*****OSU vs Iowa BTT Game Thread*****

A huge play in the game was the OSU freshman blowing by Connor to draw the foul in the last minute. Connor gets to play because he is the coach’s son, though he is a major liability on defense

Great coaching decision to put your unathletic son out on an athletic guard... In a MUST HAVE defensive possession.

Sick of watching coaches kids
No issue with refs. I have issue with the ball and their mental state using it.
Constantly fiddle f*cking with it, can't hit any longer shots with it, short arming it. Just pathetic. And I hate that they have settled on something the whole league dislikes.
Defense has to gamble and switch, find themselves in scrambled mode, and give up open 3’s.
Too many big, stretch a lead possessions and came up with bad shot selection or empty.
Just like Nebraska game we had an offensive lineup who couldn't make stops down the stretch. Point and case connor playing his guy 30 feet from the hoop who just blows by him with no help D.
How embarrassing. Ohio State is not a good team. Every chance to extend to 8 or more.
Just like Nebraska game we had an offensive lineup who couldn't make stops down the stretch. Point and case connor playing his guy 30 feet from the hoop who just blows by him with no help D.
Everyone sticking to their guy worried about giving up a 3, and nobody with the mentality or awareness to step in and take a charge (mainly because it is not coached into them).

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Fran’s tenure aside, this is typical of Iowa BB the past 20+ years. If this is the golden years for Iowa 🏀 like Bardo said, idk how much more of this I can take. For the first time ever, I’m more excited about the women’s tourney. And that’s not meant to be a knock on the women.
We lost to a talented team playing good basketball. I believe they were rated in the top 25 at one time. That doesn’t make us not good. The parity in the Big is unprecedented.
Thanks for coaxing me off the ledge.
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