent at is creating a doom and gloom scenario with us to this silent boogey man . Covid has turned Osama Bin Laden into a viral form.

Don’t listen to these people as the gospel and prominent experts because they lay hold those titles, but they haven’t earned them. They should be removed from the equation now that their obvious narrative has been exposed and that’s to force us into believing our only way back to normalcy and feeling safe is a vaccination.

Wake up people it’s why Fauci is hitting the press hard right on his belief is Covid will be seasonal. He knows the numbers won’t sustain any lock down measure for much longer, and there is a race on time right now to when their vaccine is ready.

They know we all won’t take the vaccine unless it provides an end all to the isolation. We are experiencing now etc... by planting the seasonal part , we will be told if we don’t vaccinate we will have to shut everything down again in 6 months. Etc again. It will end the solution to the fear they have manufactured in us.
Messages like this one spread fear and panic, and also distrust.
Please everyone, read mainstream sources, even if they make a few mistakes, and stop attaching yourselves to crazy conspiracy theories spread by loonies like this, especially from a newbie with just 75 posts. He's most likely looking for converts.
You are putting your trust in the words and thoughts of the people this country outsourced and put our lives in the hands of.....The WHO and the CDC, who both colossally have failed you, I and this entire country in preparing for what to expect t both physically and mentally.

Think about it, have they been right about even one time regarding anything yet!??

They aren’t even close on things such as their dire death prediction models, they have allowed this virus, again what they specialize in as infectious disease experts, to go misdiagnosed since it’s inception onto Wuhan and told us all it was a lung killing respiratory disease rather than what we are finding out is a blood.

They don’t even know what this virus is up until 48hours ago, they ADAMANTLY dismiss ANYTHING positive or uplifting regarding potential treatments r cures as strictly antidotal, but have never hesitated in the least to share doom and gloom projections to scare everyone on what? Antidotal evidence they admit don’t have a clue is right or not.

They have colossally whiffed on everything to this point but people still are putting their blind faith in people who have failed this miserably. It’s hilarious.

This is what they all do for a living and specialize in but they wrongfully advised Trump to not limit to and from travel from China , which Trump ignored, which was a game changing advice blunder Fauci was wrong right away with but since the correct decision was opposite his, he’s not catching any flack over it.

Process that for a second. The US outsourced both the WHO and CDC to protect this country against this enemy they specialize in. The head infectious disease expert’s first advice to our president was to not cut off China after their outbreak began. Imagine if Trump would have listened! But we are still listening to this guy like he’s the gospel:

The WHO and CDC knew far in advance what was coming from China and Italy but completely dropped the ball with this country’s infrastructure needed in place to combat what came. And that’s an understatement. There isn’t a single thing you can say we were ahead of the game on besides fear of the unknown created in The media. You name it, we were unprepared:

We even 6 months post Wuhan have the worst ability to test its own people maybe in the entire world of a virus, it was bad at the start and never has improved even to this day... we are the United States for Christ sake! We are gonna have a vaccine fast tracked in prob less than 12 months but can’t put together a simple test for our people in half that time!?

These people had us woefully unprepared in every aspect!Completely dropped the ball on taking care of health workers and immediate PPE shortages were reported everywhere... no masks, no gloves, no gowns, everything was limited right out of the gate. Next there wasn’t enough beds or support, there was immediate ventilator shortages across all the high metro areas... I mean the list goes on and on.

Again ask yourself... WHAT IN THE HELL has Fauci even been remotely right about yet other than producing panic talking about this unknown killer!?

What has the WHO or CDC done for us to fix anything?? What have they moved forward with relative to being a positive step and not one inducing a Nic and fear?

Fauci is SOOOO quick to call potential treatments antedotal and dangerous. But won’t hesitate in a heartbeat to roll a number like 200,000 Americans dying by something we just don’t know about based off anything but antidotal data! .

He also won’t hesitate saying this will most likely be a seasonal thing pushing that agenda hard and a vaccine as our only way out and this is based on what?

Isn’t that antidotal fear prediction?

I would ask Fauci to reference 1 or 2 single shreds of evidence or examples to anything he’s been right about sharing with us regarding this disease, it’s deadliness, it’s direction it’s taking us .... to even allow him to suggest he would have a clue this will be seasonal.

He thought it was a respiratory pneumonia disease up until a few days ago lol!

The only thing Fauci has been great at is shutting down any solutions to this and inducing fear and panic .

He’s shut Down our economy and continues to push the rest of the country to do so even though his 200,000 Death projection less than a week later is already down to 60,000 and dropping by the day.

He has us primed for what was planned all along... it’s where his interests are and he makes no secret to it along withBill Gates and that is a vaccination is our only hope. He knows the only way the masses agree to take this is fear and panic.

The WHO and CDC are frauds people!! The proof is everywhere!

Telling people to wake up is not inducing fear.

Telling people to close their eyes and cover their ears to avoid an invisible boogey man is inducing fear.

Letting these people speak every day like they are the experts who have had a handle on this thing from The beginning is THE COMEDY of the year.

They have colossally failed us every step of the way, have not been right on anything they’ve projected or educated us with. The only thing they have been consistent at is creating a doom and gloom scenario with us to this silent boogey man . Covid has turned Osama Bin Laden into a viral form.

Don’t listen to these people as the gospel and prominent experts because they lay hold those titles, but they haven’t earned them. They should be removed from the equation now that their obvious narrative has been exposed and that’s to force us into believing our only way back to normalcy and feeling safe is a vaccination.

Wake up people it’s why Fauci is hitting the press hard right on his belief is Covid will be seasonal. He knows the numbers won’t sustain any lock down measure for much longer, and there is a race on time right now to when their vaccine is ready.

They know we all won’t take the vaccine unless it provides an end all to the isolation. We are experiencing now etc... by planting the seasonal part , we will be told if we don’t vaccinate we will have to shut everything down again in 6 months. Etc again. It will end the solution to the fear they have manufactured in us.

I am not sure what your point is, but several things are incorrect. First Covid 19 is a respiratory virus, not a “blood”. The predictions were 100- 200 thousand deaths depending on how much we cut down the transmission. This virus could have a year to go so that there is much more time to reach those total deaths. That depends on whether the warm weather slows the virus down this summer and whether we get a second wave in fall. If a second wave occurs in the fall and we have no vaccine or active treatments by that time, we will probably have a worse problem than we have now.
Your discussion about vaccines makes me wonder about your being an antivaxer. I hope that is not correct because the vaccine is the most important part of preventing illness and death.
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An embarrassing actual mortality rate doesn’t coincide with nationwide shutdowns.

Panic, fear and quest for normalcy are all formed when we have our general rights to assemble and move freely about taken away.

Low mortality rates eliminate the fear of dying from this invisible enemy. The unknown isn’t so scary anymore.

So if real low mortality rates were exposed, we wouldn’t be ok shutting down or sacrificing any of our rights, or we would be doing it every flu season.

We would all be begging to take a vaccine to ensure we aren’t going to die from Covid.

All the reasons people will take a vaccine are eliminated if Covid’s real mortality %’s were exposed.

They were/will never allow that to happen.

There’s a reason testing is limited. That will never change or get fixed.

There’s a reason we will hear ad nauseam to not get hopes up too high with numbers getting better by the day because we will be getting multiple waves of the virus..

We will hear consistently that any short term treatment/alternative is antidotal and not backed by science , and even though actual doctors are administering drugs to actual patients in actual hospital real life settings and documenting their results... we will be told none of that matters until we hear the results of their own closed door study that we are at their mercy and trust to be told the truth and not what fits their narratives.

We will be sold through the media our ONLY solution to our normalcy, safety, and future of our humanity is by taking a universal vaccine.

And it will be with a wristband that will microchip info into our skin that we will have to take with us when we travel places to show we were vaccinated.

China is already doing this, it’s a real thing.
An embarrassing actual mortality rate doesn’t coincide with nationwide shutdowns.

Panic, fear and quest for normalcy are all formed when we have our general rights to assemble and move freely about taken away.

Low mortality rates eliminate the fear of dying from this invisible enemy. The unknown isn’t so scary anymore.

So if real low mortality rates were exposed, we wouldn’t be ok shutting down or sacrificing any of our rights, or we would be doing it every flu season.

We would all be begging to take a vaccine to ensure we aren’t going to die from Covid.

All the reasons people will take a vaccine are eliminated if Covid’s real mortality %’s were exposed.

They were/will never allow that to happen.

There’s a reason testing is limited. That will never change or get fixed.

There’s a reason we will hear ad nauseam to not get hopes up too high with numbers getting better by the day because we will be getting multiple waves of the virus..

We will hear consistently that any short term treatment/alternative is antidotal and not backed by science , and even though actual doctors are administering drugs to actual patients in actual hospital real life settings and documenting their results... we will be told none of that matters until we hear the results of their own closed door study that we are at their mercy and trust to be told the truth and not what fits their narratives.

We will be sold through the media our ONLY solution to our normalcy, safety, and future of our humanity is by taking a universal vaccine.

And it will be with a wristband that will microchip info into our skin that we will have to take with us when we travel places to show we were vaccinated.

China is already doing this, it’s a real thing.
When do you get to the part about aliens trying to control our minds, so we have to wear the tin foil hats? :)
I am not sure what your point is, but several things are incorrect. First Covid 19 is a respiratory virus, not a “blood”. The predictions were 100- 200 thousand deaths depending on how much we cut down the transmission. This virus could have a year to go so that there is much more time to reach those total deaths. That depends on whether the warm weather slows the virus down this summer and whether we get a second wave in fall. If a second wave occurs in the fall and we have no vaccine or active treatments by that time, we will probably have a worse problem than we have now.
Your discussion about vaccines makes me wonder about your being an antivaxer. I hope that is not correct because the vaccine is the most important part of preventing illness and death.
Do some research. Within the past 48 hours, medical professionals have discovered it blood
Messages like this one spread fear and panic, and also distrust.
Please everyone, read mainstream sources, even if they make a few mistakes, and stop attaching yourselves to crazy conspiracy theories spread by loonies like this, especially from a newbie with just 75 posts. He's most likely looking for converts.
Most of what I shared isn’t a conspiracy theory opinion of line or anyone else. They are an organizational timeline of the facts for us adults to see for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I’m sorry to bring facts to the discussion , but all these things you represent as fear inducing are real things. Things that aren’t hidden from us or even a big secret.

I find it hilarious , seriously hilarious that you actually instructed posters to listen unconditionally to the people I presented numbers, facts and websites disproving what they are telling you, I presented evidence to corroborate it all.

If you would like to correct anything I presented or dispute with your own evidence, please do I would love to discuss.

But you actually label an anonymous poster on the internet providing evidence to what’s actually going on which has lead us to our reality... we’re already here isolated... you label this as FEAR and conspiracy but BIND YOURSELF to the literal people who every day mission is to scare you out of all your rights and liberties and create this odd devotion, That you will do and believe anything they say. Even though they tell you every day your life will probably never be normal again, your headed for the worst week of your American life, that they still have no idea where what and when this silent killer out there will come get you, and even best..... these are the same people who have you isolated to your home and took away your job/income... a everyone.... if you don’t want to get all wired up and scared , don’t seek the facts and what’s out there... listen blindly to people who sensationalize every day how bad your situation is and give you no answers for it. THEY ARENT THE ONES SPREADING FEAR RIGHT!? It’s the people who tell you to open your eyes to what’s going on around you. Just answer me one question. What on earth has Dr Fauci, the WHOor the CDC dome for YOU PERSONALLY since January til present day that has EARNED your unconditional trust and support. Besides insight king fear into you to how serious this situation is and how dangerous Covid is, what have any of them done that hasn’t centered on controlling the fear and the unknown narrative to all of us driving is all torte conclusion a vaccination is our only solution? Can u name 1 ? They literally haven’t done a single thing besides fall short in stopping the spread, identifying the infected, have the necessary resources in place for treatment, or solutions to help temporarily save lives. All they do is give extremely dire and inflated mortality graphs, lobby to have more and more day by day shut down and taken away... but mainly.... INCITE FEAR.

Open your eyes man. I’m not the person to fear. I’m not just slinging opinions , I supported most of my lints wit evidence. Can u In return to discredit any of it?

And regarding it being a Respiratory Disease. It’s probably still referred by many as such , but just I. The past Couple days it’s been learned that patients never get into ARDS or pneumonia. The bilateral damage caused on EVERY patient has always been an indicator it’s not pneumonia. The treatments of going right on A vent has always been the typical treatment of ARDS and they’ve been greeting the wrong disease, and actually doing more harm than good. We are learning this is directed more at the red blood cell level and it’s Hemo attachment... when patients go to ICU it’s not respiratory distress or an over reactive immune system response launching a Cytokine storm inside the body shutting organs down... its losing oxygen.

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You're not worth debating.
Post your crap somewhere else. Where's mods for this sh*t?
Raving loony . . .
You really want him banned by the mods? The fact that so many people want to ban thought that doesn’t fit theirs is way scarier that the extremely flawed conclusions this dude is drawing from data/articles he presents.
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You really want him banned by the mods? The fact that so many people want to ban thought that doesn’t fit theirs is way scarier that the extremely flawed conclusions this dude is drawing from data/articles he presents.
When the inmates run the asylum, that's bad. Look at the "encyclopedias" he's posting here.
Not all ideas are equal, and not all deserve equal treatment. Humoring the lunatic fringe unendingly in the name of free speech ruins that speech for everyone else.
He's free to say what he wants, but we shouldn't have to endure it on this WRESTLING board. Take it over to Reddit or one of the "alt" sites where all the other fringe dwellers hang out.
Bill Gates has a company he's a partner in called ID2020 they've a contract with Bangladesh.Its a contract for a ID vaccine program.The IHME numbers that you see on the news are also Bill Gates.And Bill Gates is also working on 2 vaccines for Coronavirus.All facts Bill Gates has his money in everything
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