****Iowa (6-0) @ UVA (5-2) Game Thread****

Inexperience means more when body, skill, and mind are underdeveloped see: age. It’s probably why we saw less of Perkins/Sandfort/Ulis last night (though whether they could/should have handled heavier minutes is up for debate). When you’re 22-24 years old, your game and mentals are typically more developed to where you are equipped to go out and execute regardless of the stage. However, that’s purely from my own observation/experience
And anyone who's been around the game understands this.

Theres a huge difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old physically and mentally in most players.

A large part of getting better with experience is actually just physical and practice. Its not everything but its very significant.

An "inexperienced" 21-24 year old is completely different than an inexperienced 18-19 year old which is normally what you're talking about with college basketball players.
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And anyone who's been around the game understands this.

Theres a huge difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old physically and mentally in most players.

A large part of getting better with experience is actually just physical and practice. Its not everything but its very significant.

An "inexperienced" 21-24 year old is completely different than an inexperienced 18-19 year old which is normally what you're talking about with college basketball players.
Ok, coach.

Good luck with your day job.
Didn't he play like an entire half on that injured ankle?
Yes, he came back in the game and finished the game. My concern is that sometimes the next day brings swelling and tenderness to the point that pressure can't be put on the injured ankle. I certainly hope that is not the case with Keegan.
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Guess who else had a "home team" rally back from a very large 1st half deficit in their B10/ACC matchup?


They must totally suck, Amirite?
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